2017-11-22 1 views

JavaScript. Webbrowser Fehler: "ReferenceError: Funktion ist nicht definiert". Ich nenne diese JavaScript-Datei immer. Es funktioniert nie. Der Fehler "ReferenceError: CMenu ist nicht definiert" wird immer im Debugger des Webbrowsers angezeigt. Warum? Wie kann ich es lösen? Ich rufe das Javascript auf, wenn ich im Webbrowser eines Splunk-Dashboards lade. Das Skript ruft die Funktion in Zeile 680 auf. Ich weiß nicht warum der Fehler. Die Funktion ist höher in derselben JavaScript-Datei definiert. Vielen Dank. Ich brauche Hilfe.JavaScript. Webbrowser Fehler: "ReferenceError: Funktion ist nicht definiert"


(function (global, factory) { 
    typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : 
    typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : 
    (global.CMenu = factory()); 
}(this, function() { 'use strict'; 

    function rotateDeg (i){ 
     return this.startDeg + this.rotateUnit * i; 

    function rotateDeg$1 (i){ 
     return - (this.rotateDeg(i) + this.unskewDeg); 

    function startDeg(config) { 
     var top = -(config.totalAngle - 180)/2, 
      positions = { 
       top: top, 
\t \t \t \t top1: top + 40, 
\t \t \t \t top2: top + 80, \t \t \t \t 
\t \t \t \t top3: top + 120, \t 
\t \t \t \t top4: top + 160, \t 
\t \t \t \t top5: top + 200, \t 
\t \t \t \t top6: top + 240, \t 
\t \t \t \t top7: top + 280, \t 
\t \t \t \t top8: top + 320, \t 
       left: top - 90, 
       right: top + 90, 
       bottom: top + 180 

     return config.start !== undefined ? config.start : positions[config.position]; 

    const antialiasing = 3; 

    function coverRadius(radius, percent) { 
     var square = radius * radius * 2; 
     return Math.sqrt(square) * percent + antialiasing; 

    function coverSize (coverRadius) { 
     var l = coverRadius * 2; 
     var m = -l/2; 

     l += "px"; 
     m += "px"; 
     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l, 
      marginLeft: m, 
      marginTop: m 

    function menuSize (config) { 
     var l = config.diameter; 
     var m = - config.diameter/2; 

     l += "px"; 
     m += "px"; 

     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l, 
      marginLeft: m, 
      marginTop: m 

    const fixedTop = 10; 

    function clickZoneSize (config) { 
     var l = config.diameter; 
     var m = - config.diameter/2; 

     l += "px"; 
     m += "px"; 

     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l, 
      marginRight: m, 
      marginBottom: m 

    function listSize (config) { 
     var l = (config.diameter/2) + 'px'; 

     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l 

    const middleRatio = 0.41; 

    function textTop (clickZoneRadius) { 
     return clickZoneRadius * middleRatio - fixedTop + 'px'; 


    function Calculation(config) { 
     this._config = config; 

     var c = this.config = config, 
      itemsNum = c.menus.length, 
      spaceNumber = c.totalAngle === 360 ? itemsNum : itemsNum - 1; 

     this.radius = config.diameter/2; 
     this.coverRadius = coverRadius(this.radius, config.percent); 
     this.clickZoneRadius = this.radius - this.coverRadius; 



     this.listSize = listSize(config); 
     this.clickZoneSize = clickZoneSize(config); 
     this.menuSize = menuSize(config); 
     this.coverSize = coverSize(this.coverRadius); 
     this.startDeg = startDeg(config); 
     this.centralDeg = (c.totalAngle - (c.spaceDeg * spaceNumber))/itemsNum; 
     this.rotateUnit = this.centralDeg + c.spaceDeg; 
     this.skewDeg = 90 - this.centralDeg; 
     this.unskewDeg = - (90 - this.centralDeg/2); 
     this.textTop = textTop(this.clickZoneRadius); 

