2016-08-09 4 views

Ich habe Server StreaminsightKann ich eine Abfrage an einen vorhandenen StreamInsight-Server binden?

static void Main(string[] args) 
     // Create an embedded StreamInsight server 
     using (var server = Server.Create("Default")) 
      // Create a local end point for the server embedded in this program 
      var host = new ServiceHost(server.CreateManagementService()); 
      host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IManagementService), new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.Message), "http://localhost/MyStreamInsightServer"); 

      /* The following entities will be defined and available in the server for other clients: 
      * serverApp 
      * serverSource 
      * serverSink 
      * serverProcess 

      // CREATE a StreamInsight APPLICATION in the server 
      var myApp = server.CreateApplication("serverApp"); 

      // DEFINE a simple SOURCE (returns a point event every second) 
      var mySource = myApp.DefineObservable(() => Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))).ToPointStreamable(x => PointEvent.CreateInsert(DateTimeOffset.Now, x), AdvanceTimeSettings.StrictlyIncreasingStartTime); 

      // DEPLOY the source to the server for clients to use 

      // Compose a QUERY over the source (return every even-numbered event) 
      var myQuery = from e in mySource 
          where e % 2 == 0 
          select e; 

      // DEFINE a simple observer SINK (writes the value to the server console) 
      var mySink = myApp.DefineObserver(() => Observer.Create<long>(x => Console.WriteLine("sink_Server..: {0}", x))); 

      // DEPLOY the sink to the server for clients to use 

      // BIND the query to the sink and RUN it 
      using (var proc = myQuery.Bind(mySink).Run("serverProcess")) 
       // Wait for the user stops the server 
       Console.WriteLine("MyStreamInsightServer is running, press Enter to stop the server"); 
       Console.WriteLine(" "); 

Und der Streaminsight-Client A:

static void Main(string[] args) 
     // Connect to the StreamInsight server 
     using (var server = Server.Connect(new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(@"http://localhost/MyStreamInsightServer"))) 
      /* The following entities are expected to be defined in the server: 
      * serverApp0 
      * serverSource0 
      * serverSink0 
      /* The following entity will be defined in the server by this client: 
      * serverProcess_Client_A 

      // Get the existing StreamInsight APPLICATION 
      var myApp = server.Applications["serverApp"]; 

      // GET the SOURCE from the server 
      var mySource = myApp.GetStreamable<long>("serverSource"); 

      // Compose a QUERY on the source (return every even-numbered item + 1000) 
      var myQuery = from e in mySource 
          where e % 2 == 0 
          select e + 1000; 

      // GET the SINK from the server 
      var mySink = myApp.GetObserver<long>("serverSink"); 

      // BIND the QUERY to the SINK and RUN it 
      using (var proc = myQuery.Bind(mySink).Run("serverProcess_Client_A")) 
       // Wait for the user to stop the program 
       Console.WriteLine("Client A is running, press Enter to exit the client"); 
       Console.WriteLine(" "); 

ich einen anderen Client B haben und ich möchte eine Abfrage von Client B zu diesem Prozess der Client A binden (den Prozess have name "serverProcess_Client_A"). Ich möchte keinen neuen Prozess von Client B erstellen

Frage: Kann ich das tun?

Eine andere Frage: Kann ich eine Abfrage an einen vorhandenen StreamInsight-Prozess binden?



Es ist unmöglich, denke ich. Der Prozessname ist für jeden Client eindeutig. Wenn Sie denselben Prozess für mehrere Clients verwenden, wird die Ausnahme "Prozess ist vorhanden" ausgelöst.

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