2017-01-14 13 views

Ich habe eine PHP-Website-Setup auf meinem lokalen Host (XAMPP) und Online-Server. Auf dem lokalen Host, wenn ich versuche, die Website zu laufen bekomme ich diesen Fehler:Parse-Fehler: Syntaxfehler, unerwartetes Ende der Datei auf XAMPP-Server

Parse-Fehler: Syntaxfehler, unerwartetes Ende der Datei in C: \ XAMPP \ htdocs \ Website \ index.php on line 304

jedoch Derselbe Code funktioniert auch auf dem Online-Server. Hier

ist, wie es aussieht:

$file = "admin/data/home.txt"; 
$fileproduct = "admin/data/product.txt"; 
$fileseo = "admin/data/seohome.txt"; 
$filesm = "admin/data/smhome.txt"; 
$filevideo = "admin/data/video.txt"; 

if (file_exists($file)) $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($file)); 
if (file_exists($fileproduct)) $dataproduct = json_decode(file_get_contents($fileproduct)); 
if (file_exists($fileseo)) $dataseo = json_decode(file_get_contents($fileseo)); 
if (file_exists($filesm)) $datasm = json_decode(file_get_contents($filesm)); 
if (file_exists($filevideo)) $datavideo = json_decode(file_get_contents($filevideo)); 


    switch($settings->currency) { 
     case 'USD': $sym = '$'; break; 
     case 'GBP': $sym = '£'; break; 
     case 'EUR': $sym = '€'; break; 

$allDataSM = array(
    0 => array('title' => 'Twitter Followers', 'name' => 'tw_fo_tx', 'price' => 'tw_fo_pr', 'image' => 'twitter.png'), 
    1 => array('title' => 'Instagram Followers', 'name' => 'in_fo_tx', 'price' => 'in_fo_pr', 'image' => 'instagram.png'), 
    2 => array('title' => 'Facebook Like', 'name' => 'fb_lk_tx', 'price' => 'fb_lk_pr', 'image' => 'facebook.png'), 
    3 => array('title' => 'Youtube Views', 'name' => 'yo_vw_tx', 'price' => 'yo_vw_pr', 'image' => 'youtube.png'), 
    4 => array('title' => 'Twitter Retweet', 'name' => 'tw_rt_tx', 'price' => 'tw_rt_pr', 'image' => 'twitter.png'), 
    5 => array('title' => 'Instagram Likes', 'name' => 'in_lk_tx', 'price' => 'in_lk_pr', 'image' => 'instagram.png'), 
    6 => array('title' => 'Facebook Shares', 'name' => 'fb_sh_tx', 'price' => 'fb_sh_pr', 'image' => 'facebook.png'), 
    7 => array('title' => 'Youtube Subscribes', 'name' => 'yo_su_tx', 'price' => 'yo_su_pr', 'image' => 'youtube.png') 

$allDataSEO = array(
    0 => array('title' => 'BACKLINK PACKAGES', 'name' => 'tw_fo_tx', 'price' => 'tw_fo_pr', 'image' => 'backlinks.png'), 
    1 => array('title' => 'PRESS RELEASES', 'name' => 'in_fo_tx', 'price' => 'in_fo_pr', 'image' => 'pressreleases.png'), 
    2 => array('title' => 'CONTENT WRITING', 'name' => 'fb_lk_tx', 'price' => 'fb_lk_pr', 'image' => 'articlewriting.png'), 
    3 => array('title' => 'ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS', 'name' => 'yo_vw_tx', 'price' => 'yo_vw_pr', 'image' => 'articlesubmission.png'), 
    4 => array('title' => 'SOCIAL BOOKMARKING', 'name' => 'tw_rt_tx', 'price' => 'tw_rt_pr', 'image' => 'socialbookmarking.png'), 
    5 => array('title' => 'VIDEO MARKETING', 'name' => 'in_lk_tx', 'price' => 'in_lk_pr', 'image' => 'videomarketing.png'), 
    6 => array('title' => 'LINK INDEXING', 'name' => 'fb_sh_tx', 'price' => 'fb_sh_pr', 'image' => 'linkindexing.png'), 
    7 => array('title' => 'SOCIAL ACCOUNTS', 'name' => 'yo_su_tx', 'price' => 'yo_su_pr', 'image' => 'socialaccounts.png') 
<!-- Site Description --> 
<div class="presentation container"> 
    <h2><?php echo $data->main_headline != '' ? stripslashes($data->main_headline) : 'We are <span class="violet">SocialPiggy</span>, a viral marketing company.'; ?></h2> 
    <p><?php echo $data->main_headline != '' ? stripslashes($data->sub_headline) : 'We create viral buzz around the internet...'; ?></p> 
<?php if (isset($data->hero_enable) && $data->hero_enable == 1){ ?> 
<div class="what-we-do container hero"> 
<div class="row"> 
<div class="span6 <?php echo $data->hero_video_position == "left"? "" : "right"; ?>"> 
<?php echo stripslashes($data->hero_video); ?> 