    Calculation.prototype = { 
     constructor: Calculation, 
     rotateDeg: rotateDeg, 
     horizontalDeg: rotateDeg$1 

    function createLists (parent) { 
     this._config.menus.forEach(function(v, k){ 

      this._createList(parent, v, k); 
     }, this); 


    function defaultView(node) { 
     return (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView) // node is a Node 
      || (node.document && node) // node is a Window 
      || node.defaultView; // node is a Document 

    function styleRemove(name) { 

    function styleConstant(name, value, priority) { 
     this.style.setProperty(name, value, priority); 

    function styleFunction(name, value, priority) { 
     var v = value.apply(this, arguments); 
     if (v == null) this.style.removeProperty(name); 
     else this.style.setProperty(name, v, priority); 

    function style(ele, name, value, priority) { 

     var node; 
     return arguments.length > 1 
      ? ((value == null 
      ? styleRemove : typeof value === "function" 
      ? styleFunction 
      : styleConstant).call(ele, name, value, priority == null ? "" : priority)) 
      : defaultView(node = ele) 
      .getComputedStyle(node, null) 

    function createList(parent, data, index){ 

     var list = document.createElement('li'); 
     style(list, 'width', this._calc.listSize.width); 
     style(list, 'height', this._calc.listSize.height); 
     style(list, 'transform', 'rotate('+ this._calc.rotateDeg(index) +'deg) skew('+ this._calc.skewDeg +'deg)'); 


     this._createAnchor(list, data, index); 


    function classArray(string) { 
     return string.trim().split(/^|\s+/); 

    function classList(node) { 
     return node.classList || new ClassList(node); 

    function ClassList(node) { 
     this._node = node; 
     this._names = classArray(node.getAttribute("class") || ""); 

    ClassList.prototype = { 
     add: function(name) { 
      var i = this._names.indexOf(name); 
      if (i < 0) { 
       this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); 
     remove: function(name) { 
      var i = this._names.indexOf(name); 
      if (i >= 0) { 
       this._names.splice(i, 1); 
       this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); 
     contains: function(name) { 
      return this._names.indexOf(name) >= 0; 

    function classedAdd(node, names) { 
     var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length; 
     while (++i < n) list.add(names[i]); 

    function classedRemove(node, names) { 
     var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length; 
     while (++i < n) list.remove(names[i]); 

    function classedTrue(names) { 
     classedAdd(this, names); 

    function classedFalse(names) { 
     classedRemove(this, names); 

    function classedFunction(names, value) { 
     (value.apply(this, arguments) ? classedAdd : classedRemove)(this, names); 

    function classed(ele, name, value) { 
     var names = classArray(name + ""); 

     if (arguments.length < 2) { 
      var list = classList(this), i = -1, n = names.length; 
      while (++i < n) if (!list.contains(names[i])) return false; 
      return true; 

     var callee = (typeof value === "function" 
      ? classedFunction : value 
      ? classedTrue 
      : classedFalse).call(ele, names, value); 

    var UID = { 
     _current: 0, 
     getNew: function(){ 
      return this._current; 
    function styleSheet (element, prop, value, pseudo) { 
     var _this = element; 
     var _sheetId = "sheetStyles"; 
     var _head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; 
     var _sheet = document.getElementById(_sheetId) || document.createElement('style'); 
     _sheet.id = _sheetId; 
     var className = "s-S" + UID.getNew(); 
     _this.className += " " + className; 



     _sheet.innerHTML += " ." + className + (pseudo ? (":" + pseudo) : "") + "{" + prop + ":" + value + "}"; 
     return this; 

    function on (ele, type, callback, data) { 
     ele.addEventListener(type, function(e){ 
      callback.call(this, e, data); 

    function createMenu(){ 
     var p = this._container; 

     classed(p, 'circular-menu', true); 
     style(p, 'width', this._calc.menuSize.width); 
     style(p, 'height', this._calc.menuSize.height); 
     style(p, 'margin-top', this._calc.menuSize.marginTop); 
     style(p, 'margin-left', this._calc.menuSize.marginLeft); 
     var self = this; 
     on(p, "click", function(e){ 
      if(e.toElement === p){ 
      style(p, 'display', 'block'); 

     styleSheet(p, 'width', this._calc.coverSize.width, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'height', this._calc.coverSize.height, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'margin-left', this._calc.coverSize.marginLeft, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'margin-top', this._calc.coverSize.marginTop, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'border', "3px solid " + this._config.pageBackground, 'after'); 


     var ul = p.appendChild(document.createElement('ul')); 

    function hasSubMenus(menus) { 
     return menus instanceof Array && menus.length !== 0; 
    function ifDisabled(disabled){ 
     if(disabled instanceof Function) 
      return disabled(); 
      return Boolean(disabled); 

    function setHref(ele, href){ 
     if(!href) return; 

     if(href instanceof Object){ 
      ele.href = href.url; 
      ele.target = href.blank? "_blank" : ""; 
      ele.href = href; 



    var delayShow = null;// delayShow reference the last setTimeout triggered by any one of menu item(anchor) 

    function createAnchor (parent, data, index) { 
     var self = this; 

