2017-02-08 1 views

Schritte zu replizieren:Rufus cron Planung funktioniert nicht auf einem Steg Server

  1. ein neues Rails-Projekt erstellen. (Schienen
  2. hinzufügen Abhängigkeiten (warbler, Harke, rufus-Scheduler) (/ Gemfile)
  3. JRuby
  4. neue Dateien erstellen. (/config/warble.rb) (/web.xml.erb) (/config/intializers/scheduler_rufus.rb)
  5. Erstellen Sie eine ausführbare WAR-Datei mit Steg-Webserver. (Warble War RAILS_ENV = Entwicklung)
  6. Starten Sie die ausführbare Datei. (java -jar mywar.war)
  7. Der Scheduler führt den Cron-Job nicht aus.


source 'https://rubygems.org' 

gem 'rails', '' 

# Bundle edge Rails instead: 
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git' 

gem 'activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter' 

gem 'jruby-openssl' 

gem 'warbler' 

gem 'rake', '11.3.0' 

gem 'rufus-scheduler', '~> 3.3', '>= 3.3.3' 
# Gems used only for assets and not required 
# in production environments by default. 
group :assets do 
    gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3' 
    gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1' 

    # See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes 
    gem 'therubyrhino' 

    gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3' 

gem 'jquery-rails' 

# To use ActiveModel has_secure_password 
# gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0' 

# To use Jbuilder templates for JSON 
# gem 'jbuilder' 

# Use unicorn as the app server 
# gem 'unicorn' 

# Deploy with Capistrano 
# gem 'capistrano' 

# To use debugger 
# gem 'debugger' 


# Disable Rake-environment-task framework detection by uncommenting/setting to false 
# Warbler.framework_detection = false 

# Warbler web application assembly configuration file 
Warbler::Config.new do |config| 
    # Features: additional options controlling how the jar is built. 
    # Currently the following features are supported: 
    # - *gemjar*: package the gem repository in a jar file in WEB-INF/lib 
    # - *executable*: embed a web server and make the war executable 
    # - *runnable*: allows to run bin scripts e.g. `java -jar my.war -S rake -T` 
    # - *compiled*: compile .rb files to .class files 
    config.features = %w(executable) 

    # Application directories to be included in the webapp. 
    config.dirs = %w(app config db lib log script vendor tmp) 

    # Additional files/directories to include, above those in config.dirs 
    config.includes = FileList["web.xml.erb"] 

    # Additional files/directories to exclude 
    # config.excludes = FileList["lib/tasks/*"] 

    # Additional Java .jar files to include. Note that if .jar files are placed 
    # in lib (and not otherwise excluded) then they need not be mentioned here. 
    # JRuby and JRuby-Rack are pre-loaded in this list. Be sure to include your 
    # own versions if you directly set the value 
    # config.java_libs += FileList["lib/java/*.jar"] 

    # Loose Java classes and miscellaneous files to be included. 
    # config.java_classes = FileList["target/classes/**.*"] 

    # One or more pathmaps defining how the java classes should be copied into 
    # the archive. The example pathmap below accompanies the java_classes 
    # configuration above. See http://rake.rubyforge.org/classes/String.html#M000017 
    # for details of how to specify a pathmap. 
    # config.pathmaps.java_classes << "%{target/classes/,}p" 

    # Bundler support is built-in. If Warbler finds a Gemfile in the 
    # project directory, it will be used to collect the gems to bundle 
    # in your application. If you wish to explicitly disable this 
    # functionality, uncomment here. 
    # config.bundler = false 

    # An array of Bundler groups to avoid including in the war file. 
    # Defaults to ["development", "test", "assets"]. 
    # config.bundle_without = [] 

    # Other gems to be included. If you don't use Bundler or a gemspec 
    # file, you need to tell Warbler which gems your application needs 
    # so that they can be packaged in the archive. 
    # For Rails applications, the Rails gems are included by default 
    # unless the vendor/rails directory is present. 
    # config.gems += ["activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", "jruby-openssl"] 
    # config.gems << "tzinfo" 

    # Uncomment this if you don't want to package rails gem. 
    # config.gems -= ["rails"] 

    # The most recent versions of gems are used. 
    # You can specify versions of gems by using a hash assignment: 
    # config.gems["rails"] = "4.2.5" 

