2010-07-19 7 views

Gibt es eine native Python-Implementierung des Jenkins hash Algorithmus (s)?Python-Implementierung von Jenkins Hash?

Ich brauche einen Hash-Algorithmus, der eine beliebige Zeichenfolge und verwandelt es in eine 32-Bit-Ganzzahl. Für eine gegebene Zeichenfolge muss sichergestellt werden, dass dieselbe Ganzzahl plattformübergreifend zurückgegeben wird.

Ich habe den ELF-Hash-Algorithmus angeschaut, von dem ich eine Python-Implementierung gefunden habe. Kann dies angesichts der oben genannten Kriterien ein geeigneter Ersatz sein? (http://www.partow.net/programming/hashfunctions/#ELFHashFunction)



Es gibt bereits eine "jenkins" package auf PyPi. Aber es ist nicht „native“, wie der Kern Implementierung in C ist


Ja geben, ich habe es gefunden, aber Ich erhalte Fehlermeldungen über eine fehlende .bat-Datei, wenn ich versuche, sie unter Windows zu installieren. Ich suche nach einer Lösung mit minimalen Voraussetzungen. – DavidR


Das Jenkins 1.0.2 PyPi-Paket funktioniert auch unter Linux nicht mit "OSError: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/lookup3.so: Shared Object-Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden: Keine solche Datei oder Verzeichnis" –


Sie können nur die ersten 32 Bits eines md5sum verwenden

>>> from hashlib import md5 
>>> from struct import unpack 
>>> unpack("<IIII",md5("thestring").digest())[0] 

Normalerweise ist MD5 aus Geschwindigkeitsgründen vermieden, es sei denn, Sie * wirklich * brauchen einen kryptografischen Hash. Aber natürlich wird die C-Bibliothek-Implementierung von MD5 wahrscheinlich die pure Python-Implementierung des obigen Algorithmus mit weitem Abstand übertreffen! –


Ended up Umsetzung es auf eigene Faust. Veröffentlicht nach dem ursprünglichen Copyright-Hinweis (siehe unten). Verwenden Sie auf Ihr eigenes Risiko und Spaß haben :-)

'''Implements a straight Jenkins lookup hash - http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html 

    from jhash import jhash 
    print jhash('My hovercraft is full of eels') 

Returns: unsigned 32 bit integer value 

Prereqs: None 

Tested with Python 2.6. 
Version 1.00 - [email protected] - 23.08.2010 

Partly based on the Perl module Digest::JHash 

Original copyright notice: 
    By Bob Jenkins, 1996. [email protected] You may use this 
    code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial. It's free. 

    See http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/evahash.html 
    Use for hash table lookup, or anything where one collision in 2^^32 is 
    acceptable. Do NOT use for cryptographic purposes. 

def mix(a, b, c): 
    '''mix() -- mix 3 32-bit values reversibly. 
For every delta with one or two bits set, and the deltas of all three 
    high bits or all three low bits, whether the original value of a,b,c 
    is almost all zero or is uniformly distributed, 
* If mix() is run forward or backward, at least 32 bits in a,b,c 
    have at least 1/4 probability of changing. 
* If mix() is run forward, every bit of c will change between 1/3 and 
    2/3 of the time. (Well, 22/100 and 78/100 for some 2-bit deltas.)''' 
    # Need to constrain U32 to only 32 bits using the & 0xffffffff 
    # since Python has no native notion of integers limited to 32 bit 
    # http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#numeric-types-int-float-long-complex 
    a &= 0xffffffff; b &= 0xffffffff; c &= 0xffffffff 
    a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>13); a &= 0xffffffff 
    b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<8); b &= 0xffffffff 
    c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>13); c &= 0xffffffff 
    a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>12); a &= 0xffffffff 
    b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<16); b &= 0xffffffff 
    c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>5); c &= 0xffffffff 
    a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>3); a &= 0xffffffff 
    b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<10); b &= 0xffffffff 
    c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>15); c &= 0xffffffff 
    return a, b, c 

def jhash(data, initval = 0): 
    '''hash() -- hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value 
    data : the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes) 
    initval : can be any 4-byte value, defaults to 0 
Returns a 32-bit value. Every bit of the key affects every bit of 
the return value. Every 1-bit and 2-bit delta achieves avalanche.''' 
    length = lenpos = len(data) 

    # empty string returns 0 
    if length == 0: 
     return 0 

    # Set up the internal state 
    a = b = 0x9e3779b9 # the golden ratio; an arbitrary value 
    c = initval  # the previous hash value 
    p = 0    # string offset 

    # ------------------------- handle most of the key in 12 byte chunks 
    while lenpos >= 12: 
     a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)) 
     b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24)) 
     c += (ord(data[p+8]) + (ord(data[p+9])<<8) + (ord(data[p+10])<<16) + (ord(data[p+11])<<24)) 
     a, b, c = mix(a, b, c) 
     p += 12 
     lenpos -= 12 

    # ------------------------- handle the last 11 bytes 
    c += length 
    if lenpos >= 11: c += ord(data[p+10])<<24 
    if lenpos >= 10: c += ord(data[p+9])<<16 
    if lenpos >= 9: c += ord(data[p+8])<<8 
    # the first byte of c is reserved for the length 
    if lenpos >= 8: b += ord(data[p+7])<<24 
    if lenpos >= 7: b += ord(data[p+6])<<16 
    if lenpos >= 6: b += ord(data[p+5])<<8 
    if lenpos >= 5: b += ord(data[p+4]) 
    if lenpos >= 4: a += ord(data[p+3])<<24 
    if lenpos >= 3: a += ord(data[p+2])<<16 
    if lenpos >= 2: a += ord(data[p+1])<<8 
    if lenpos >= 1: a += ord(data[p+0]) 
    a, b, c = mix(a, b, c) 