     var delayHide = null;// delayHide reference the last setTimeout triggered by the menu item itself 

     var a = document.createElement('a'); 

     setHref(a, data.href); 

     a.setDisabled = function(){ 
      classed(a, 'disabled', ifDisabled(data.disabled)); 


     style(a, 'width', this._calc.clickZoneSize.width); 
     style(a, 'height', this._calc.clickZoneSize.height); 
     style(a, 'right', this._calc.clickZoneSize.marginRight); 
     style(a, 'bottom', this._calc.clickZoneSize.marginBottom); 
     style(a, 'transform', 'skew(' + -this._calc.skewDeg + 'deg) rotate(' + this._calc.unskewDeg + 'deg) scale(1)'); 

     classed(a, 'disabled', ifDisabled(data.disabled)); 


     var percent = this._config.percent * 100 + "%"; 
     styleSheet(a, 'background', 'radial-gradient(transparent ' + percent + ', ' + this._config.background + ' ' + percent + ')'); 
     styleSheet(a, 'background', 'radial-gradient(transparent ' + percent + ', ' + this._config.backgroundHover + ' ' + percent + ')', 'hover'); 


     function clickCallBack(e, data){ 
      if (data.click) data.click.call(this, e, data); 

       if(self._cMenu._pMenu) self._cMenu._pMenu.hide(); 
       if(subMenu) subMenu.hide(); 

     on(a, 'click', clickCallBack, data); 


     this._createHorizontal(a, data, index); 
     //toggle subMenu 
     if (hasSubMenus(data.menus)) { 
      var subMenu = this._createSubMenu(self, data.menus, index); 

      on(a, 'mouseenter', function() { 

       delayShow = setTimeout(function() { 
            top: self._container.offsetTop + self._calc.radius + 'px', 
            left: self._container.offsetLeft + self._calc.radius + 'px' 
       }, 150); 

      on(a, 'mouseleave', function (e) { 
       if (!subMenu._container.contains(e.toElement)) { 
        delayHide = setTimeout(function() { 
        }, 200); 

      on(subMenu._container, 'mouseenter', function() { 

      on(subMenu._container, 'mouseleave', function (e) { 
       if (!a.contains(e.toElement) || e.toElement.children[0] === a) { 

    const sizeRatio = 0.65; 
    const marginTopRatio = 0.2; 
    const fontHeight = 13; 

    function hasIcon(icon){ 
     if(icon === undefined) return false; 
     else if(typeof icon === "string") return icon !== ""; 
     else return icon.length && icon[0] !== ""; 

    function getIcon(icon){ 
     return typeof icon === "string"? icon : icon[0]; 

    function getIconColor(icon){ 
     return typeof icon === "string"? null : icon[1]; 

    function createIcon (parent, data, index) { 
     if(!hasIcon(data.icon)) return; 

     var span = document.createElement('span'); 

     var icon = getIcon(data.icon), 
      color = getIconColor(data.icon); 

     classed(span, icon + " cm-icon", true); 
     style(span, 'color', color); 

     var l = this._calc.clickZoneRadius * sizeRatio - fontHeight + "px", 
      m = this._calc.clickZoneRadius * marginTopRatio - fontHeight + "px"; 
     style(span, 'width', l); 
     style(span, 'height', l); 
     style(span, 'font-size', l); 
     style(span, 'margin-top', m); 


    const withIconMarginTop = "3px"; 
    const withIconTop = "-3px"; 

    function createText (parent, data, index) { 

     var span = document.createElement('span'); 
     span.textContent = data.title; 

     classed(span, 'text', true); 
     style(span, 'margin-top', hasIcon(data.icon)? withIconMarginTop : this._calc.textTop); 
     style(span, 'top', hasIcon(data.icon)? withIconTop : 0); 


    function createHorizontal (parent, data, index) { 

     var div = document.createElement('div'); 
     classed(div, "horizontal", true); 

     if(this._config.horizontal) style(div, 'transform', 'rotate('+ this._calc.horizontalDeg(index) +'deg)'); 


     this._createIcon(div, data, index); 
     this._createText(div, data, index); 

    function extend$1() { 
     // Variables 
     var extended = {}; 
     var deep = false; 
     var i = 0; 
     var length = arguments.length; 

     // Check if a deep merge 
     if (Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0]) === '[object Boolean]') { 
      deep = arguments[0]; 

     // Merge the object into the extended object 
     var merge = function (obj) { 
      for (var prop in obj) { 
       if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) { 
        // If deep merge and property is an object, merge properties 
        if (deep && Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop]) === '[object Object]') { 
         extended[prop] = extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]); 
        } else { 
         extended[prop] = obj[prop]; 