    # You can also use regexps or Gem::Dependency objects for flexibility or 
    # finer-grained control. 
    # config.gems << /^sinatra-/ 
    # config.gems << Gem::Dependency.new("sinatra", "= 1.4.7") 

    # Include gem dependencies not mentioned specifically. Default is 
    # true, uncomment to turn off. 
    # config.gem_dependencies = false 

    # Array of regular expressions matching relative paths in gems to be 
    # excluded from the war. Defaults to empty, but you can set it like 
    # below, which excludes test files. 
    # config.gem_excludes = [/^(test|spec)\//] 

    # Pathmaps for controlling how application files are copied into the archive 
    # config.pathmaps.application = ["WEB-INF/%p"] 

    # Name of the archive (without the extension). Defaults to the basename 
    # of the project directory. 
    config.jar_name = "mywar" 

    # File extension for the archive. Defaults to either 'jar' or 'war'. 
    config.jar_extension = "war" 

    # Destionation for the created archive. Defaults to project's root directory. 
    # config.autodeploy_dir = "dist/" 

    # Name of the MANIFEST.MF template for the war file. Defaults to a simple 
    # MANIFEST.MF that contains the version of Warbler used to create the war file. 
    # config.manifest_file = "config/MANIFEST.MF" 

    # When using the 'compiled' feature and specified, only these Ruby 
    # files will be compiled. Default is to compile all \.rb files in 
    # the application. 
    # config.compiled_ruby_files = FileList['app/**/*.rb'] 

    # Determines if ruby files in supporting gems will be compiled. 
    # Ignored unless compile feature is used. 
    # config.compile_gems = false 

    # When set it specify the bytecode version for compiled class files 
    # config.bytecode_version = "1.6" 

    # When set to true, Warbler will override the value of ENV['GEM_HOME'] even it 
    # has already been set. When set to false it will use any existing value of 
    # GEM_HOME if it is set. 
    # config.override_gem_home = true 

    # Allows for specifing custom executables 
    # config.executable = ["rake", "bin/rake"] 

    # Sets default (prefixed) parameters for the executables 
    # config.executable_params = "do:something" 

    # If set to true, moves jar files into WEB-INF/lib. Prior to version 1.4.2 of Warbler this was done 
    # by default. But since 1.4.2 this config defaults to false. It may need to be set to true for 
    # web servers that do not explode the WAR file. 
    # Alternatively, this option can be set to a regular expression, which will 
    # act as a jar selector -- only jar files that match the pattern will be 
    # included in the archive. 
    # config.move_jars_to_webinf_lib = false 

    # === War files only below here === 

    # Embedded webserver to use with the 'executable' feature. Currently supported 
    # webservers are: 
    # - *jetty* - Embedded Jetty from Eclipse 
    config.webserver = 'jetty' 

    # Path to the pre-bundled gem directory inside the war file. Default 
    # is 'WEB-INF/gems'. Specify path if gems are already bundled 
    # before running Warbler. This also sets 'gem.path' inside web.xml. 
    # config.gem_path = "WEB-INF/vendor/bundler_gems" 

    # Files for WEB-INF directory (next to web.xml). This contains 
    # web.xml by default. If there is an .erb-File it will be processed 
    # with webxml-config. You may want to exclude this file via 
    # config.excludes. 
    # config.webinf_files += FileList["jboss-web.xml"] 

    # Files to be included in the root of the webapp. Note that files in public 
    # will have the leading 'public/' part of the path stripped during staging. 
    # config.public_html = FileList["public/**/*", "doc/**/*"] 

    # Pathmaps for controlling how public HTML files are copied into the .war 
    # config.pathmaps.public_html = ["%{public/,}p"] 

    # Value of RAILS_ENV for the webapp -- default as shown below 
    config.webxml.rails.env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'production' 

    # Public ROOT mapping, by default assets are copied into .war ROOT directory. 
    # config.public.root = '' 

    # Application booter to use, either :rack or :rails (autodetected by default) 
    # config.webxml.booter = :rails 

    # When using the :rack booter, "Rackup" script to use. 
    # - For 'rackup.path', the value points to the location of the rackup 
    # script in the web archive file. You need to make sure this file 
    # gets included in the war, possibly by adding it to config.includes 
    # or config.webinf_files above. 
    # - For 'rackup', the rackup script you provide as an inline string 
    # is simply embedded in web.xml. 
    # The script is evaluated in a Rack::Builder to load the application. 
    # Examples: 
    # config.webxml.rackup.path = 'WEB-INF/hello.ru' 
    # config.webxml.rackup = %{require './lib/demo'; run Rack::Adapter::Camping.new(Demo)} 
    # config.webxml.rackup = require 'cgi' && CGI::escapeHTML(File.read("config.ru")) 