<div class="span6"> 
    <h2><?php echo $data->hero_title != '' ? stripslashes($data->hero_title) : 'We are <span class="violet">SocialPiggy</span>, a viral marketing company.'; ?></h2> 
    <p><?php echo $data->hero_desc != '' ? stripslashes($data->hero_desc) : 'We create viral buzz around the internet...'; ?></p> 
<?php } ?> 
    $fixed_str = ' <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"> 
        <input type="hidden" name="business" value="'.$settings->paypal.'"> 
        <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> 
        <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">'; 
    $btn = '<input type="submit" class="btn_new" value="Buy Now" />'; 
    <!-- Videos --> 
<?php if (isset($datavideo->video_enable) && $datavideo->video_enable == 1){ ?> 
    <div class="what-we-do container"> 
     <div class="row"> 

      for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { 

       for ($j = 1; $j <= $settings->total_videos; $j++) 
        if ($datavideo->video_name->$j == $data->video->$i) 
         <div class="service span6 productbox"> 
          <p class="mg15"></p> 
          <div class=""> 
           <?php echo '<iframe width="560" height="280" src="'.str_replace("watch?v=", "embed/",$datavideo->link->$j).'?showinfo=0&controls=0&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; ?> 
          <div class="left span5 spleft"><h4><?php echo stripslashes($datavideo->video_name->$j); ?></h4><p><?php echo stripslashes($datavideo->video_desc->$j); ?></p> 
           <!-- <p></p>Price : <?php echo $sym. $datavideo->price->$j; ?><br><p></p><p></p>--> 
           <form id="signup" action="<?php echo paypal_path; ?>" method="post"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $settings->paypal; ?>"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo stripslashes($datavideo->video_name->$j); ?>"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $datavideo->price->$j; ?>"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/thankyou.php'; ?>"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $settings->currency; ?>"> 
            <!-- <input type="image" src="images/bn.png" border="0" name="submit"> --> 
            <?php echo '<input type="submit" class="btn_new" value="'.$datavideo->video_buy_button->$j.' for '.$sym. trim($datavideo->price->$j).'">'; ?> 
          <div class="clear"></div> 

<?php } ?> 
<!-- Products --> 
<?php if (1==2 && isset($dataproduct->product_enable) && $dataproduct->product_enable == 1){ ?> 
<div class="what-we-do container"> 
    <div class="row"> 

for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { 

    for ($j = 1; $j <= $settings->total_products; $j++) { 
     if ($dataproduct->product_name->$j == $data->product->$i) 
      <div class="service span6 productbox"> 
       <p class="mg15"></p> 
       <div class="left span2"> 
        <div class="icon-awesome "> <img src="http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?>/admin/data/images/<?php echo $dataproduct->product_img->$j; ?>" style="max-width:150px;"> </div> 
       <div class="left span3 spleft"><h4><?php echo stripslashes($dataproduct->product_name->$j); ?></h4><p><?php echo stripslashes($dataproduct->product_desc->$j); ?></p> 
       <p></p>Price : <?php echo $sym . $dataproduct->price->$j; ?><br><p></p><p></p> 
        <form id="signup" action="<?php echo paypal_path; ?>" method="post"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $settings->paypal; ?>"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo stripslashes($dataproduct->product_name->$j); ?>"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $dataproduct->price->$j; ?>"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo $dataproduct->link->$j; ?>"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $settings->currency; ?>"> 
         <!-- <input type="image" src="images/bn.png" border="0" name="submit"> --> 
         <?php echo $btn; ?> 
       <div class="clear"></div> 