    # ------------------------- report the result 
    return c 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    hashstr = 'My hovercraft is full of eels' 
    myhash = jhash(hashstr) 
    print 'jhash("%s"): %d' % (hashstr, myhash) 

Dieser native Python-Code sollten Sie den gleichen Hash wie das Original lookup3.c

# Need to constrain U32 to only 32 bits using the & 0xffffffff 
# since Python has no native notion of integers limited to 32 bit 
# http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#numeric-types-int-float-long-complex 

'''Original copyright notice: 
    By Bob Jenkins, 1996. [email protected] You may use this 
    code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial. Its free. 

def rot(x,k): 
    return (((x)<<(k)) | ((x)>>(32-(k)))) 

def mix(a, b, c): 
    a &= 0xffffffff; b &= 0xffffffff; c &= 0xffffffff 
    a -= c; a &= 0xffffffff; a ^= rot(c,4); a &= 0xffffffff; c += b; c &= 0xffffffff 
    b -= a; b &= 0xffffffff; b ^= rot(a,6); b &= 0xffffffff; a += c; a &= 0xffffffff 
    c -= b; c &= 0xffffffff; c ^= rot(b,8); c &= 0xffffffff; b += a; b &= 0xffffffff 
    a -= c; a &= 0xffffffff; a ^= rot(c,16); a &= 0xffffffff; c += b; c &= 0xffffffff 
    b -= a; b &= 0xffffffff; b ^= rot(a,19); b &= 0xffffffff; a += c; a &= 0xffffffff 
    c -= b; c &= 0xffffffff; c ^= rot(b,4); c &= 0xffffffff; b += a; b &= 0xffffffff 
    return a, b, c 

def final(a, b, c): 
    a &= 0xffffffff; b &= 0xffffffff; c &= 0xffffffff 
    c ^= b; c &= 0xffffffff; c -= rot(b,14); c &= 0xffffffff 
    a ^= c; a &= 0xffffffff; a -= rot(c,11); a &= 0xffffffff 
    b ^= a; b &= 0xffffffff; b -= rot(a,25); b &= 0xffffffff 
    c ^= b; c &= 0xffffffff; c -= rot(b,16); c &= 0xffffffff 
    a ^= c; a &= 0xffffffff; a -= rot(c,4); a &= 0xffffffff 
    b ^= a; b &= 0xffffffff; b -= rot(a,14); b &= 0xffffffff 
    c ^= b; c &= 0xffffffff; c -= rot(b,24); c &= 0xffffffff 
    return a, b, c 

def hashlittle2(data, initval = 0, initval2 = 0): 
    length = lenpos = len(data) 

    a = b = c = (0xdeadbeef + (length) + initval) 

    c += initval2; c &= 0xffffffff 

    p = 0 # string offset 
    while lenpos > 12: 
     a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); a &= 0xffffffff 
     b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24)); b &= 0xffffffff 
     c += (ord(data[p+8]) + (ord(data[p+9])<<8) + (ord(data[p+10])<<16) + (ord(data[p+11])<<24)); c &= 0xffffffff 
     a, b, c = mix(a, b, c) 
     p += 12 
     lenpos -= 12 

    if lenpos == 12: c += (ord(data[p+8]) + (ord(data[p+9])<<8) + (ord(data[p+10])<<16) + (ord(data[p+11])<<24)); b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24)); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); 
    if lenpos == 11: c += (ord(data[p+8]) + (ord(data[p+9])<<8) + (ord(data[p+10])<<16)); b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24)); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); 
    if lenpos == 10: c += (ord(data[p+8]) + (ord(data[p+9])<<8)); b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24)); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); 
    if lenpos == 9: c += (ord(data[p+8])); b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24)); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); 
    if lenpos == 8: b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24)); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); 
    if lenpos == 7: b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16)); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); 
    if lenpos == 6: b += ((ord(data[p+5])<<8) + ord(data[p+4])); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)) 
    if lenpos == 5: b += (ord(data[p+4])); a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)); 
    if lenpos == 4: a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24)) 
    if lenpos == 3: a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16)) 
    if lenpos == 2: a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8)) 
    if lenpos == 1: a += ord(data[p+0]) 
    a &= 0xffffffff; b &= 0xffffffff; c &= 0xffffffff 
    if lenpos == 0: return c, b 

    a, b, c = final(a, b, c) 

    return c, b 

def hashlittle(data, initval=0): 
    c, b = hashlittle2(data, initval, 0) 
    return c 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    import sys 
    hashstr = 'Four score and seven years ago' 
    hash, hash2 = hashlittle2(hashstr, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef) 
    print '"%s": %x %x' % (hashstr, hash, hash2) 

    hash = hashlittle(hashstr, 0) 
    print '"%s": %x' % (hashstr, hash) 

Amazing !, funktioniert perfekt, ich getestet gegen meine lokale c-Implementierung der gleichen Hash, vielen Dank !, Sie ersparte mir eine Menge Arbeit :) –