2010-05-04 6 views

Ich erstelle einen Linux-Dienst, in der Skelett-Datei wird erwähnt, dass wir verschiedene RC-Befehle (rc-Status, rc_reset) ausführen müssen, um den Dienststatus zu aktualisieren. Was bedeutet das eigentlich? Ich habe es gegoogelt aber nicht in der Lage viele Details zu finden. Kann jemand mir helfenWas ist rc.status Datei in Linux



Die Befehle von rc.status sind eigentlich SuSE spezifisch, denke ich. AFAICT behandeln sie zwei Dinge: Ausgabe an den Benutzer und den endgültigen Rückkehrstatus des Skripts. rc_status überprüft, ob der vorherige Befehl (dh der Start/Neustart/Stopp eines Dienstes) erfolgreich ausgeführt wurde und setzt den "Statuswert", der der Rückgabewert rc_exit ist (den Sie am Ende Ihres init.d-Skripts platzieren) . Source

Sie können Ihr Shell-Skript möglicherweise ohne sie schreiben, aber ich nehme an, sie helfen sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Skript den LSB-Anforderungen entspricht und sich gut mit anderen Systemskripts einfügt. Ich wette, dass das meiste davon tatsächlich in der Datei /etc/rc.status dokumentiert ist. Ich habe einfach keine Suesse Box zur Hand. Hier


Sie benötigen ein Shell-Skript, um Ihren Dienst zu stoppen/starten/neu zu starten und seinen Status zu geben. Diese werden allgemein als RC-Skripte bezeichnet. Schauen Sie in das Verzeichnis /etc/init.d, um einige Beispiele zu sehen - /etc/init.d/klogd ist ziemlich einfach.

Der Grund dafür, dass sie sich in init.d befinden, ist, dass sie beim Hochfahren automatisch ausgeführt werden müssen, um den Dienst wiederherzustellen.

Jede Linux-Variante neigt, wie die Boot-Up-Arbeiten ein wenig anders zu sein, aber das Debian-System ist ziemlich typisch, da sie die Grundlage für viele andere Distributionen ist - siehe Debian Boot Up Manager


ist die Kommentare blockieren /etc/init.d/skeleton von SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3:

