2017-07-11 2 views

Immer wenn ich gehe, um das Formular zu senden, gibt die Bio Textarea die Formularüberprüfung mit der Aussage "Dies ist erforderlich" zurück, wenn es bereits Text enthält schon eingetippt. Wenn ich die Sendeschaltfläche ein zweites Mal drücke (ohne etwas zu ändern), funktioniert es.Laravel Form Validierung erkennt Texteingabe nicht das erste Mal, aber es tut das zweite Mal

{!! Form::open(['route' => 'bios.store', 'data-parsley-validate' => '', 'files' => true]) !!} 

       {{ Form::label('image', 'Upload Image (Less than 2 MB):') }} 
       {{ Form::file('image') }} <br/> 

       {{ Form::label('bio', 'Bio') }} 
       {{ Form::textarea('bio', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'required' => '', 'maxlength' => '191']) }} <br/> 

       {{ Form::label('city', 'City') }} 
       {{ Form::text('city', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'required' => '', 'maxlength' => '191']) }}<br/> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 
       {{ Form::label('state', 'State') }} 
       {{ Form::select('state',[ 
        'States' => [ 
            null => 'Please Select', 
            'AL' => 'Alabama', 
            'AK' => 'Alaska', 
            'AZ' => 'Arizona', 
            'AR' => 'Arkansas', 
            'CA' => 'California', 
            'CO' => 'Colorado', 
            'CT' => 'Connecticut', 
            'DE' => 'Delaware', 
            'DC' => 'District Of Columbia', 
            'FL' => 'Florida', 
            'GA' => 'Georgia', 
            'HI' => 'Hawaii', 
            'ID' => 'Idaho', 
            'IL' => 'Illinois', 
            'IN' => 'Indiana', 
            'IA' => 'Iowa', 
            'KS' => 'Kansas', 
            'KY' => 'Kentucky', 
            'LA' => 'Louisiana', 
            'ME' => 'Maine', 
            'MD' => 'Maryland', 
            'MA' => 'Massachusetts', 
            'MI' => 'Michigan', 
            'MN' => 'Minnesota', 
            'MS' => 'Mississippi', 
            'MO' => 'Missouri', 
            'MT' => 'Montana', 
            'NE' => 'Nebraska', 
            'NV' => 'Nevada', 
            'NH' => 'New Hampshire', 
            'NJ' => 'New Jersey', 
            'NM' => 'New Mexico', 
            'NY' => 'New York', 
            'NC' => 'North Carolina', 
            'ND' => 'North Dakota', 
            'OH' => 'Ohio', 
            'OK' => 'Oklahoma', 
            'OR' => 'Oregon', 
            'PA' => 'Pennsylvania', 
            'RI' => 'Rhode Island', 
            'SC' => 'South Carolina', 
            'SD' => 'South Dakota', 
            'TN' => 'Tennessee', 
            'TX' => 'Texas', 
            'UT' => 'Utah', 
            'VT' => 'Vermont', 
            'VA' => 'Virginia', 
            'WA' => 'Washington', 
            'WV' => 'West Virginia', 
            'WI' => 'Wisconsin', 
            'WY' => 'Wyoming', 
       ], null, ['required']) }} 

       <div class="col-sm-6""> 
       {{ Form::label('identity', 'Role') }} 
       {{ Form::select('identity',[ 
        'Identity' => [ 
            null => 'Please Select', 
            'Athlete' => 'Athlete', 
            'Coach' => 'Trainer', 
       ], null, ['required']) }} 
       {{ Form::submit('Submit', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block']) }} 
      {!! Form::close() !!} 

Hier ist die ganze Datei.


