2014-09-28 18 views

Ich habe die folgenden MethodenSwift zwischen UInt und Int Umwandlung

var photos = [MWPhoto] = [MWPhoto]() 

func numberOfPhotosInPhotoBrowser(photoBrowser: MWPhotoBrowser!) -> UInt { 

    return self.photos.count 

func photoBrowser(photoBrowser: MWPhotoBrowser!, photoAtIndex index: UInt) -> MWPhotoProtocol! { 

    return self.photos[index] 

jedoch für das erste I Int is not convertible to UInt bekommen (da self.photos.count ist ein Int

und für die zweite UInt is not convertible to Int - da die self.photos[ kann nur Int für seinen Index

Wie kann ich das UInt richtig in Int und zurück konvertieren?


Wenn dies Ihre eigenen Methoden sind, sollten Sie nur verwenden 'Int' statt' UInt'. Obwohl die Werte niemals negativ sein werden, ist die Empfehlung der Swift-Dokumentation grundsätzlich, "Int" immer zu verwenden, es sei denn, Sie haben einen bestimmten Grund, etwas anderes zu tun (z. B. Interoperabilität mit C-Funktionen). –


Diese stammen von MWPhotoBrowser (ObjectiveC). Ich habe Bridging Header verwendet, um mich verwenden zu lassen, aber es ist ein bisschen eigenartig auf diese Weise. Ich habe keine andere Wahl, als die UInt zu verwenden oder den MWPhotoBrowser auszugeben und zu bearbeiten (etwas schwieriger zu warten) – Akshat



In der ersten ist der Rückgabetyp UInt, aber Sie geben Int zurück, da die Zählung Int zurückgibt.

Grundsätzlich UInt hat Initialisierer, die Varianten von Werttypen Argumente wie Int, CGFloat, Double oder Ereigniszeichenfolge nehmen und einen neuen Werttyp zurückgeben.

  • UInt (8) // Ergebnis ist 8 UInt Werttyp
  • UInt (20.12) // Ergebnis ist 20 UInt Wert Typ
  • UInt (Doppel (10))// Ergebnis ist 10 UInt Werttyp
  • UInt ("10") // Ergebnis ist 10 UInt Werttyp, beachten Sie diese failable initializer ist, einen Wert oder Null
sein kann


func numberOfPhotosInPhotoBrowser(photoBrowser: MWPhotoBrowser!) -> UInt { 

    return UInt(self.photos.count) 

Für die zweite, die Array-Index erwartet Wert Int wo Sie UInt sind vorbei, so erstellen Sie einen neuen Int Werttyp von UInt,

func photoBrowser(photoBrowser: MWPhotoBrowser!, photoAtIndex index: UInt) -> MWPhotoProtocol! { 

    return self.photos[Int(index)] 

Awesome !, Ich habe versucht, 'as' und': UInt' zu verwenden und sowas – Akshat


Das ist wahrscheinlich in diesem Fall in Ordnung, aber Sie müssen vorsichtig sein, da das Umwandeln von 'Int' in' UInt' auf diese Weise abstürzt, wenn 'Int' negativ ist. Es ist sicherer, 'UInt (bitPattern: myint)' zu verwenden. Umgekehrt stürzt die Umwandlung eines 'UInt' in ein' Int' ab, wenn das 'UInt' für den int zu groß ist. Es ist sicherer, 'Int (bitPattern: myuint)' zu verwenden. – vacawama


Dies ist keine Typumwandlung, Sie erstellen ein neues Int/UInt. In diesem Beispiel macht es jedoch keinen wirklichen Unterschied. – Binarian

// initializing Int 
var someInt: Int = 8 

// Converting Int to UInt 
var someIntToUInt: UInt = UInt(someInt) 

// initializing UInt 
var someUInt: UInt = 10 

// Converting UInt to Int 
var someUIntToInt: Int = Int(someUInt) 

Vielleicht möchten Sie ein paar minimale Kommentare hinzufügen – Besi


Fügen Sie dieses Objekt an einer beliebigen Stelle außerhalb einer Klasse ein:

extension UInt { 
    /// SwiftExtensionKit 
    var toInt: Int { return Int(self) } 

Dann rufen Sie einfach:


Wenn Sie unsigned int von negativen Wert Verwendung UInt (BitPattern :)

let intVal = -1 
let uintVal = UInt(bitPattern: intVal) // uintVal == 0xffffffffffffffff 

in Swift 2.3 BitPattern funktioniert nur mit Int8 nicht Int. Irgendeine Lösungsmöglichkeit? –


Ich habe so frustriert mit Swift kryptische Methodenparameter BitPattern wollen: und truncatingBitPattern: und meine Unfähigkeit zu erinnern, welche zu verwenden, dass ich die folgende Klasse mit einer großen Anzahl von Konvertierungsmethoden erstellt.

