2017-01-14 8 views

Ich mache eine Abrufanforderung mit einem Prädikat, das in dem Blockzitat unten erwähnt wird, aber ich scheine "logisch falsche Abrufanforderung" zu erhalten. Was bedeutet diese Nachricht und welchen Schritt sollte ich unternehmen, um das Problem zu finden und zu lösen?logisch falsche Abrufanforderung

Anmerkung: logisch falsch Abrufanforderung (Einheit: Land; Prädikat: ("alpha3Code" == "KOR"); sortDescriptors: ((null)); Typ: NSManagedObjectResultType;) Kurzschluss.

Hier ist der Code, den ich den Fehler von

let record = Currency.fetch(id: currency)[0] as! Currency 

wo Währungsklasse ist wie folgt. "Holt" wird in NSManagedObjectProtocol Eigenschaft implementiert

public class Currency: NSManagedObject, NSManagedObjectProtocol, XMLImporterDelegate { 

    private static let attributes = ["name", "currency", "decimalUnit", "isUsed"] 
    private static let xmlRecordTag = "CcyNtry" 
    private static let xmlAttributeTags = ["CcyNm": attributes[0], 
              "Ccy": attributes[1], 
              "CcyMnrUnts": attributes[2]] 

    static func setValue(managedObject: NSManagedObjectProtocol, object: Dictionary<String, Any>) { 
     let currency = managedObject as! Currency 
     currency.name = getString(from: object, withKeyValue: attributes[0]) 
     currency.currency = getString(from: object, withKeyValue: attributes[1]) 
     currency.decimalUnit = getInt16(from: object, withKeyValue: attributes[2]) 
     currency.isUsed = getBool(from: object, withKeyValue: attributes[3]) 

    static func getPredicates(forID id: Dictionary<String, Any>) -> [NSPredicate] { 
     var predicates: [NSPredicate] = [] 
     predicates.append(NSPredicate.init(format: "%@ = %@", attributes[1], getString(from: id, withKeyValue: attributes[1]))) 
     return predicates 

    func isEqual(object: NSManagedObjectProtocol) -> Bool { 
     if let object = object as? Currency { 
      if object.currency == self.currency { return false } 
      return true 
     } else { 
      return false 

    static func recordTag() -> String { 
     return xmlRecordTag 

    static func attribute(byTag tag: String) -> String? { 
     return xmlAttributeTags[tag] 

    static func getUsed() -> [Any]?{ 
     var predicates: [NSPredicate] = [] 
     predicates.append(NSPredicate.init(format: "%@ = %@", attributes[3], NSNumber(booleanLiteral: false))) 
     return fetch(predicates: predicates) 

NSManagedObjectProtocol Eigenschaft hat folgende

extension NSManagedObjectProtocol { 
    public static func add(from objectValue: Dictionary<String, Any>) -> NSManagedObjectProtocol? { 
     let exists = fetch(id: objectValue) 
     if exists.count > 0 { 
      NSLog("Object already exists in CoreData : %@", objectValue.description) 
      return nil 
     } else { 
      return newObject(object: objectValue) 

    public static func addOrChange(from object: Dictionary<String, Any>) -> NSManagedObjectProtocol { 
     let exists = fetch(id: object) 
     if exists.count > 0 { 
      // TODO: confirm if data needs to be changed rather than delete and insert 
     delete(id: object) 
     return add(from: object)! 

    public static func getString(from object: Dictionary<String, Any>, withKeyValue key: String) -> String { 
     return object[key] as! String 

    public static func getInt16(from object: Dictionary<String, Any>, withKeyValue key: String) -> Int16 { 
     if let stringValue = object[key] as? String { 
      if let intValue = Int(stringValue) { 
       return Int16(intValue) 
      } else { 
       return 0 
     } else if let intValue = object[key] as? Int { 
      return Int16(intValue) 
     } else { 
      return 0 

    public static func getBool(from object: Dictionary<String, Any>, withKeyValue key: String) -> Bool { 
     if let boolValue = object[key] as? Bool { 
      return boolValue 
     } else { 
      return false 

    public static func fetch(predicates: [NSPredicate] = [], sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor] = []) -> [Any] { 
     let request = Self.request(predicates: predicates) 
     do { 
      return try CoreDataHelper.getCoreDataHelper().context.fetch(request) 
     } catch { 
      return [] 

    public static func fetch(id: Dictionary<String, Any>) -> [Any] { 
     return Self.fetch(predicates: Self.getPredicates(forID: id)) 

    public static func delete(predicates: [NSPredicate] = []) { 
     let context = CoreDataHelper.getContext() 
     let fetchRequest = request(predicates: predicates) 
     let deleteRequest = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: fetchRequest) 
     do { 
      try context.execute(deleteRequest) 
     } catch { 
      NSLog("Delete request failed") 

    public static func delete(id: Dictionary<String, Any>) { 
     delete(predicates: getPredicates(forID: id)) 

    // MARK: - Private API 
    private static func newObject(object: Dictionary<String, Any>) -> NSManagedObjectProtocol { 
     let entityName = String(describing: self) 
     let context = CoreDataHelper.getContext() 
     let managedObject = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: entityName, into: context) as! NSManagedObjectProtocol 
     setValue(managedObject: managedObject, object: object) 
     return managedObject 

    private static func request(predicates: [NSPredicate] = [], sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor] = []) -> NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> { 
     // Prepare a request 
     let entityName = String(describing: self) 
     let classObject: AnyClass! = NSClassFromString(entityName) 
     let objectType: NSManagedObject.Type = classObject as! NSManagedObject.Type! 
     let request: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = objectType.fetchRequest() 

     // Add predicates 
     if predicates.count > 0 { 
      request.predicate = NSCompoundPredicate.init(andPredicateWithSubpredicates: predicates) 

     // Add sortDescriptors 
     if sortDescriptors.count > 0 { 
      request.sortDescriptors = sortDescriptors 

     return request 

Schließlich ist dies, wie der CoreDataHelper aussieht.

Nur um Sie wissen zu lassen, dass die Länderklasse alpha3Code hat.

extension Country { 

    @nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Country> { 
     return NSFetchRequest<Country>(entityName: "Country"); 

    @NSManaged public var englishName: String? 
    @NSManaged public var frenchName: String? 
    @NSManaged public var alpha2Code: String? 
    @NSManaged public var alpha3Code: String? 
    @NSManaged public var countryNumber: Int16 


Hat das 'Country' Entity ein Attribut vom Typ' String' enthält, die so genannte " alpha3Code "? – shallowThought


Ja, tut es. Ich habe die Länderklassendefinition hinzugefügt –


Versuchen Sie, den empfohlenen Formatbezeichner '% K' für einen Schlüssel (Pfad) anstelle von'% @ 'zu verwenden, wie in der [Prädikat-Dokumentation] beschrieben (https://developer.apple.com/ Bibliothek/Inhalt/Dokumentation/Kakao/Konzeptionelle/Prädikate/Artikel/pSyntax.html) – vadian



Verwenden Sie die empfohlenen Formatspezifizierer %K für einen Schlüssel (Pfad), anstatt %@ wie in den

Predicate Documentation beschrieben
predicates.append(NSPredicate.init(format: "%K = %@", attributes[1], getString(from: id, withKeyValue: attributes[1]))) 
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