

Stellen Sie sicher, Sie haben:

  • Ein HTTPS-Server.
  • Ein gültiges SSL-Zertifikat.
  • Registrieren Sie die Endpunktdomäne mit dem GCP-Projekt.
  • Registrieren Sie den https: // Version Ihrer Website-URL.

Configuring HTTP Endpoints

You need a publicly accessible HTTPS server to handle POST requests in order to receive push messages. The server must present a valid SSL certificate signed by a certificate authority and routable by DNS. You also need to validate that you own the domain (or have equivalent access to the endpoint). Finally, you must register the endpoint domain with the GCP project. Note that these steps are considerably simplified on App Engine, where SSL certificates are provided and verification requirements can be relaxed.

Step 1: Verify you have access to the domain

Complete the site verification process using Search Console. Be sure to register the https:// version of your site URL. For more details, see the site verification help documentation.

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