#  Template SUSE system startup script for example service/daemon FOO 
#  Copyright (C) 1995--2005 Kurt Garloff, SUSE/Novell Inc. 
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at 
#  your option) any later version. 
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
#  Lesser General Public License for more details. 
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
#  USA. 
# /etc/init.d/FOO 
# and its symbolic link 
# /(usr/)sbin/rcFOO 
# Template system startup script for some example service/daemon FOO 
# LSB compatible service control script; see http://www.linuxbase.org/spec/ 
# Note: This template uses functions rc_XXX defined in /etc/rc.status on 
# UnitedLinux/SUSE/Novell based Linux distributions. If you want to base your 
# script on this template and ensure that it works on non UL based LSB 
# compliant Linux distributions, you either have to provide the rc.status 
# functions from UL or change the script to work without them. 
# See skeleton.compat for a template that works with other distros as well. 
# Provides:   FOO 
# Required-Start: $syslog $remote_fs 
# Should-Start:  $time ypbind smtp 
# Required-Stop:  $syslog $remote_fs 
# Should-Stop:  ypbind smtp 
# Default-Start:  3 5 
# Default-Stop:  0 1 2 6 
# Short-Description: FOO XYZ daemon providing ZYX 
# Description:  Start FOO to allow XY and provide YZ 
# continued on second line by '#<TAB>' 
# should contain enough info for the runlevel editor 
# to give admin some idea what this service does and 
# what it's needed for ... 
# (The Short-Description should already be a good hint.) 
# Any extensions to the keywords given above should be preceeded by 
# X-VendorTag- (X-UnitedLinux- X-SuSE- for us) according to LSB. 
# Notes on Required-Start/Should-Start: 
# * There are two different issues that are solved by Required-Start 
# and Should-Start 
# (a) Hard dependencies: This is used by the runlevel editor to determine 
#  which services absolutely need to be started to make the start of 
#  this service make sense. Example: nfsserver should have 
#  Required-Start: $portmap 
#  Also, required services are started before the dependent ones. 
#  The runlevel editor will warn about such missing hard dependencies 
#  and suggest enabling. During system startup, you may expect an error, 
#  if the dependency is not fulfilled. 
# (b) Specifying the init script ordering, not real (hard) dependencies. 
#  This is needed by insserv to determine which service should be 
#  started first (and at a later stage what services can be started 
#  in parallel). The tag Should-Start: is used for this. 
#  It tells, that if a service is available, it should be started 
#  before. If not, never mind. 
# * When specifying hard dependencies or ordering requirements, you can 
# use names of services (contents of their Provides: section) 
# or pseudo names starting with a $. The following ones are available 
# according to LSB (1.1): 
# $local_fs  all local file systems are mounted 
#    (most services should need this!) 
# $remote_fs  all remote file systems are mounted 
#    (note that /usr may be remote, so 
#    many services should Require this!) 
# $syslog   system logging facility up 
# $network  low level networking (eth card, ...) 
# $named   hostname resolution available 
# $netdaemons  all network daemons are running 
# The $netdaemons pseudo service has been removed in LSB 1.2. 
# For now, we still offer it for backward compatibility. 
# These are new (LSB 1.2): 
# $time   the system time has been set correctly 
# $portmap  SunRPC portmapping service available 
# UnitedLinux extensions: 
# $ALL   indicates that a script should be inserted 
#    at the end 
# * The services specified in the stop tags 
# (Required-Stop/Should-Stop) 
# specify which services need to be still running when this service 
# is shut down. Often the entries there are just copies or a subset 
# from the respective start tag. 
# * Should-Start/Stop are now part of LSB as of 2.0, 
# formerly SUSE/Unitedlinux used X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start/-Stop. 
# insserv does support both variants. 
# * X-UnitedLinux-Default-Enabled: yes/no is used at installation time 
# (%fillup_and_insserv macro in %post of many RPMs) to specify whether 
# a startup script should default to be enabled after installation. 
# It's not used by insserv. 
# Note on runlevels: 
# 0 - halt/poweroff    6 - reboot 
# 1 - single user   2 - multiuser without network exported 
# 3 - multiuser w/ network (text mode) 5 - multiuser w/ network and X11 (xdm) 
# Note on script names: 
# http://www.linuxbase.org/spec/refspecs/LSB_1.3.0/gLSB/gLSB/scrptnames.html 
# A registry has been set up to manage the init script namespace. 
# http://www.lanana.org/ 
# Please use the names already registered or register one or use a 
# vendor prefix. 
# Source LSB init functions 
# providing start_daemon, killproc, pidofproc, 
# log_success_msg, log_failure_msg and log_warning_msg. 
# This is currently not used by UnitedLinux based distributions and 
# not needed for init scripts for UnitedLinux only. If it is used, 
# the functions from rc.status should not be sourced or used. 
#. /lib/lsb/init-functions 
# Shell functions sourced from /etc/rc.status: 
#  rc_check   check and set local and overall rc status 
#  rc_status  check and set local and overall rc status 
#  rc_status -v  be verbose in local rc status and clear it afterwards 
#  rc_status -v -r ditto and clear both the local and overall rc status 
#  rc_status -s  display "skipped" and exit with status 3 
#  rc_status -u  display "unused" and exit with status 3 
#  rc_failed  set local and overall rc status to failed 
#  rc_failed <num> set local and overall rc status to <num> 
#  rc_reset   clear both the local and overall rc status 
#  rc_exit   exit appropriate to overall rc status 
#  rc_active  checks whether a service is activated by symlinks 
# Return values acc. to LSB for all commands but status: 
# 0 - success 
# 1  - generic or unspecified error 
# 2  - invalid or excess argument(s) 
# 3  - unimplemented feature (e.g. "reload") 
# 4  - user had insufficient privileges 
# 5  - program is not installed 
# 6  - program is not configured 
# 7  - program is not running 
# 8--199 - reserved (8--99 LSB, 100--149 distrib, 150--199 appl) 
# Note that starting an already running service, stopping 
# or restarting a not-running service as well as the restart 
# with force-reload (in case signaling is not supported) are 
# considered a success. 
## Check status with checkproc(8), if process is running 
## checkproc will return with exit status 0. 
# Return value is slightly different for the status command: 
# 0 - service up and running 
# 1 - service dead, but /var/run/ pid file exists 
# 2 - service dead, but /var/lock/ lock file exists 
# 3 - service not running (unused) 
# 4 - service status unknown :-(
# 5--199 reserved (5--99 LSB, 100--149 distro, 150--199 appl.) 

Hier die Kommentare Block von /etc/rc.status von SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3:

# /etc/rc.status 
# vim: syntax=sh 
# Definition of boot script return messages 
# The bootscripts should use the variables rc_done and rc_failed to 
# report whether they failed or succeeded. See /etc/init.d/skeleton for 
# an example how the shell functions rc_status and rc_reset are used. 
# These functions make use of the variables rc_done and rc_failed; 
# rc_done_up and rc_failed_up are the same as rc_done and rc_failed 
# but contain a terminal code to move up one line before the output 
# of the actual string. (This is particularly useful when the script 
# starts a daemon which produces user output with a newline character) 
# The variable rc_reset is used by the master resource control script 
# /etc/init.d/rc to turn off all attributes and switch to the standard 
# character set. 
# \033   ascii ESCape 
# \033[<NUM>G move to column <NUM> (linux console, xterm, not vt100) 
# \033[<NUM>C move <NUM> columns forward but only upto last column 
# \033[<NUM>D move <NUM> columns backward but only upto first column 
# \033[<NUM>A move <NUM> rows up 
# \033[<NUM>B move <NUM> rows down 
# \033[1m  switch on bold 
# \033[31m  switch on red 
# \033[32m  switch on green 
# \033[33m  switch on yellow 
# \033[m  switch off color/bold 
# \017   exit alternate mode (xterm, vt100, linux console) 
# \033[10m  exit alternate mode (linux console) 
# \015   carriage return (without newline) 

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