2016-06-02 7 views

Ich bin ein Parser (zum Erlernen von pourpuses).FParsec analysiert nur Ausdrücke zwischen Klammern

Ich möchte es Konstruktionen wie

let myVar be 40 plus 2 


let myVar be (40 plus 2) 

ohne Probleme analysieren ... aber mein Parser "verstehen" nicht die erste. Es sieht die 40 und denkt "gut, es ist ein Literal Numeric 40".

Wenn ich Klammern setzen, funktioniert mein Parser großartig.

Ich habe es schwer zu verstehen, warum.


type value = 
    | Boolean of bool 
    | Numeric of float 
    | String of string 

type arithmetic = Sum | Sub | Mul | Div | Pow 

type logic = And | Or | Equal | NotEqual | Greater | Smaller 

type identifier = 
    | Identifier of string 

type expression = 
    | Literal of value 
    | Arithmetic of expression * arithmetic * expression 
    | Negative of expression 
    | Negation of expression 
    | Logic of expression * logic * expression 
    | Variable of identifier 

type statement = 
    | Assignment of identifier * expression 
    | Print of expression 
    | Read of identifier 

let private ws = spaces 

let private str s = pstring s .>> ws 

let private pnumeric = 
    .>> ws 
    |>> fun n -> Literal (Numeric n) 

let private pboolean = 
    choice [ 
     (stringReturn "true" (Literal (Boolean true))) 
     (stringReturn "false" (Literal (Boolean false))) 
    .>> ws 

let private pstringliteral = 
    choice [ 
     between (pstring "\"") (pstring "\"") (manyChars (satisfy (fun c -> c <> '"'))) 
     between (pstring "'") (pstring "'") (manyChars (satisfy (fun c -> c <> '''))) 
    |>> fun s -> Literal (String s) 

let private pidentifier = 
    many1Satisfy2L isLetter (fun c -> isLetter c || isDigit c) "identifier" 
    |>> fun s -> Identifier s 

let private betweenParentheses p = 
    between (str "(") (str ")") p 

let private pvalue = 
    choice [ 

let private prefixOperator (p: OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>) op prec map = 
    p.AddOperator(PrefixOperator (op, ws, prec, true, map)) 

let private infixOperator (p: OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>) op prec map = 
    p.AddOperator(InfixOperator (op, ws, prec, Associativity.Left, map)) 

let private oppNegation = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>() 
let private oppLogic = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>() 
let private oppArithmetic = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>() 
let private oppNegative = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>() 

prefixOperator oppNegation "not" 1 (fun x -> Negation x) 
infixOperator oppLogic "is" 1 (fun x y -> Logic (x, Equal, y)) 
infixOperator oppLogic "isnt" 1 (fun x y -> Logic (x, NotEqual, y)) 
infixOperator oppLogic "and" 2 (fun x y -> Logic (x, And, y)) 
infixOperator oppLogic "or" 3 (fun x y -> Logic (x, Or, y)) 
prefixOperator oppNegative "-" 1 (fun x -> Negative x) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic ">" 1 (fun x y -> Logic (x, Greater, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "<" 1 (fun x y -> Logic (x, Smaller, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "is" 2 (fun x y -> Logic (x, Equal, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "isnt" 2 (fun x y -> Logic (x, NotEqual, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "plus" 3 (fun x y -> Arithmetic (x, Sum, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "minus" 3 (fun x y -> Arithmetic (x, Sub, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "times" 4 (fun x y -> Arithmetic (x, Mul, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "divided by" 4 (fun x y -> Arithmetic (x, Div, y)) 
infixOperator oppArithmetic "power" 5 (fun x y -> Arithmetic (x, Pow, y)) 

let private negationExprParser = oppNegation.ExpressionParser 
let private logicExprParser = oppLogic.ExpressionParser 
let private arithmeticExprParser = oppArithmetic.ExpressionParser 
let private negativeExprParser = oppNegative.ExpressionParser 