<?php } ?> 
<!-- SEO --> 
<?php if (isset($dataseo->seohome_enable) && $dataseo->seohome_enable == 1){ ?> 
<div class="presentation container"> 
    <h2><?php echo $dataseo->main_headline != '' ? stripslashes($dataseo->main_headline) : 'We are <span class="violet">SocialPiggy</span>, a viral marketing company.'; ?></h2> 
    <p><?php echo $dataseo->main_headline != '' ? stripslashes($dataseo->sub_headline) : 'We create viral buzz around the internet...'; ?></p> 
<div class="what-we-do container"> 
    <div class="row"> 

for ($t = 1; $t < 5; $t++) { 

    for ($j = 0; $j < count($allDataSEO); $j++) { 
     if ($allDataSEO[$j]["name"] == $data->seoservice->$t) 
     <div class="service span3"> 
      <div class="icon-awesome"><img src="images/<?php echo $allDataSEO[$j]["image"]; ?>"></div> 
      <h4><?php echo $allDataSEO[$j]["title"]; ?></h4> 
      <form id="signup" action="<?php echo paypal_path; ?>" method="post"> 
       <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo $allDataSEO[$j]["title"]; ?>"> 

       <?php echo $fixed_str; ?> 
       <input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Selected value "> 
        for($tmp = 1; $tmp <= count((array)$dataseo->$allDataSEO[$j]["name"]); $tmp++) { 
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="option_select'.$tmp.'" value="'.filter_var($dataseo->$allDataSEO[$j]["name"]->$tmp, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT).'">'; 
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="option_amount'.$tmp.'" value="'.$dataseo->$allDataSEO[$j]["price"]->$tmp.'">'; 
       <div class="styled-select"> 
        <select name="os0"> 
          $tmp = 1; 
          for($i = 1; $i <= count((array)$dataseo->$allDataSEO[$j]["name"]); $i++) { 
           echo '<option value="'. filter_var($dataseo->$allDataSEO[$j]["name"]->$i, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT).'">'.$dataseo->$allDataSEO[$j]["name"]->$i.' - '.$sym.$dataseo->$allDataSEO[$j]["price"]->$i.'</option>'; 
       <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/thankyou.php'; ?>"> 
       <input type="hidden" name="on1" value="SiteURL:"> Enter URL 
       <input class="tb7" type="text" name="os1" id="TwitterRetweet" maxlength="200"> 
       <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $settings->currency; ?>"><br> 
       <center><!-- <input type="image" src="images/bn.png" border="0" name="submit"> --> <?php echo $btn; ?></center> 
    <?php } ?> 
<?php if (isset($datasm->smhome_enable) && $datasm->smhome_enable == 1){ ?> 
<!-- Social Media --> 
<div class="presentation container"> 
    <h2><?php echo $datasm->main_headline != '' ? stripslashes($datasm->main_headline) : 'We are <span class="violet">SocialPiggy</span>, a viral marketing company.'; ?></h2> 
    <p><?php echo $datasm->main_headline != '' ? stripslashes($datasm->sub_headline) : 'We create viral buzz around the internet...'; ?></p> 
    <div class="what-we-do container"> 
     <div class="row"> 

      for ($t = 1; $t < 5; $t++) { 

       for ($j = 0; $j < count($allDataSM); $j++) { 
        if ($allDataSM[$j]["name"] == $data->smservice->$t) 
         <div class="service span3"> 
          <div class="icon-awesome"><img src="images/<?php echo $allDataSM[$j]["image"]; ?>"></div> 
          <h4><?php echo $allDataSM[$j]["title"]; ?></h4> 
          <form id="signup" action="<?php echo paypal_path; ?>" method="post"> 
           <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo $allDataSM[$j]["title"]; ?>"> 