@section('title', '| Bio') 

    <link href="{{ asset('assets/css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> 
    <link href="{{ asset('assets/css/homie.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> 

{!! Html::script('assets/js/parsley.min.js') !!} 
    <script src="https://cloud.tinymce.com/stable/tinymce.min.js?apiKey=rmgyrwthrrr2h5weft0b1mllmieqrg3hmdrsg58sym44ure3"></script> 
     selector: 'textarea', 
     plugins: 'link', 
     menubar: false 

    <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top"> 
     <div class="container"> 
      <div class="navbar-header"> 
       <!-- Branding Image --> 
        <h4 class="icon-style"><img src="{{ URL::asset('assets/images/etp.png') }}" alt="No image found" height="45px" width="45px"> 
        <a class="icon-link" href="home">Elite Training Pro</a></h4> 

<div class="container"> 
    <div class="row"> 
     <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> 
      <h3>Tell Us About Yourself</h3> 
       {!! Form::open(['route' => 'bios.store', 'data-parsley-validate' => '', 'files' => true]) !!} 

       {{ Form::label('image', 'Upload Image (Less than 2 MB):') }} 
       {{ Form::file('image') }} <br/> 

       {{ Form::label('bio', 'Bio') }} 
       {{ Form::textarea('bio', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'required' => '', 'maxlength' => '191']) }} <br/> 

       {{ Form::label('city', 'City') }} 
       {{ Form::text('city', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'required' => '', 'maxlength' => '191']) }}<br/> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 
       {{ Form::label('state', 'State') }} 
       {{ Form::select('state',[ 
        'States' => [ 
            null => 'Please Select', 
            'AL' => 'Alabama', 
            'AK' => 'Alaska', 
            'AZ' => 'Arizona', 
            'AR' => 'Arkansas', 
            'CA' => 'California', 
            'CO' => 'Colorado', 
            'CT' => 'Connecticut', 
            'DE' => 'Delaware', 
            'DC' => 'District Of Columbia', 
            'FL' => 'Florida', 
            'GA' => 'Georgia', 
            'HI' => 'Hawaii', 
            'ID' => 'Idaho', 
            'IL' => 'Illinois', 
            'IN' => 'Indiana', 
            'IA' => 'Iowa', 
            'KS' => 'Kansas', 
            'KY' => 'Kentucky', 
            'LA' => 'Louisiana', 
            'ME' => 'Maine', 
            'MD' => 'Maryland', 
            'MA' => 'Massachusetts', 
            'MI' => 'Michigan', 
            'MN' => 'Minnesota', 
            'MS' => 'Mississippi', 
            'MO' => 'Missouri', 
            'MT' => 'Montana', 
            'NE' => 'Nebraska', 
            'NV' => 'Nevada', 
            'NH' => 'New Hampshire', 
            'NJ' => 'New Jersey', 
            'NM' => 'New Mexico', 
            'NY' => 'New York', 
            'NC' => 'North Carolina', 
            'ND' => 'North Dakota', 
            'OH' => 'Ohio', 
            'OK' => 'Oklahoma', 
            'OR' => 'Oregon', 
            'PA' => 'Pennsylvania', 
            'RI' => 'Rhode Island', 
            'SC' => 'South Carolina', 
            'SD' => 'South Dakota', 
            'TN' => 'Tennessee', 
            'TX' => 'Texas', 
            'UT' => 'Utah', 
            'VT' => 'Vermont', 
            'VA' => 'Virginia', 
            'WA' => 'Washington', 
            'WV' => 'West Virginia', 
            'WI' => 'Wisconsin', 
            'WY' => 'Wyoming', 
       ], null, ['required']) }} 

       <div class="col-sm-6""> 
       {{ Form::label('identity', 'Role') }} 
       {{ Form::select('identity',[ 
        'Identity' => [ 
            null => 'Please Select', 
            'Athlete' => 'Athlete', 
            'Coach' => 'Trainer', 
       ], null, ['required']) }} 
       {{ Form::submit('Submit', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block']) }} 
      {!! Form::close() !!} 



TinyMCE speichert Inhalt in Textarea auf Formular senden. Sie müssen das Speichern von TinyMCE manuell vor dem Senden des Formulars auslösen oder es bei Eingabeänderungen automatisch auslösen.

    selector: 'textarea', 
    plugins: 'link', 
    menubar: false, 
    setup: function (editor) { 
     editor.on('change', function() { 
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