oppNegation.TermParser <- choice [ 
    betweenParentheses negationExprParser 

oppLogic.TermParser <- choice [ 
    betweenParentheses logicExprParser 

oppNegative.TermParser <- choice [ 
    betweenParentheses negativeExprParser 

oppArithmetic.TermParser <- choice [ 
    betweenParentheses arithmeticExprParser 

let private pexpression = 
    choice [ 
     attempt <| pstringliteral 
     attempt <| negationExprParser 
     attempt <| logicExprParser 
     attempt <| negativeExprParser 
     attempt <| arithmeticExprParser 
     attempt <| (pidentifier |>> fun id -> Variable id) 

let private passignment = 
    pipe2 (str "let" .>> ws >>. pidentifier) (ws >>. str "be" >>. ws >>. pexpression) (fun id exp -> Assignment (id, exp)) 

let private pprint = 
    str "print" 
    >>. pexpression 
    |>> fun exp -> Print exp 

let private pread = 
    str "read" 
    >>. pidentifier 
    |>> fun id -> Read id 

let private pstatement = 
    choice [ 

let private pline = 
    skipMany (satisfy (fun c -> c = '\n' || c = ' ')) 
    >>. pstatement 
    .>> ws 

let private pcode = 
    many pline 

let generateAST code = 
    match run pcode code with 
    | Success (ast, _, _) -> sprintf "%A" ast 
    | Failure (msg, _, _) -> msg 


let main argv = 
    printfn "%s\n" (generateAST "let b be 5 plus 7") 
    // [Assignment (Identifier "b",Literal (Numeric 5.0))] 

    printfn "%s\n" (generateAST "let b be (5 plus 7)") 
    // [Assignment 
    // (Identifier "b",Arithmetic (Literal (Numeric 5.0),Sum,Literal (Numeric 7.0)))] 


Sie könnten Kommentare zu einer anderen Frage von Interesse finden: [Fparsec rekursive Grammatik werfen StackOverflowException] (http://stackoverflow.com/q/37077358/1243762) –


Sie haben [this] (http: //www.fssnip .net/lf) in einem Kommentar. Die Zeilen 77-80 von Parsers Code implementieren etwas, das dem entspricht, was ich getan habe. Warum funktioniert mein Code nicht, wenn es praktisch dasselbe ist? – Gabriel


Wenn Sie solche Fragen posten, versuchen Sie bitte, das Beispiel so weit wie möglich zu reduzieren. Auf diese Weise könnten Sie das Problem selbst finden oder zumindest die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen, dass jemand anderes sich die Zeit nimmt, Ihre Frage zu verstehen und zu beantworten. (Wenn Sie diesen speziellen Beispielcode reduzieren, werde ich versuchen, Ihnen zu helfen!) –



Werfen Sie einen Blick auf FParsec - Tracing a parser

Wenn Sie die empfohlene FParsec Tracing-Funktion an die Spitze des Codes hinzufügen

let (<!>) (p: Parser<_,_>) label : Parser<_,_> = 
    fun stream -> 
     printfn "%A: Entering %s" stream.Position label 
     let reply = p stream 
     printfn "%A: Leaving %s (%A)" stream.Position label reply.Status 

ändern dann die Parser die Trace-Funktion

let private pnumeric = 
    .>> ws 
    |>> fun n -> Literal (Numeric n)) <!> "pnumeric" 

let private pboolean = 
    (choice [ 
     (stringReturn "true" (Literal (Boolean true))) 
     (stringReturn "false" (Literal (Boolean false))) 
    .>> ws) <!> "pboolean" 

let private pstringliteral = 
    (choice [ 
     between (pstring "\"") (pstring "\"") (manyChars (satisfy (fun c -> c <> '"'))) 
     between (pstring "'") (pstring "'") (manyChars (satisfy (fun c -> c <> '''))) 
    |>> fun s -> Literal (String s)) <!> "pstringliteral" 

let private pidentifier = 
    (many1Satisfy2L isLetter (fun c -> isLetter c || isDigit c) "identifier" 
    |>> fun s -> Identifier s) <!> "pidentifier" 

let private betweenParentheses p = 
    (between (str "(") (str ")") p) <!> "betweenParentheses" 

let private pvalue = 
    (choice [ 
    ]) <!> "pvalue" 