           <?php echo $fixed_str; ?> 
           <input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Selected value " /> 
           for($tmp = 1; $tmp <= count((array)$datasm->$allDataSM[$j]["name"]); $tmp++) { 
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="option_select'.$tmp.'" value="'.filter_var($datasm->$allDataSM[$j]["name"]->$tmp, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT).'">'; 
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="option_amount'.$tmp.'" value="'.$datasm->$allDataSM[$j]["price"]->$tmp.'">'; 
           <div class="styled-select"> 
            <select name="os0"> 
             $tmp = 1; 
             for($i = 1; $i <= count((array)$datasm->$allDataSM[$j]["name"]); $i++) { 
              echo '<option value="'. filter_var($datasm->$allDataSM[$j]["name"]->$i, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT).'">'.$datasm->$allDataSM[$j]["name"]->$i.' - '.$sym.$datasm->$allDataSM[$j]["price"]->$i.'</option>'; 
           <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/thankyou.php'; ?>"> 
           <input type="hidden" name="on1" value="SiteURL:"> Enter URL 
           <input class="tb7" type="text" name="os1" id="TwitterRetweet" maxlength="200"> 
           <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $settings->currency; ?>"><br> 
           <center><!-- <input type="image" src="images/bn.png" border="0" name="submit"> --> <?php echo $btn; ?></center> 
<?php } ?> 
<!-- Latest Work --> 

<?php if ($settings->total_testi > 0) { ?> 
    <!-- Testimonials --> 
    <div class="testimonials container"> 
     <div class="testimonials-title"> 
     <div class="row"> 
      <div class="tab-content"> 
        for($i = 1; $i <= $settings->total_testi; $i++) { 
         echo ' 
          <div class="testimonial-list"> 
           <img src="admin/data/images/'.$data->testi_img->$i.'" title="" alt=""> 
           <p>'.stripslashes($data->testi_msg->$i).'<br><span class="violet" style="color: '.$settings->dark_color.';">'.$data->testi_auth->$i.'</span></p> 
<?php } ?> 
.productbox div { 
    text-align: center; 
    .what-we-do .service { border-bottom: 2px solid <?php echo $settings->dark_color; ?> } 
<?php } 

Was kann das Problem sein und es behoben werden könnte?

Vielen Dank im Voraus!


Information that was incorrect was fixed in the code below if it still does not work then please give all the code to correctly see which line is actually throwing an error 

<div class="testimonials container"> 
      <div class="testimonials-title"> 
      <div class="row"> 
       <div class="tab-content"> 
         for($i = 1; $i <= $settings->total_testi; $i++) { 
          echo ' 
           <div class="testimonial-list"> 
            <img src="admin/data/images/'.$data->testi_img->$i.'" title="" alt=""> 
            <p>'.stripslashes($data->testi_msg->$i).'<br><span class="violet" style="color: '.$settings->dark_color.';">'.$data->testi_auth->$i.'</span></p> 

hatte eine zufällige <?php } ?> nicht sicher, was das Schließen ist, aber es war nicht in der Angabe der Quelle setzen.

    .productbox div { 
     text-align: center; 
     .what-we-do .service { border-bottom: 2px solid <?php echo $settings->dark_color; ?> } 

das Schließen/End-Tag '>' nicht erforderlich ist - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4410704/why-would-one-omit-the-close-tag oder http: // Stackoverflow .com/questions/19953483/php-end-tag – Sean


Danke, dass ich das nicht beheben kann :) –


Danke, dass du dir @JacobWebb angeschaut hast. Ich habe es versucht, aber es hat nicht geklappt. Auch bin ich überrascht, wie es auf dem Online-Server funktioniert, aber nicht auf localhost. Ich werde versuchen, eine vollständige Datei anzuhängen! – Sheryl

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