2016-03-22 10 views

Ich verwende 'chewy' Edelstein für elasticsearch in meiner ROR-Anwendung. Aber ich habe keine Dokumentation für elasticsearch scroll api gefunden. Ich bekomme einen Fehler, wenn ich zur letzten Seite der Datensätze blicke.Wie benutze elasticsearch scroll api mit einem zähen Edelstein?

[500] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_phase_execution_exception","reason":"Result window is too 
large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [19450]. See the scroll api for a more 
efficient way to request large data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_window] 
index level parameter."}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed", 
"reason":{"type":"query_phase_execution_exception","reason":"Result window is too large, from + size must 
be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [19450]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request 
large data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_window] index level 

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, elasticsearch scroll api in chewy Juwel zu implementieren oder ist ihre andere Option?


mit Es ist wie jetzt, wie der aussieht, 17. August 2016, Chewy hat ein offener Fehler für die Verwendung von Chewy mit der Scroll-API: https://github.com/toptal/chewy/issues/327 –



So stellen Sie die Abfrage Größe kleiner und Sie können blättern in Chargen verwenden:

# @example Call the `scroll` API until all the documents are returned 
    #  # Index 1,000 documents 
    #  client.indices.delete index: 'test' 
    #  1_000.times do |i| client.index index: 'test', type: 'test', id: i+1, body: {title: "Test #{i}"} end 
    #  client.indices.refresh index: 'test' 
    #  # Open the "view" of the index by passing the `scroll` parameter 
    #  # Sorting by `_doc` makes the operations faster 
    #  r = client.search index: 'test', scroll: '1m', 
       body: {size: 100, sort: ['_doc']} 
    #  # Display the initial results 
    #  puts "--- BATCH 0 -------------------------------------------------" 
    #  puts r['hits']['hits'].map { |d| d['_source']['title'] }.inspect 
    #  # Call the `scroll` API until empty results are returned 
    #  while r = client.scroll(scroll_id: r['_scroll_id'], scroll: '5m') and not r['hits']['hits'].empty? do 
    #  puts "--- BATCH #{defined?($i) ? $i += 1 : $i = 1} -------------------------------------------------" 
    #  puts r['hits']['hits'].map { |d| d['_source']['title'] }.inspect 
    #  puts 
    #  end 

genommen Beispiel aus here die Elasticsearch DSL Gem

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