2010-12-08 8 views
Hi All, 

    I am currently binding my data in a datagrid like this 

     public DataTable GetAllPrimaryKeyTables(string localServer, string userName, string password, string selectedDatabase) 

       // Create the datatable 
       DataTable dtListOfPrimaryKeyTables = new DataTable("tableNames"); 

       SqlConnectionStringBuilder objConnectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); 
       objConnectionString.DataSource = localServer; ; 
       objConnectionString.UserID = userName; 
       objConnectionString.Password = password; 
       objConnectionString.InitialCatalog = selectedDatabase; 

       // Query to select primary key tables. 
       string selectPrimaryKeyTables = @"SELECT 
                 CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' 
                 TABLE_NAME <> 'dtProperties' 
               ORDER BY 

       // put your SqlConnection and SqlCommand into using blocks! 
       using(SqlConnection sConnection = new SqlConnection(objConnectionString.ConnectionString)) 
       using(SqlCommand sCommand = new SqlCommand(selectPrimaryKeyTables, sConnection)) 
         // Create the dataadapter object 
         SqlDataAdapter sDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(selectPrimaryKeyTables, sConnection); 

         // Fill the datatable - no need to open the connection, the SqlDataAdapter will do that all by itself 
         // (and also close it again after it is done) 
        catch(Exception ex) 
         //All the exceptions are handled and written in the EventLog. 
         EventLog log = new EventLog("Application"); 
         log.Source = "MFDBAnalyser"; 

       // return the data table to the caller 
       return dtListOfPrimaryKeyTables; 


And then giving the datasource as this 

    protected void GetPrimaryKeyTables() 
      DataTable dtPrimaryKeys = new DataAccessMaster().GetAllPrimaryKeyTables(txtHost.Text, txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, Convert.ToString(cmbDatabases.SelectedValue)); 
      dgResultView.DataSource = dtPrimaryKeys; 

But now I need to bind the datatable to a richtextbox control available in the toolbox. 

Waiting for reply!!! 

Wie geht das ??Binding Daten zu einem Rich-Textbox-Steuerelement i Windows-Anwendung


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Ich glaube nicht, dass Sie eine DataTable an eine RichTextBox "wie sie ist" binden können, weil die Struktur der beiden Elemente an sich unterschiedlich sind. Sie können eine Multi-Element-Tabelle nicht "magisch" an ein Element mit einem einzelnen Element-String binden. IMHO sollten Sie den String aus der DB extrahieren und ihn in Ihr RichTextBox Control einfügen (oder als String binden).