     // Loop through each object and conduct a merge 
     for (; i < length; i++) { 
      var obj = arguments[i]; 

     return extended; 


    const sizeRatio$1 = 5/3; 
    const percentRatio = 0.45; 
    const centralDegRatio = 0.618; 


    function createSubMenu(creator, menus, index) { 
     var subMenu = document.createElement('div'); 

     classed(subMenu, 'circular-sub-menu', true); 

     this._container.parentNode.insertBefore(subMenu, this._container); 

     var totalAngle = this._calc.centralDeg * centralDegRatio * menus.length; 
     var startDeg = this._calc.rotateDeg(index) - totalAngle/2 + this._calc.centralDeg/2; 

     var config = extend$1(this._config, { 
      totalAngle: totalAngle,//deg, 
      percent: percentRatio,//% 
      diameter: this._config.diameter * sizeRatio$1,//px 
      start: startDeg,//deg 
      animation: "into", 
      menus: menus 
     return new CMenu(subMenu, creator._cMenu) 

    function Creator(cMenu, config){ 
     this._cMenu = cMenu; 
     this._container = cMenu._container; 
     this._config = config; 
     this._calc = new Calculation(config); 
     this._anchors = []; 


    Creator.prototype = { 
     constructor: Creator, 
     createMenu: createMenu, 
     _createLists: createLists, 
     _createList: createList, 
     _createAnchor: createAnchor, 
     _createText: createText, 
     _createHorizontal: createHorizontal, 
     _createIcon: createIcon, 
     _createSubMenu: createSubMenu 

    const defaultConfig = { 
     totalAngle: 360,//deg, 
     spaceDeg: 0,//deg 
     background: "#323232", 
     backgroundHover: "#515151", 
     pageBackground: "transparent", 
     percent: 0.32,//% 
     diameter: 300,//px 
     position: 'top', 
     horizontal: true, 
     animation: "into", 
     hideAfterClick: true 


    function config (config) { 

     config = extend$1(defaultConfig, config); 

     this._creator = new Creator(this, config); 

     return this; 

    function setCoordinate(coordinate){ 
     if(!(coordinate instanceof Array) || !(coordinate.length === 2)) return; 

     //TODO verify if has unit 
     style(this._container, 'left', coordinate[0] + "px"); 
     style(this._container, 'top', coordinate[1] + "px"); 

    //check disabled 

    function setDisabled(){ 

    function show (coordinate) { 



     setCoordinate.call(this, coordinate); 

     classed(this._container, 'opened-nav', true); 
     return this; 

    function hide() { 
     classed(this._container, 'opened-nav', false); 
     return this; 

    function styles (styles) { 
     if(!styles instanceof Object) return this; 
     for(var k in styles){ 
      if(styles.hasOwnProperty(k)) style(this._container, k, styles[k]); 

     return this; 

    function CMenu(element, pMenu){ 
     this._container = element; 
     if(pMenu) this._pMenu = pMenu; 

    CMenu.prototype = { 
     constructor: CMenu, 
     config: config, 
     show: show, 
     hide: hide, 
     styles: styles 


    function index (selector) { 
     return typeof selector === "string" 
      ? new CMenu(document.querySelector(selector)) 
      : new CMenu(selector); 

    return index; 



    var cmenu = CMenu("#circle-menu1") 
\t  var cmenu = CMenu(ele) 
         totalAngle: 40,//deg, 
         spaceDeg: 0,//deg 
         background: "#52BCEC", 
         backgroundHover: "#d3d3d3", 
         percent: 0.20,//% 
         diameter: 270,//px 
         position: 'top1', 
         horizontal: true, 
\t \t \t \t \t \t hideAfterClick: false, 
         animation: "into", 
         menus: [ 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t { 
           title: 'Global Finance', 
           icon: '', 
           href: '#5', 
           menus: [ 
             title: 'DELTA - CLAN', 
             icon: '', 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t menus: [ 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t { 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t title: 'ANS CLAN', 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t icon: '', 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t ] 


Gibt es ein Modul-Lader auf dieser Seite aktiv? – Bergi



ein paar Dinge, die Sie in diese überprüfen 'kann es nicht finden' Fälle:

  1. Tive - Funktionen und Objekt in Bereichen geschaffen, möglicherweise mit unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten , was bedeutet, dass Sie überprüfen müssen, dass 'function CMenu() ..' bereits existiert, wenn Sie sie aufrufen. nur ein kurzer Blick in Ihren Code dachte mir, dass Sie CMenu außerhalb des Bereichs aufrufen, in dem es erstellt wurde, was zu dem Problem führen kann. kann ein Bereich irgendein Codeblock sein, der von Klammern umgeben ist, z. {..code ..}
  2. var und let - let verschwindet, wenn die Funktion endet und var bleibt. nicht wirklich relevant hier, aber nur für den Fall, dass jemand aus einem anderen Grund hier stolpert.
  3. sollte die erste Option sein, überprüfen Gehäuse. Bei js var-Namen wird zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden.

