2016-12-05 2 views

Ich bin zu Php OOPs Konzept neu .. ich versuche, einen Buchnamen in einer Tabelle (index.php) zu drucken, die die Buchdetails in der unterschiedlichen Klassendatei sind (FirstExample.php) .Ich habe Parse-Fehler in der Klasse file.I meinen Code zu überprüfen twice..But ich verstehe nicht Fehler, den ich gemacht haben ..Parserfehler: unerwartete (T_variable) Erwartungsfunktion (T_FUNCTION)

class FirstExample { 
var $book; 
var $price; 
public function getBookName($bookname){ 
    $this->book = $bookname; 
    echo "The bookname you Ordered is $book"; 
public function getBookPrice($bookPrice){ 
    $this->price = $bookPrice; 
    echo "The Book Price is $price"; 
$physics = new FirstExample; 
$chemistry = new FirstExample; 
$Mathematics = new FirstExample; 
$computerProgramming = new FirstExample; 
$Mathematics->getBookName("Mathematics-Differential and Integral Calculas"); 
$computerProgramming->getBookName("Advanced Computer Programming"); 

Schließen Sie die Klasse mit '}' 'nach getBookPrice 'definition –


move} unter der Funktion getBookPrice (....) ... um deine Klassendefinition zu schließen – donald123


danke @ donald123 und @ Nordenheim – Madhi


//class starts here 
class FirstExample { 

private $book;// use private|protected|public (public is default) keyword not var in class 
private $price; 

    public function getBookName($bookname){ 
     $this->book = $bookname; 
     echo "The bookname you Ordered is $this->book";// if variable is private the use $this->variable_name to access it in side of class 
     // out side of class protected variable is not accessable. 

    public function getBookPrice($bookPrice){ 
     $this->price = $bookPrice; 
     echo "The Book Price is $this->price"; 
}//class ends here 
$physics = new FirstExample; 
$chemistry = new FirstExample; 
$Mathematics = new FirstExample; 
$computerProgramming = new FirstExample; 
$Mathematics->getBookName("Mathematics-Differential and Integral Calculas"); 
$computerProgramming->getBookName("Advanced Computer Programming"); 


vielen Dank .. :) @viral barot – Madhi

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