2016-10-09 3 views

Ich muss feststellen, dass der Punkt innerhalb der Grenzen des Rechtecks ​​oder seiner Umrandung liegt. Der Code, den ich bisher gefunden habe, findet nicht heraus, ob der Punkt innerhalb der Grenzen des Rechtecks ​​oder seiner Grenze liegt. Bitte helfen Sie.Geben Sie true zurück, wenn der Punkt innerhalb der Grenzen des Rechtecks ​​liegt.

Hier ist was ich bisher habe und das ist der einzige Teil, der nicht korrekt ausgeführt wird.

public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
    // TODO - you need to implement this. May want to use isInBetween 
    return p.x >= r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.x < r.x + r.width && p.y < r.y + r.height;    

Hier ist der Rest meines Code:

package assignment; 

import java.awt.Point; 
import java.awt.Rectangle; 

public class Assignment6 { 

    //this is just sample code demonstrating aliasing 
    public static void aliasing1() 
     Point pt1=new Point(10,10); 
     Point pt2=new Point(5,5); 

     Point alias=pt1; 


     int sumX=pt1.x+pt2.x; 
     int sumY=pt1.y+pt2.y; 

     System.out.println("sumX= "+sumX+ " -sumY= "+sumY); 

    // more sample code 
    public static void playWithRectangles(){ 
     Rectangle r=new Rectangle(10, 10, 5, 7); 
    /* Examples */ 

    * A point is to the left of another if its x coordinate is less than the other 
    public static boolean isToTheLeft(Point p1, Point p2) 
     return p1.x < p2.x; 

    * A point is to the right of another if its x coordinate is bigger than the other 
    public static boolean isToTheRight(Point p1, Point p2) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p1.x > p2.x; 

    * We use 'screen coordinates', with y=0 being at the top of the screen and growing downwards 
    * so a point is above another if its y coordinate is less 
    public static boolean isAbove(Point p1, Point p2) 
     return p1.y<p2.y; 

    /* isBelow returns true if the first point is below the second one (a point is below another if its y coordinate is bigger) 
    public static boolean isBelow(Point p1, Point p2) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p1.y>p2.y; 

    // Example - calculate area of a rectangle 
    public static int getArea(Rectangle r) 
     return r.width*r.height; 

    // Example - grow a rectangle's width and height by a factor. Notice we're modifying the rectangle 
    public static void growRectangle(Rectangle r, int factor) 
     r.width *= factor; 
     r.height *= factor; 

    /* The rectangle has the top-left coordinates (in screen coordinates, y=0 is top, y grows down) 
    * So the bottom-right coordinate can be calculated by adding the width and height to x and y, respectively 
    public Point getBottomRightCorner(Rectangle r) 
     return new Point(r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height); 

    * Returns the center of the rectangle. The center is obtained by adding half the width and half the height to the x and y coordinates respectively 
    * Round DOWN (if needed) when calculating the center. 
    public static Point getCenter(Rectangle r) 
     return new Point(r.x+r.width/2, r.y+r.height/2); 

    * Example Returns true if x is between low and high (inclusive) 
    public static boolean isInBetween(int x, int low, int high) 
     return x>=low && x<=high; 

    * Returns true if the rectangle contains the point; that is, if the point lies within the boundaries of the rectangle 
    * If the point is exactly in the border we still return true. 
    * @param r - the rectangle 
    * @param p - the point 
    * @return true if the point lies within the rectangle or on its border 
    public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this. May want to use isInBetween 
     return p.x >= r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.x < r.x + r.width && p.y < r.y + r.height;  

    /* Person example */ 
    public static void usingPerson() { 
     Person p1=new Person("Orlando","Karam",40); // we construct with first, last names, age 
     System.out.println(p1.getFirstName()); // would print Orlando 
     System.out.println(p1.getLastName()); // would print Karam 
     System.out.println(p1.getAge()); // would print 40 

    /* Example - two people are relatives if they have the same last name :) */ 
    public boolean areRelatives(Person p1, Person p2) 
     return p1.getLastName().equals(p2.getLastName()); 

    /* Example creating a description for a person, with name and age*/ 
    public String getDescription(Person p) 
     return p.getFirstName()+" "+p.getLastName()+" is "+p.getAge()+" years old"; 

    /* return true if the persons' first and last name and age are equal */ 
    public static boolean personEquals(Person p1, Person p2) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p1.getFirstName().equals(p2.getFirstName()) && p1.getLastName().equals(p2.getLastName()); 

    /* returns a person's full name, composed of the first name, a space and the last name, as in 
    * Orlando Karam 
    public static String getFullName(Person p) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p.getFirstName()+" "+p.getLastName(); 

    /* returns a 'formal' full name, composed of the last name, a comma, a space and the first name, as in 
    * Karam, Orlando 
    public static String getFormalFullName(Person p) 
     // TODO - you need to implement this 
     return p.getLastName()+","+" "+p.getFirstName(); 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // you can use this as you wish to test or exercise your function. Not graded. 


Hier ist der Code, der das Verfahren enthält ausführt. Es soll mir 15 Punkte geben, wenn der Punkt gefunden wird, aber im Moment gibt es mir keine Punkte. Punkte werden für die richtige Antwort vergeben! Danke im Voraus.

@Grade(points = 15) 
    public void testContains() { 
     Assert.assertTrue(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(5, 5))); 
     Assert.assertTrue(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(0, 0))); 
     Assert.assertTrue(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(0, 10))); 
     Assert.assertFalse(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(11, 5))); 
     Assert.assertFalse(Assignment6.contains(new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Point(5, 15))); 


public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
    // TODO - you need to implement this. May want to use isInBetween 
    return p.x >= r.x && p.y >= r.y && p.x <= r.x + r.width && p.y < =r.y + r.height;    

oder, wie im Kommentar erwähnt, können Sie IsBetween

public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Point p) 
     return Assignment6.isBetween(p.x,r.x,r.x+r.width) && Assignment6.isBetween(p.y,r.y,r.y+r.height); 

Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe gebrauchen! Mein Java ist rostig, aber ich habe den Rest davon richtig, abgesehen von diesem Teil. – rls1982

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