Hoffnung, die hilft, Eiran


Der Code, den ich verwende, ist dieses. Der Code, den ich zuvor hinzugefügt habe, war nur ein vorheriger Test. Dieser Code funktioniert nicht in Zeile 681. Warum erkennt er die CMenu-Funktion nicht? Die CMenu-Funktion ist oben in der gleichen Datei definiert, aber im Webbrowser erscheint immer der Fehler, dass die Funktion nicht definiert ist. Vielen Dank.


(function (global, factory) { 
    typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : 
    typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : 
    (global.CMenu = factory()); 
}(this, function() { 'use strict'; 

    function rotateDeg (i){ 
     return this.startDeg + this.rotateUnit * i; 

    function rotateDeg$1 (i){ 
     return - (this.rotateDeg(i) + this.unskewDeg); 

    function startDeg(config) { 
     var top = -(config.totalAngle - 180)/2, 
      positions = { 
       top: top, 
\t \t \t \t top1: top + 40, 
\t \t \t \t top2: top + 80, \t \t \t \t 
\t \t \t \t top3: top + 120, \t 
\t \t \t \t top4: top + 160, \t 
\t \t \t \t top5: top + 200, \t 
\t \t \t \t top6: top + 240, \t 
\t \t \t \t top7: top + 280, \t 
\t \t \t \t top8: top + 320, \t 
       left: top - 90, 
       right: top + 90, 
       bottom: top + 180 

     return config.start !== undefined ? config.start : positions[config.position]; 

    const antialiasing = 3; 

    function coverRadius(radius, percent) { 
     var square = radius * radius * 2; 
     return Math.sqrt(square) * percent + antialiasing; 

    function coverSize (coverRadius) { 
     var l = coverRadius * 2; 
     var m = -l/2; 

     l += "px"; 
     m += "px"; 
     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l, 
      marginLeft: m, 
      marginTop: m 

    function menuSize (config) { 
     var l = config.diameter; 
     var m = - config.diameter/2; 

     l += "px"; 
     m += "px"; 

     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l, 
      marginLeft: m, 
      marginTop: m 

    const fixedTop = 10; 

    function clickZoneSize (config) { 
     var l = config.diameter; 
     var m = - config.diameter/2; 

     l += "px"; 
     m += "px"; 

     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l, 
      marginRight: m, 
      marginBottom: m 

    function listSize (config) { 
     var l = (config.diameter/2) + 'px'; 

     return { 
      width: l, 
      height: l 

    const middleRatio = 0.41; 

    function textTop (clickZoneRadius) { 
     return clickZoneRadius * middleRatio - fixedTop + 'px'; 


    function Calculation(config) { 
     this._config = config; 

     var c = this.config = config, 
      itemsNum = c.menus.length, 
      spaceNumber = c.totalAngle === 360 ? itemsNum : itemsNum - 1; 

     this.radius = config.diameter/2; 
     this.coverRadius = coverRadius(this.radius, config.percent); 
     this.clickZoneRadius = this.radius - this.coverRadius; 



     this.listSize = listSize(config); 
     this.clickZoneSize = clickZoneSize(config); 
     this.menuSize = menuSize(config); 
     this.coverSize = coverSize(this.coverRadius); 
     this.startDeg = startDeg(config); 
     this.centralDeg = (c.totalAngle - (c.spaceDeg * spaceNumber))/itemsNum; 
     this.rotateUnit = this.centralDeg + c.spaceDeg; 
     this.skewDeg = 90 - this.centralDeg; 
     this.unskewDeg = - (90 - this.centralDeg/2); 
     this.textTop = textTop(this.clickZoneRadius); 

