2016-09-15 3 views

Ich versuche, das Android Studio zu meiner Hauptentwicklungs-IDE für Java UND C/C++ Code zu machen. Ich möchte nativen Code debuggen können.Android Gradle ndk jni mit externer Bibliothek und nativem Debugging (ARToolkit)

In diesem Fall versuche ich ARToolkit5 als eine Bibliothek zu verwenden.

Aufgrund einiger Beispiele im ARToolkit5 habe ich diese Build-Datei.

Ich habe diese Android.mk Datei

MY_LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) 

# Pull ARToolKit into the build 
include $(CLEAR_VARS) 
ARTOOLKIT_DIR := $(MY_LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../../artoolkit5/android 
ARTOOLKIT_LIBDIR := $(call host-path, $(ARTOOLKIT_DIR)/obj/local/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)) 
define add_artoolkit_module 
    include $(CLEAR_VARS) 
ARTOOLKIT_LIBS := ar2 kpm util eden argsub_es armulti ar aricp jpeg arvideo 
$(foreach module,$(ARTOOLKIT_LIBS),$(eval $(call add_artoolkit_module,$(module)))) 


# Android arvideo depends on CURL. 
CURL_DIR := $(ARTOOLKIT_DIR)/jni/curl 
CURL_LIBDIR := $(call host-path, $(CURL_DIR)/libs/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)) 
define add_curl_module 
    include $(CLEAR_VARS) 
#CURL_LIBS := curl ssl crypto 
CURL_LIBS := curl 
$(foreach module,$(CURL_LIBS),$(eval $(call add_curl_module,$(module)))) 

include $(CLEAR_VARS) 

# ARToolKit libs use lots of floating point, so don't compile in thumb mode. 

LOCAL_MODULE := ndkDebugModule 
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := nftSimple.cpp ARMarkerNFT.c trackingSub.c 

# Make sure DEBUG is defined for debug builds. (NDK already defines NDEBUG for release builds.) 
ifeq ($(APP_OPTIM),debug) 

LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(ARTOOLKIT_DIR)/../include/android $(ARTOOLKIT_DIR)/../include 
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog -lGLESv1_CM -lz 
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += ar2 kpm util eden argsub_es armulti aricp jpeg arvideo cpufeatures 


$(call import-module,android/cpufeatures) 

Dieser Build ordnungsgemäß funktioniert. Jetzt versuche ich dies in die android experimentelle Gradel-Datei zu konvertieren, um es debuggen zu können. Nun jetzt ich habe diesen Zustand:

apply plugin: 'com.android.model.application' 

model { 
    android { 
     compileSdkVersion = 23 
     buildToolsVersion = "23.0.3" 

     defaultConfig.with { 
      applicationId = "com.nomad5.ndkdebug" 
      minSdkVersion.apiLevel = 16 
      targetSdkVersion.apiLevel = 23 
      versionCode = 1 
      versionName = "0.1" 
    * native build settings 
    android.ndk { 
     moduleName = "ndkDebugModule" 
     cppFlags.add("-I./../../../../../artoolkit5/include/ ") 

    android.buildTypes { 
     release { 
      minifyEnabled = false 
     debug { 
      debuggable = true 
      ndk.with { 
       debuggable = true 

* The android native sources 
android.sources.main { 
    jni { 
     exportedHeaders { 
      srcDirs = [arRoot.absolutePath + "/include", 
         arRoot.absolutePath + "/android/jni/curl/include"] 
     source { 
      /* we set this to NOT automatically compile everything */ 
      srcDirs = ["src/main"] 
      include "jni/nativeCodeA.cpp" 
      include "jni/nativeCodeB.cpp" 

     dependencies { 
      library "lib_ar2" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_kpm" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_util" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_eden" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_argsub_es" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_armulti" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_ar" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_aricp" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_jpeg" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_arvideo" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_cpufeatures" linkage "static" 
      library "lib_curl" linkage "static" 
    jniLibs { 
     source { 
      srcDirs = [arRoot.absolutePath + "/include", 
         arRoot.absolutePath + "/android/jni/curl/include"] 

dependencies { 
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) 
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' 
    compile project(':aRBaseLib') 
    compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.4.0' 

Das Problem mit dem gradle NDK Build ist, dass in meinen Dateien (nativeCodeA.cpp zum Beispiel) alle einschließt, die in ../../../../../artoolkit5/android sind, werden nicht gefunden. So werden alle

#include <AR/ar.h> 
#include <AR/arMulti.h> 
#include <AR/video.h> 

nicht gefunden.

Wie kann ich einen Ordner hinzufügen, um die advanced ndk Build wie LOCAL_C_INCLUDES tut dies im Makefile. Und wie kann ich bestimmte Dateien im Makefile wie LOCAL_SRC_FILES kompilieren. (Wie gradle die Dateien nicht kennt, auch wenn nicht diejenigen, die explizite Angabe?)