Ich empfehle nicht unbedingt, dass Sie dies in Ihr Programm aufnehmen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass viele Leute sagen werden, dass Swift versucht, uns vor uns selbst zu schützen, und dass die Sabotage dieser Bemühungen dumm ist.Vielleicht sollten Sie diese Datei einfach als eine Art Spickzettel aufbewahren, damit Sie schnell bestimmen können, wie Sie eine Konvertierung durchführen und die Parameter bei Bedarf in Ihr Programm kopieren.

Übrigens, JDI steht für "Just do it".

/// Class containing a large number of static methods to convert an Int to a UInt or vice-versa, and 
/// also to perform conversions between different bit sizes, for example UInt32 to UInt8. 
/// Many of these "conversions" are trivial, and are only included for the sake of completeness. 
/// A few of the conversions involving Int and UInt can give different results when run on 32-bit 
/// and 64-bit systems. All of the conversion where the bit size of both the source and the target 
/// are specified will always give the same result independent of platform. 
public class JDI { 

    // MARK: - To signed Int 

    // To Int8 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : Int8) -> Int8 { 
     return x 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : Int32) -> Int8 { 
     return Int8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : Int64) -> Int8 { 
     return Int8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : Int) -> Int8 { 
     return Int8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : UInt8) -> Int8 { 
     return Int8(bitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : UInt32) -> Int8 { 
     return Int8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : UInt64) -> Int8 { 
     return Int8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt8(_ x : UInt) -> Int8 { 
     return Int8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 

    // To Int32 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : Int8) -> Int32 { 
     return Int32(x) 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : Int32) -> Int32 { 
     return x 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : Int64) -> Int32 { 
     return Int32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : Int) -> Int32 { 
     return Int32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : UInt8) -> Int32 { 
     return Int32(x) 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : UInt32) -> Int32 { 
     return Int32(bitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : UInt64) -> Int32 { 
     return Int32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt32(_ x : UInt) -> Int32 { 
     return Int32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 

    // To Int64 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : Int8) -> Int64 { 
     return Int64(x) 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : Int32) -> Int64 { 
     return Int64(x) 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : Int64) -> Int64 { 
     return x 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : Int) -> Int64 { 
     return Int64(x) 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : UInt8) -> Int64 { 
     return Int64(x) 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : UInt32) -> Int64 { 
     return Int64(x) 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : UInt64) -> Int64 { 
     return Int64(bitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt64(_ x : UInt) -> Int64 { 
     return Int64(bitPattern: UInt64(x)) // Does not extend high bit of 32-bit input 

    // To Int 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : Int8) -> Int { 
     return Int(x) 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : Int32) -> Int { 
     return Int(x) 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : Int64) -> Int { 
     return Int(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : Int) -> Int { 
     return x 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : UInt8) -> Int { 
     return Int(x) 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : UInt32) -> Int { 
     if MemoryLayout<Int>.size == MemoryLayout<Int32>.size { 
     return Int(Int32(bitPattern: x)) // For 32-bit systems, non-authorized interpretation 
     return Int(x) 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : UInt64) -> Int { 
     return Int(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToInt(_ x : UInt) -> Int { 
     return Int(bitPattern: x) 

    // MARK: - To unsigned Int 

    // To UInt8 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : Int8) -> UInt8 { 
     return UInt8(bitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : Int32) -> UInt8 { 
     return UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : Int64) -> UInt8 { 
     return UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : Int) -> UInt8 { 
     return UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : UInt8) -> UInt8 { 
     return x 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : UInt32) -> UInt8 { 
     return UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : UInt64) -> UInt8 { 
     return UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt8(_ x : UInt) -> UInt8 { 
     return UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: x) 

    // To UInt32 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : Int8) -> UInt32 { 
     return UInt32(bitPattern: Int32(x)) // Extend sign bit, assume minus input significant 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : Int32) -> UInt32 { 
     return UInt32(bitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : Int64) -> UInt32 { 
     return UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : Int) -> UInt32 { 
     return UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : UInt8) -> UInt32 { 
     return UInt32(x) 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : UInt32) -> UInt32 { 
     return x 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : UInt64) -> UInt32 { 
     return UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt32(_ x : UInt) -> UInt32 { 
     return UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: x) 