    Calculation.prototype = { 
     constructor: Calculation, 
     rotateDeg: rotateDeg, 
     horizontalDeg: rotateDeg$1 

    function createLists (parent) { 
     this._config.menus.forEach(function(v, k){ 

      this._createList(parent, v, k); 
     }, this); 


    function defaultView(node) { 
     return (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView) // node is a Node 
      || (node.document && node) // node is a Window 
      || node.defaultView; // node is a Document 

    function styleRemove(name) { 

    function styleConstant(name, value, priority) { 
     this.style.setProperty(name, value, priority); 

    function styleFunction(name, value, priority) { 
     var v = value.apply(this, arguments); 
     if (v == null) this.style.removeProperty(name); 
     else this.style.setProperty(name, v, priority); 

    function style(ele, name, value, priority) { 

     var node; 
     return arguments.length > 1 
      ? ((value == null 
      ? styleRemove : typeof value === "function" 
      ? styleFunction 
      : styleConstant).call(ele, name, value, priority == null ? "" : priority)) 
      : defaultView(node = ele) 
      .getComputedStyle(node, null) 

    function createList(parent, data, index){ 

     var list = document.createElement('li'); 
     style(list, 'width', this._calc.listSize.width); 
     style(list, 'height', this._calc.listSize.height); 
     style(list, 'transform', 'rotate('+ this._calc.rotateDeg(index) +'deg) skew('+ this._calc.skewDeg +'deg)'); 


     this._createAnchor(list, data, index); 


    function classArray(string) { 
     return string.trim().split(/^|\s+/); 

    function classList(node) { 
     return node.classList || new ClassList(node); 

    function ClassList(node) { 
     this._node = node; 
     this._names = classArray(node.getAttribute("class") || ""); 

    ClassList.prototype = { 
     add: function(name) { 
      var i = this._names.indexOf(name); 
      if (i < 0) { 
       this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); 
     remove: function(name) { 
      var i = this._names.indexOf(name); 
      if (i >= 0) { 
       this._names.splice(i, 1); 
       this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); 
     contains: function(name) { 
      return this._names.indexOf(name) >= 0; 

    function classedAdd(node, names) { 
     var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length; 
     while (++i < n) list.add(names[i]); 

    function classedRemove(node, names) { 
     var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length; 
     while (++i < n) list.remove(names[i]); 

    function classedTrue(names) { 
     classedAdd(this, names); 

    function classedFalse(names) { 
     classedRemove(this, names); 

    function classedFunction(names, value) { 
     (value.apply(this, arguments) ? classedAdd : classedRemove)(this, names); 

    function classed(ele, name, value) { 
     var names = classArray(name + ""); 

     if (arguments.length < 2) { 
      var list = classList(this), i = -1, n = names.length; 
      while (++i < n) if (!list.contains(names[i])) return false; 
      return true; 

     var callee = (typeof value === "function" 
      ? classedFunction : value 
      ? classedTrue 
      : classedFalse).call(ele, names, value); 

    var UID = { 
     _current: 0, 
     getNew: function(){ 
      return this._current; 
    function styleSheet (element, prop, value, pseudo) { 
     var _this = element; 
     var _sheetId = "sheetStyles"; 
     var _head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; 
     var _sheet = document.getElementById(_sheetId) || document.createElement('style'); 
     _sheet.id = _sheetId; 
     var className = "s-S" + UID.getNew(); 
     _this.className += " " + className; 



     _sheet.innerHTML += " ." + className + (pseudo ? (":" + pseudo) : "") + "{" + prop + ":" + value + "}"; 
     return this; 

    function on (ele, type, callback, data) { 
     ele.addEventListener(type, function(e){ 
      callback.call(this, e, data); 

    function createMenu(){ 
     var p = this._container; 

     classed(p, 'circular-menu', true); 
     style(p, 'width', this._calc.menuSize.width); 
     style(p, 'height', this._calc.menuSize.height); 
     style(p, 'margin-top', this._calc.menuSize.marginTop); 
     style(p, 'margin-left', this._calc.menuSize.marginLeft); 
     var self = this; 
     on(p, "click", function(e){ 
      if(e.toElement === p){ 
      style(p, 'display', 'block'); 

     styleSheet(p, 'width', this._calc.coverSize.width, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'height', this._calc.coverSize.height, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'margin-left', this._calc.coverSize.marginLeft, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'margin-top', this._calc.coverSize.marginTop, 'after'); 
     styleSheet(p, 'border', "3px solid " + this._config.pageBackground, 'after'); 


     var ul = p.appendChild(document.createElement('ul')); 

    function hasSubMenus(menus) { 
     return menus instanceof Array && menus.length !== 0; 
    function ifDisabled(disabled){ 
     if(disabled instanceof Function) 
      return disabled(); 
      return Boolean(disabled); 