    # Control the pool of Rails runtimes. Leaving unspecified means 
    # the pool will grow as needed to service requests. It is recommended 
    # that you fix these values when running a production server! 
    # If you're using threadsafe! mode, you probably don't want to set these values, 
    # since 1 runtime(default for threadsafe mode) will be enough. 
    config.webxml.jruby.min.runtimes = 1 
    config.webxml.jruby.max.runtimes = 1 

    # JNDI data source name 
    # config.webxml.jndi = 'jdbc/rails' 


<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" 
     xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd" 
    <display-name>Uncomment and put name :here: for Tomcat Dashboard</display-name>--> 

    <%# NOTE: to be renamed to servlet_context_params %> 
    <%- webxml.context_params.each do |name, value| -%> 
    <param-name><%= name %></param-name> 
    <param-value><%= value %></param-value> 
    <%- end -%> 

    <%- if webxml.respond_to?(:servlet_filter) -%> 
    <filter-name><%= webxml.servlet_filter_name %></filter-name> 
    <filter-class><%= webxml.servlet_filter %></filter-class> 
    <async-supported><%= !! webxml.servlet_filter_async %></async-supported> 
    <filter-name><%= webxml.servlet_filter_name %></filter-name> 
    <url-pattern><%= webxml.servlet_filter_url_pattern %></url-pattern> 
    <%- else -%> <%# NOTE: due compatibility when warbler gets downgraded to 2.0.0 %> 
    <%- end -%> 

    <%- if webxml.respond_to?(:servlet_context_listeners) -%> 
    <%- webxml.servlet_context_listeners.each do |listener| -%> 
    <listener-class><%= listener %></listener-class> 
    <%- end -%> 
    <%- else -%> <%# NOTE: due compatibility when warbler gets downgraded to 2.0.0 %> 
    <listener-class><%= webxml.servlet_context_listener %></listener-class> 
    <%- end -%> 

    <%- [webxml.jndi].flatten.each do |jndi| -%> 
    <res-ref-name><%= jndi %></res-ref-name> 
    <%- end if webxml.jndi -%> 


require 'rufus-scheduler' 

scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.singleton 

unless defined?(Rails::Console) || File.split($0).last == 'rake' 
    # only schedule when not running from the Ruby on Rails console 
    # or from a rake task 

    scheduler.cron '15 18 * * *' do 
     puts 'Hello World' 



Sie sagen "es ist nicht planen". Ich schätze, du hast bis zur angegebenen 1815 gewartet, aber nichts ist passiert.

Nach Ihrer vorherigen Frage (Why is Rufus scheduling the job twice?) ist rufus-scheduler eigentlich planen, also was passiert?

Der Rufus-Scheduler 3.3.3 (den Sie scheinbar verwenden) verwendet standardmäßig die Zeitzone von Rails. Diese Zeitzone wird in der Datei config/application.rb und standardmäßig auf UTC gesetzt.

Konnte es sein, dass Sie bis 1815 Ortszeit (nicht UTC-Zeit) gewartet haben und nichts passiert ist?

Versuchen Sie mit einem Zeitplan wie (jede Minute) oder "*/5 * * * *" (0, 5, 10, 15, ... Minute).


Du bist ein Gott. Tolle Antwort. Arbeitete perfekt. –


Ich bin kein Gott. Ein großes Lob an Sie in der Pro-Ausgabe-Berichterstattung. – jmettraux


Ihr Jungs scheint nett zu sein. – BooBailey


@jmettraux hat es genagelt.


config.time_zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' 


require 'rufus-scheduler' 

scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.singleton 

unless defined?(Rails::Console) || File.split($0).last == 'rake' 
    # only schedule when not running from the Ruby on Rails console 
    # or from a rake task 

    scheduler.every '10s' do 
     puts Time.now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") 

    scheduler.cron '52 19 * * *' do 
     puts 'Hello World' 

enter image description here


Dies ist nicht Arbeitszeit wird gedruckt, aber die Nachricht Hallo Welt wird nicht gedruckt. –

Verwandte Themen