2017-12-28 1 views

Ich muss Bitmex API mit meinem Api Schlüssel authentifizieren, aber ich habe diesen FehlerSwagger Client API-Key-Authentifizierung

kann keine Verbindung hergestellt: Typeerror: kann Eigenschaft 'add' undefinierter

'use strict'; 
var SwaggerClient = require("swagger-client"); 
var _ = require('lodash'); 
var BitMEXAPIKeyAuthorization = require('./lib/BitMEXAPIKeyAuthorization'); 


new SwaggerClient({ 
    // Switch this to `www.bitmex.com` when you're ready to try it out for real. 
    // Don't forget the `www`! 
    url: 'https://testnet.bitmex.com/api/explorer/swagger.json', 
    usePromise: true 
.then(function(client) { 
    // Comment out if you're not requesting any user data. 
    client.clientAuthorizations.add("apiKey", new BitMEXAPIKeyAuthorization(process.env.BITMEX_API_KEY, process.env.BITMEX_API_SECRET)); 

    // Print client capabilities 

.catch(function(e) { 
    console.error("Unable to connect:", e); 

NodeJS Stecker: https://github.com/BitMEX/api-connectors



Sie die neueste Version des Clients verwenden, die nicht Berechtigungen macht, die Art und Weise: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-js/blob/903569948d5a5c718d7b87d6832a672de4e76afc/docs/MIGRATION_2_X.md#authorizations

new SwaggerClient({ 
    // Switch this to `www.bitmex.com` when you're ready to try it out for real. 
    // Don't forget the `www`! 
    url: 'https://testnet.bitmex.com/api/explorer/swagger.json', 
    usePromise: true, 
    authorizations: { 
     apiKey: new BitMEXAPIKeyAuthorization(process.env.BITMEX_API_KEY, process.env.BITMEX_API_SECRET) 
.then(client => { 
    // Do whatever with client 
.catch(function(e) { 
console.error("Unable to connect:", e); 
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