    function setHref(ele, href){ 
     if(!href) return; 

     if(href instanceof Object){ 
      ele.href = href.url; 
      ele.target = href.blank? "_blank" : ""; 
      ele.href = href; 



    var delayShow = null;// delayShow reference the last setTimeout triggered by any one of menu item(anchor) 

    function createAnchor (parent, data, index) { 
     var self = this; 

     var delayHide = null;// delayHide reference the last setTimeout triggered by the menu item itself 

     var a = document.createElement('a'); 

     setHref(a, data.href); 

     a.setDisabled = function(){ 
      classed(a, 'disabled', ifDisabled(data.disabled)); 


     style(a, 'width', this._calc.clickZoneSize.width); 
     style(a, 'height', this._calc.clickZoneSize.height); 
     style(a, 'right', this._calc.clickZoneSize.marginRight); 
     style(a, 'bottom', this._calc.clickZoneSize.marginBottom); 
     style(a, 'transform', 'skew(' + -this._calc.skewDeg + 'deg) rotate(' + this._calc.unskewDeg + 'deg) scale(1)'); 

     classed(a, 'disabled', ifDisabled(data.disabled)); 


     var percent = this._config.percent * 100 + "%"; 
     styleSheet(a, 'background', 'radial-gradient(transparent ' + percent + ', ' + this._config.background + ' ' + percent + ')'); 
     styleSheet(a, 'background', 'radial-gradient(transparent ' + percent + ', ' + this._config.backgroundHover + ' ' + percent + ')', 'hover'); 


     function clickCallBack(e, data){ 
      if (data.click) data.click.call(this, e, data); 

       if(self._cMenu._pMenu) self._cMenu._pMenu.hide(); 
       if(subMenu) subMenu.hide(); 

     on(a, 'click', clickCallBack, data); 


     this._createHorizontal(a, data, index); 
     //toggle subMenu 
     if (hasSubMenus(data.menus)) { 
      var subMenu = this._createSubMenu(self, data.menus, index); 

      on(a, 'mouseenter', function() { 

       delayShow = setTimeout(function() { 
            top: self._container.offsetTop + self._calc.radius + 'px', 
            left: self._container.offsetLeft + self._calc.radius + 'px' 
       }, 150); 

      on(a, 'mouseleave', function (e) { 
       if (!subMenu._container.contains(e.toElement)) { 
        delayHide = setTimeout(function() { 
        }, 200); 

      on(subMenu._container, 'mouseenter', function() { 

      on(subMenu._container, 'mouseleave', function (e) { 
       if (!a.contains(e.toElement) || e.toElement.children[0] === a) { 

    const sizeRatio = 0.65; 
    const marginTopRatio = 0.2; 
    const fontHeight = 13; 

    function hasIcon(icon){ 
     if(icon === undefined) return false; 
     else if(typeof icon === "string") return icon !== ""; 
     else return icon.length && icon[0] !== ""; 

    function getIcon(icon){ 
     return typeof icon === "string"? icon : icon[0]; 

    function getIconColor(icon){ 
     return typeof icon === "string"? null : icon[1]; 

    function createIcon (parent, data, index) { 
     if(!hasIcon(data.icon)) return; 

     var span = document.createElement('span'); 

     var icon = getIcon(data.icon), 
      color = getIconColor(data.icon); 

     classed(span, icon + " cm-icon", true); 
     style(span, 'color', color); 

     var l = this._calc.clickZoneRadius * sizeRatio - fontHeight + "px", 
      m = this._calc.clickZoneRadius * marginTopRatio - fontHeight + "px"; 
     style(span, 'width', l); 
     style(span, 'height', l); 
     style(span, 'font-size', l); 
     style(span, 'margin-top', m); 


    const withIconMarginTop = "3px"; 
    const withIconTop = "-3px"; 

    function createText (parent, data, index) { 

     var span = document.createElement('span'); 
     span.textContent = data.title; 

     classed(span, 'text', true); 
     style(span, 'margin-top', hasIcon(data.icon)? withIconMarginTop : this._calc.textTop); 
     style(span, 'top', hasIcon(data.icon)? withIconTop : 0); 


    function createHorizontal (parent, data, index) { 

     var div = document.createElement('div'); 
     classed(div, "horizontal", true); 

     if(this._config.horizontal) style(div, 'transform', 'rotate('+ this._calc.horizontalDeg(index) +'deg)'); 


     this._createIcon(div, data, index); 
     this._createText(div, data, index); 

    function extend$1() { 
     // Variables 
     var extended = {}; 
     var deep = false; 
     var i = 0; 
     var length = arguments.length; 