let private negationExprParser = oppNegation.ExpressionParser <!> "negationExprParser" 
let private logicExprParser = oppLogic.ExpressionParser <!> "logicExprParser" 
let private arithmeticExprParser = oppArithmetic.ExpressionParser <!> "arithmeticExprParser" 
let private negativeExprParser = oppNegative.ExpressionParser <!> "negativeExprParser " 

let private pexpression = 
    choice [ 
     attempt <| pstringliteral 
     attempt <| negationExprParser 
     attempt <| logicExprParser 
     attempt <| negativeExprParser 
     attempt <| arithmeticExprParser 
     attempt <| (pidentifier |>> fun id -> Variable id) 
    ] <!> "pexpression" 

let private passignment = 
    pipe2 (str "let" .>> ws >>. pidentifier) (ws >>. str "be" >>. ws >>. pexpression) (fun id exp -> Assignment (id, exp)) <!> "passignment" 

let private pprint = 
    (str "print" 
    >>. pexpression 
    |>> fun exp -> Print exp) <!> "pprint" 

let private pread = 
    (str "read" 
    >>. pidentifier 
    |>> fun id -> Read id) <!> "pread" 

let private pstatement = 
    (choice [ 
    ]) <!> "pstatement" 

let private pline = 
    (skipMany (satisfy (fun c -> c = '\n' || c = ' ')) 
    >>. pstatement 
    .>> ws) <!> "pline" 

let private pcode = 
    many pline <!> "pcode" 

und führen Sie den Code verwenden Sie

(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering pcode 
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering pline 
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering pstatement 
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering passignment 
(Ln: 1, Col: 5): Entering pidentifier 
(Ln: 1, Col: 6): Leaving pidentifier (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering pexpression 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering pstringliteral 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving pstringliteral (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering negationExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering pboolean 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving pboolean (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving negationExprParser (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering logicExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering pboolean 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving pboolean (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving logicExprParser (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering negativeExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering pnumeric 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pnumeric (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving negativeExprParser (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pexpression (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving passignment (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pstatement (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pline (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Entering pline 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Entering pstatement 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Entering passignment 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving passignment (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Entering pprint 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pprint (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Entering pread 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pread (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pstatement (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pline (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): Leaving pcode (Ok) 
[Assignment (Identifier "b",Literal (Numeric 5.0))] 

(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering pcode 
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering pline 
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering pstatement 
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering passignment 
(Ln: 1, Col: 5): Entering pidentifier 
(Ln: 1, Col: 6): Leaving pidentifier (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering pexpression 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering pstringliteral 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Leaving pstringliteral (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering negationExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering negationExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering pboolean 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving pboolean (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving negationExprParser (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving negationExprParser (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering logicExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering logicExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering pboolean 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving pboolean (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving logicExprParser (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving logicExprParser (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering negativeExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering negativeExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering pnumeric 
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): Leaving pnumeric (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): Leaving negativeExprParser (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): Leaving negativeExprParser (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering arithmeticExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering arithmeticExprParser 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): Entering pnumeric 
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): Leaving pnumeric (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 18): Entering betweenParentheses 
(Ln: 1, Col: 18): Leaving betweenParentheses (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 18): Entering pnumeric 
(Ln: 1, Col: 19): Leaving pnumeric (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 19): Leaving arithmeticExprParser (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving betweenParentheses (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving arithmeticExprParser (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pexpression (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving passignment (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pstatement (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pline (Ok) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Entering pline 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Entering pstatement 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Entering passignment 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving passignment (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Entering pprint 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pprint (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Entering pread 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pread (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pstatement (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pline (Error) 
(Ln: 1, Col: 20): Leaving pcode (Ok) 
    (Identifier "b",Arithmetic (Literal (Numeric 5.0),Sum,Literal (Numeric 7.0)))] 

Dies sollten Sie Ihr Problem herauszufinden, wird dazu beitragen, aber noch wichtiger ist, wie künftige Probleme mit FParsec zu lösen .

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