By the way i

bin mit



nur eine Vermutung aussehen, aber das Projekt Arbeitsverzeichnis wahrscheinlich anders bei den verschiedenen Build-Systemen. Um dies zu überprüfen, ändern Sie Ihre relativen Pfad (e) zu absoluten Pfad (en). Wenn dies funktioniert, versuchen Sie, die Anzahl der '../' in den relativen Pfaden zu ändern. –


Nun, wie Sie in den Kommentaren sehen, habe ich es auch mit absoluten Pfaden versucht –


Wie hast du die Einstellung ** NDEBUG ** in gradle-experimental? –



Okay, ich viel recherchiert und habe einige Beispiele gefunden, die funktionieren. Zunächst einmal müssen Sie die neueste gradle experimantal Plugin wie dies in Ihrem Stamm verwenden build.gradle


dann Ihre gradle Datei wie diese

apply plugin: 'com.android.model.application' 

* The ar.dir in relative format 
def arRoot = new File("../artoolkit5") 
def arPath = arRoot.absolutePath + '/android/obj/local/' 
def curlPath = arRoot.absolutePath + '/android/jni/curl/libs/' 

* The main experimental model 
model { 

    * Android APK values 
    android { 
     compileSdkVersion = 23 
     buildToolsVersion = "23.0.3" 

     defaultConfig.with { 
      applicationId = "com.nomad5.ndkdebug" 
      minSdkVersion.apiLevel = 16 
      targetSdkVersion.apiLevel = 23 
      versionCode = 1 
      versionName = "0.1" 

    * The build types 
    android.buildTypes { 
     release { 
      minifyEnabled = false 
     debug { 
      debuggable = true 
      ndk.with { 
       debuggable = true 

    * All statically linked libs 
    repositories { 
     libs(PrebuiltLibraries) { 
      lib_ar2 { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libar2.a") 
      lib_kpm { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libkpm.a") 
      lib_util { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libutil.a") 
      lib_eden { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libeden.a") 
      lib_argsub_es { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libargsub_es.a") 
      lib_armulti { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libarmulti.a") 
      lib_ar { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libar.a") 
      lib_aricp { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libaricp.a") 
      lib_jpeg { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libjpeg.a") 
      lib_arvideo { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libarvideo.a") 
      lib_cpufeatures { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${arPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libcpufeatures.a") 
      lib_curl { 
       binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) { 
        staticLibraryFile = file("${curlPath}${targetPlatform.getName()}/libcurl.a") 

    * native build settings 
    android.ndk { 
     moduleName = "ndkDebugModule" 
     toolchain = "clang" 
     stl = "c++_static" 
     platformVersion = 15 
         "-I${file(arRoot.absolutePath + "/include")}".toString(), 
         "-I${file(arRoot.absolutePath + "/android/jni/curl/include")}".toString() 

    * The android native sources 
    android.sources.main { 
     jni { 
      exportedHeaders { 
       srcDirs = [arRoot.absolutePath + "/include", 
          arRoot.absolutePath + "/android/jni/curl/include"] 
      source { 
       /* we set this to NOT automatically compile everything */ 
       srcDirs = ["src/main"] 
       include "jni/nativeCodeA.cpp" 
       include "jni/nativeCodeB.cpp" 

      dependencies { 
       library "lib_ar2" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_kpm" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_util" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_eden" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_argsub_es" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_armulti" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_ar" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_aricp" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_jpeg" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_arvideo" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_cpufeatures" linkage "static" 
       library "lib_curl" linkage "static" 
     jniLibs { 
      source { 
       srcDirs = [arRoot.absolutePath + "/include", 
          arRoot.absolutePath + "/android/jni/curl/include"] 

* The Java dependencies 
dependencies { 
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) 
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' 
    compile project(':aRBaseLib') 
    compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.4.0' 
    compile 'com.android.support:design:23.4.0' 

* Dynamically add libs to the linker 
class SampleMigrationRuleSource extends RuleSource { 

    void injectArmeabiV7aDebugLinkerFlags(
        Task linkTask) { 
     injectLinkerFlags(linkTask, 'armeabi-v7a', 'debug') 

    void injectArmeabiV7aReleaseLinkerFlags(
        Task linkTask) { 
     injectLinkerFlags(linkTask, 'armeabi-v7a', 'release') 

    void injectX86DebugLinkerFlags(
        Task linkTask) { 
     injectLinkerFlags(linkTask, 'x86', 'debug') 

    void injectX86ReleaseLinkerFlags(
        Task linkTask) { 
     injectLinkerFlags(linkTask, 'x86', 'release') 

    private void injectLinkerFlags(linkTask, arch, buildType) { 

     def arRoot = new File("../artoolkit5") 
     def arPath = arRoot.absolutePath + '/android/obj/local/' 
     def curlPath = arRoot.absolutePath + '/android/jni/curl/libs/' 

     linkTask.doFirst { 
      // We are pretty clueless on this one but it is needed 
      if (arch.equals('arm64-v8a')) { 


apply plugin: SampleMigrationRuleSource 
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