    // To UInt64 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : Int8) -> UInt64 { 
     return UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(x)) // Extend sign bit, assume minus input significant 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : Int32) -> UInt64 { 
     return UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(x)) // Extend sign bit, assume minus input significant 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : Int64) -> UInt64 { 
     return UInt64(bitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : Int) -> UInt64 { 
     return UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(x)) // Extend sign bit if necessary, assume minus input significant 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : UInt8) -> UInt64 { 
     return UInt64(x) 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : UInt32) -> UInt64 { 
     return UInt64(x) 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : UInt64) -> UInt64 { 
     return x 
    public static func ToUInt64(_ x : UInt) -> UInt64 { 
     return UInt64(x) // Does not extend high bit of 32-bit input 

    // To UInt 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : Int8) -> UInt { 
     return UInt(bitPattern: Int(x)) // Extend sign bit, assume minus input significant 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : Int32) -> UInt { 
     return UInt(truncatingBitPattern: Int64(x)) // Extend sign bit, assume minus input significant 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : Int64) -> UInt { 
     return UInt(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : Int) -> UInt { 
     return UInt(bitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : UInt8) -> UInt { 
     return UInt(x) 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : UInt32) -> UInt { 
     return UInt(x) 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : UInt64) -> UInt { 
     return UInt(truncatingBitPattern: x) 
    public static func ToUInt(_ x : UInt) -> UInt { 
     return x 

Hier einige Testcode:

public func doTest() { 

     // To Int8 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(-13 as Int8) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(257 as Int32) == 1) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(257 as Int64) == 1) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as Int) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(257 as Int) == 1) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(0xf3 as UInt8) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(UInt64.max - 12) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt8(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt8(UInt.max - 12) == -13) 

     // To Int32 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(-13 as Int8) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(-13 as Int32) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(Int64(Int32.min) - 1) == Int32.max) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as Int) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(-13 as Int) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(0xf3 as UInt8) == 243) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(UInt64.max - 12) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt32(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt32(UInt.max - 12) == -13) 

     // To Int64 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(-13 as Int8) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(-13 as Int32) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(-13 as Int64) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as Int) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(-13 as Int) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(0xf3 as UInt8) == 243) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == 4294967283) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(UInt64.max - 12) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt64(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(UInt.max - 12) == 4294967283) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToInt64(UInt.max - 12) == -13) // For 64-bit systems 

     // To Int 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(-13 as Int8) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(-13 as Int32) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(-13 as Int64) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as Int) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(-13 as Int) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(0xf3 as UInt8) == 243) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == -13) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == 4294967283) // For 64-bit systems 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(UInt64.max - 12) == -13) 

     assert(JDI.ToInt(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToInt(UInt.max - 12) == -13) 

     // To UInt8 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(-13 as Int8) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(-13 as Int32) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(-13 as Int64) == 0xf3) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(Int64.max - 12) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as Int) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(-13 as Int) == 0xf3) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(Int.max - 12) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(0xf3 as UInt8) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(UInt64.max - 12) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt8(UInt.max - 12) == 0xf3) 

     // To UInt32 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(-13 as Int8) == 0xfffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(-13 as Int32) == 0xfffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(-13 as Int64) == 0xfffffff3) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(Int64.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as Int) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(-13 as Int) == 0xfffffff3) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(Int.max - 12) == 0x7ffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(Int.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(0xf3 as UInt8) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == 0xfffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(UInt64.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt32(UInt.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) 

     // To UInt64 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(-13 as Int8) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(-13 as Int32) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(-13 as Int64) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(Int64.max - 12) == (UInt64.max >> 1) - 12) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as Int) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(-13 as Int) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(Int.max - 12) == 0x7ffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(Int.max - 12) == 0x7ffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(0xf3 as UInt8) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == 0xfffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(UInt64.max - 12) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(UInt.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt64(UInt.max - 12) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     // To UInt 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as Int8) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(-13 as Int8) == 0xfffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(-13 as Int8) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as Int32) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(-13 as Int32) == 0xfffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(-13 as Int32) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as Int64) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(-13 as Int64) == 0xfffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(Int64.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(-13 as Int64) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(Int64.max - 12) == 0x7ffffffffffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as Int) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(Int.max - 12) == 0x7ffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(Int.max - 12) == 0x7ffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as UInt8) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(0xf3 as UInt8) == 0xf3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as UInt32) == 42) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(0xfffffff3 as UInt32) == 0xfffffff3) 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as UInt64) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(UInt64.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(UInt64.max - 12) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     assert(JDI.ToUInt(42 as UInt) == 42) 
     #if (arch(i386) || arch(arm)) 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(UInt.max - 12) == 0xfffffff3) // For 32-bit systems 
     assert(JDI.ToUInt(UInt.max - 12) == 0xfffffffffffffff3) // For 64-bit systems 

     print("\nTesting JDI complete.\n") 