     // Check if a deep merge 
     if (Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0]) === '[object Boolean]') { 
      deep = arguments[0]; 

     // Merge the object into the extended object 
     var merge = function (obj) { 
      for (var prop in obj) { 
       if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) { 
        // If deep merge and property is an object, merge properties 
        if (deep && Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop]) === '[object Object]') { 
         extended[prop] = extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]); 
        } else { 
         extended[prop] = obj[prop]; 

     // Loop through each object and conduct a merge 
     for (; i < length; i++) { 
      var obj = arguments[i]; 

     return extended; 


    const sizeRatio$1 = 5/3; 
    const percentRatio = 0.45; 
    const centralDegRatio = 0.618; 


    function createSubMenu(creator, menus, index) { 
     var subMenu = document.createElement('div'); 

     classed(subMenu, 'circular-sub-menu', true); 

     this._container.parentNode.insertBefore(subMenu, this._container); 

     var totalAngle = this._calc.centralDeg * centralDegRatio * menus.length; 
     var startDeg = this._calc.rotateDeg(index) - totalAngle/2 + this._calc.centralDeg/2; 

     var config = extend$1(this._config, { 
      totalAngle: totalAngle,//deg, 
      percent: percentRatio,//% 
      diameter: this._config.diameter * sizeRatio$1,//px 
      start: startDeg,//deg 
      animation: "into", 
      menus: menus 
     return new CMenu(subMenu, creator._cMenu) 

    function Creator(cMenu, config){ 
     this._cMenu = cMenu; 
     this._container = cMenu._container; 
     this._config = config; 
     this._calc = new Calculation(config); 
     this._anchors = []; 


    Creator.prototype = { 
     constructor: Creator, 
     createMenu: createMenu, 
     _createLists: createLists, 
     _createList: createList, 
     _createAnchor: createAnchor, 
     _createText: createText, 
     _createHorizontal: createHorizontal, 
     _createIcon: createIcon, 
     _createSubMenu: createSubMenu 

    const defaultConfig = { 
     totalAngle: 360,//deg, 
     spaceDeg: 0,//deg 
     background: "#323232", 
     backgroundHover: "#515151", 
     pageBackground: "transparent", 
     percent: 0.32,//% 
     diameter: 300,//px 
     position: 'top', 
     horizontal: true, 
     animation: "into", 
     hideAfterClick: true 


    function config (config) { 

     config = extend$1(defaultConfig, config); 

     this._creator = new Creator(this, config); 

     return this; 

    function setCoordinate(coordinate){ 
     if(!(coordinate instanceof Array) || !(coordinate.length === 2)) return; 

     //TODO verify if has unit 
     style(this._container, 'left', coordinate[0] + "px"); 
     style(this._container, 'top', coordinate[1] + "px"); 

    //check disabled 

    function setDisabled(){ 

    function show (coordinate) { 



     setCoordinate.call(this, coordinate); 

     classed(this._container, 'opened-nav', true); 
     return this; 

    function hide() { 
     classed(this._container, 'opened-nav', false); 
     return this; 

    function styles (styles) { 
     if(!styles instanceof Object) return this; 
     for(var k in styles){ 
      if(styles.hasOwnProperty(k)) style(this._container, k, styles[k]); 

     return this; 

    function CMenu(element, pMenu){ 
     this._container = element; 
     if(pMenu) this._pMenu = pMenu; 

    CMenu.prototype = { 
     constructor: CMenu, 
     config: config, 
     show: show, 
     hide: hide, 
     styles: styles 


    function index (selector) { 
     return typeof selector === "string" 
      ? new CMenu(document.querySelector(selector)) 
      : new CMenu(selector); 

    return index; 



    var ele = document.querySelector('#circle-menu1'); 
    var cmenu = CMenu(ele) 
         totalAngle: 40,//deg, 
         spaceDeg: 0,//deg 
         background: "#52BCEC", 
         backgroundHover: "#d3d3d3", 
         percent: 0.20,//% 
         diameter: 270,//px 
         position: 'top1', 
         horizontal: true, 
\t \t \t \t \t \t hideAfterClick: false, 
         animation: "into", 
         menus: [ 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t { 
           title: 'Global Finance', 
           icon: '', 
           href: '#5', 
           menus: [ 
             title: 'DELTA - CLAN', 
             icon: '', 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t menus: [ 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t { 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t title: 'ANS CLAN', 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t icon: '', 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t ] 

Verwandte Themen