2012-10-22 8 views

ich die Python-Anfragen Bibliothek bin mit HTTP-related stuff zu tun. Ich setzte einen Proxy-Server mit kostenlosen ntlmaps auf meinem Computer, um als ein Proxy zu dienen, um die NTLM-Herausforderungen von Corporate ISA Server zu beantworten. Allerdings scheint die Antwort immer leer zu sein, wie unten dargestellt:https-Proxy-Unterstützung in Python-Anfragen Bibliothek

>>> import requests 
>>> r = requests.get('https://www.google.com') 
>>> r.text 

Es gibt kein solches Problem ist aber in der HTTP-Anforderung. Und wenn ich die urllib2-Bibliothek verwende, kann sie die richtige Antwort erhalten. Ich verglich die Nachricht Unterschied zwischen ‚Anfragen‘ und ‚urllib2‘ Bibliothek, und stellte fest, dass ‚Anfragen‘ Verwendungen ‚GET‘, während ‚urllib2‘ Verwendungen ‚CONNECT‘, wie in unten rohen Nachricht erfasst gezeigt (Die erste ‚Anfragen‘ Bibliothek). Weiß jemand, ob es eine Lösung gibt? Ist es ein Fehler der Bibliothek 'Anfragen'? Danke im Voraus.

22.10.2012 11:01:41 Version 
*** Got client request header. 
*** Client header: 
GET https://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.1 
Host: www.google.com 
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive 
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress 
Accept: */* 
User-Agent: python-requests/0.14.1 CPython/2.7.2 Darwin/12.1.0 

*** Client request header does not have 'Content-Length' or 'Transfer-Encoding' parameter and it must not have any body. 
*** Replacing values in client header...Done. 
*** New client header: 
GET https://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.1 
Host: www.google.com 
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive 
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress 
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */* 
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 

*** Connecting to remote server...( 
*** Sending client request header to remote server...Done. 
*** Got remote server response header. 
*** Remote server header: 
HTTP/1.0 200 OK 
Content-Type: text/html 
Refresh: 0; URL=https://www.google.com/ 

*** Could not find server 'Content-Length' parameter. 
*** Authentication routine started. 
*** Authentication not required. 
*** Authentication routine finished. 
*** Sending remote server response header to client...Done. 
*** Sent 15 bytes to client. (all - 0, len - 0) 
*** Remote server closed connection. (Server buffer - 0 bytes) 
*** No server's data to send to the client. (server's buffer - 0 bytes) 
*** Termination conditions detected (remote server closed connection). Stop Request issued. 
*** Finishing procedure started. 
*** Closing thread...Done. 

Die Nachricht von 'urllib2' Bibliothek gesendet: sollte

22.10.2012 11:03:49 Version 
*** Got client request header. 
*** Client header: 
CONNECT www.google.com:443 HTTP/1.0 

*** Client request header does not have 'Content-Length' or 'Transfer-Encoding' parameter and it must not have any body. 
*** Replacing values in client header...Done. 
*** New client header: 
CONNECT www.google.com:443 HTTP/1.0 
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */* 
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 

*** Connecting to remote server...( 
*** Sending client request header to remote server...Done. 
*** Got remote server response header. 
*** Remote server header: 
HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required (The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied.) 
Via: 1.1 LASISA2 
Proxy-Authenticate: Negotiate 
Proxy-Authenticate: Kerberos 
Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM 
Connection: close 
Proxy-Connection: close 
Pragma: no-cache 
Cache-Control: no-cache 
Content-Type: text/html 
Content-Length: 718 

*** Server 'Content-Length' found to be 718. 
*** Authentication routine started. 
*** Got Error 407 - "Proxy authentication required". 
*** Authentication methods allowed: Negotiate, Kerberos, NTLM 
*** Using NTLM authentication method. 
*** Authorization in progress... 
*** Closing connection to the remote server...Done. 
*** Building environment for NTLM. 
*** Using custom NTLM flags: 06820000 
*** NTLM version with LM response only. 
*** NTLM hashed passwords found. 
*** Environment has been built successfully. 
*** Connecting to remote server...( 
*** Resetting remote server status...Done. (Server buffer - 651 bytes) 
*** Remote server buffer flushed. 
*** Fake NTLM header with Msg1: 
CONNECT www.google.com:443 HTTP/1.0 
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */* 
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive 

*** Sending Fake NTLM header with Msg1...Done. 
*** There must be no body to send. 
*** Waiting for message 2 from remote server... 
*** Got remote server response header. 
*** Remote server header: 
HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required (Access is denied.) 
Via: 1.1 LASISA2 
Connection: Keep-Alive 
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive 
Pragma: no-cache 
Cache-Control: no-cache 
Content-Type: text/html 
Content-Length: 0 

*** Server 'Content-Length' found to be 0. 
*** Got NTLM message 2 from remote server. 
*** Resetting remote server status...Done. (Server buffer - 0 bytes) 
*** Remote server buffer flushed. 
*** Sending Fake NTLM header (not body) with Msg3...Done. 
*** Fake NTLM header with Msg3: 
CONNECT www.google.com:443 HTTP/1.0 
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */* 
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 

*** End of NTLM authorization process. 
*** Authentication routine finished. 
*** Got remote server response header. 
*** Remote server header: 
HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established 
Proxy-Connection: close 
Connection: close 
Via: 1.1 LASISA2 

*** Remote server response to the 'CONNECT' request. It must not have any body. 
*** Authentication routine started. 
*** Authentication not required. 
*** Authentication routine finished. 
*** Sending remote server response header to client...Done. 
*** Lowered authentication flags down. As the code is neither 401 nor 407. 
*** Successful 'CONNECT' request detected. Going to tunnel mode. 
*** Resetting client status...Done. (Client buffer - 114 bytes) 
*** Resetting remote server status...Done. (Server buffer - 0 bytes) 
*** Request completed. 
*** Tunnelled 114 bytes to remote server. 
*** Tunnelled 1725 bytes to client. 
*** Tunnelled 186 bytes to remote server. 
*** Tunnelled 47 bytes to client. 
*** Tunnelled 142 bytes to remote server. 
*** Tunnelled 4096 bytes to client. 
*** Tunnelled 248 bytes to client. 
*** Tunnelled 2076 bytes to client. 
*** Tunnelled 4096 bytes to client. 
*** Tunnelled 1198 bytes to client. 
*** Remote server closed connection. (Server buffer - 0 bytes) 
*** Termination conditions detected (remote server closed connection). Stop Request issued. 
*** Finishing procedure started. 
*** Closing thread...Done. 



https Proxy "CONNECT" verwenden Es ist beabsichtigt, dass urllib2 es so tut. CONNECT baut den Tunnel für die sichere Übertragung auf, der für HTTPS benötigt wird.


Dank. Denkst du, das ist ein Bug der Requests-Bibliothek? Wenn ja, muss ich dies möglicherweise dem Entwickler mitteilen. – EricCui


Wie ich es dieses Verständnis ist ein Fehler in urllib3 die Anwendungen unter der Motorhaube anfordert. Sehen Sie diesen Bug-Report: https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/issues/50


Danke. Ich habe das Problem an den Request-Entwickler gesendet. Siehe diesen Link: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/905 – EricCui


Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, sie sind bereits bekannt, und die Arbeit am Problem :) – aychedee


Bug wurde behoben, und https-Proxies arbeiten aus Version 2.0.0+ welche veröffentlicht wurde :) – jpoppe