Für Aufgaben wie Clustering oder Klassifizierung auf Bildern konvertieren wir Bilder im Allgemeinen in numerische Merkmalsvektoren. Jetzt, anstatt Merkmalsvektoren für ein ganzes Bild zu berechnen, möchte ich Funktionen für Segmente eines Bildes erzeugen (nicht beschränkt auf rechteckige Segmente). Mit dem SLIC-Algorithmus (skimage.segmentation.slic) kann ich beispielsweise ein Bild in Super-Pixel segmentieren. Jetzt möchte ich für jedes Segment Eigenschaften (Regionsgröße, Ort, Farbe, Form und Texturmerkmale) erzeugen, wie in Abschnitt 5.3 von Gould, Stephen, et al. Beschrieben. "Mehrklassensegmentierung mit relativer Position vorher." Internationales Journal of Computer Vision 80.3 (2008): 300-316.Berechnen von Merkmalsvektoren für Bildsegmente (Superpixel)

Gibt es in Python vorhandene Bibliotheken, die mir helfen können, diese Funktionen zu erzeugen, wenn ein Bild und eine Maske von Segmenten vorhanden sind? Kann ich das mit skimage machen?



Mir ist keine solche Bibliothek bekannt. Allerdings musste ich vor einiger Zeit Funktionen selbst berechnen und unten finden Sie einige Codeschnipsel. Obwohl der Code nicht in Python enthalten ist, könnte er hilfreich für Sie sein. Beachten Sie, dass ich mit Supervoxeln experimentiert habe; Daher finden Sie möglicherweise eine PCL-Referenz darin.

Wenn Sie Funktionen selbst starten Implementierung haben einen Blick auf die folgenden Publikationen für einige Ideen (in beiden Fällen Tabelle 1):

Derek Hoiem, Andrew N. Stein, Alexei A. Efros, Martial Hebert: 
Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from a Single Image. ICCV 2007: 1-8 
Joseph Tighe, Svetlana Lazebnik: 
Superparsing - Scalable Nonparametric Image Parsing with Superpixels. International Journal of Computer Vision 101(2): 329-349 (2013) 

Beachten Sie, dass nicht alle Definitionen aus der Header-Datei tatsächlich umgesetzt werden; Sie können jedoch als Inspiration dienen.



#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> 
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h> 
#include <pcl/point_types.h> 
#include <Eigen/Dense> 
#include <string> 

namespace features { 

    * Class SuperpixelFeatures represents a set of features computed for 
    * each superpixel in a given image. 
    class SuperpixelFeatures { 


     * Construct superpixel features form only an image. 
     * @param image 
     * @param labels 
     SuperpixelFeatures(const cv::Mat &image, int** labels); 

     * Construct superpixel features from the image and its depth and 
     * a given superpixel segmentation. 
     * @param image 
     * @param depth 
     * @param labels 
     SuperpixelFeatures(const cv::Mat &image, const cv::Mat &depth, int** labels); 

     * Constructu superpixel features form the image and a point cloud and 
     * a given superpixel segmentation. 
     * @param image 
     * @param pointCloud 
     SuperpixelFeatures(const cv::Mat &image, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pointCloud, int** labels); 

     * Destructor. 

     * Add maximum color in each channel to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addMaximumColor(); 

     * Add minimum color in each channel to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addMinimumColor(); 

     * Add mean color to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addMeanBGRColor(); 

     * Add mean position to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addMean3DPosition(); 

     * Add mean position (pixel coordinates) to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addMean2DPosition(); 

     * Add the surface normal (mean normal) to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addMeanNormal(); 

     * Add a 3D bounding box of the superpixel to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addBoundingBox(); 

     * Add the compactness of the superpixel in its 2D sens to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addCompactness(); 

     * Add the area in pixels to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addArea(); 

     * Add the color covariance matrix to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addColorCovariance(); 

     * Add the position covariance matrix to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addPositionCovariance(); 

     * Add point-ness, curve-ness and surface-ness to the features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addSuperpixelStatistics(); 

     * Add a color histogram of the given number of bins to the features. 
     * @param bins 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addColorHistogram(int bins); 

     * Add the ground truth label to the features. 
     * @param labels 
     * @return 
     Eigen::Vector2i addGroundTruth(int** labels); 

     * Get the dimension of the computed features. 
     * @return 
     int getFeatureDimension() const; 

     * Get the total number of superpixels. 
     * @return 
     int getNumberOfSuperpixels() const; 

     * Get pointer to comptued features. 
     * @return 
     Eigen::MatrixXd* getFeatures() const; 


     void appendFeatures(Eigen::MatrixXd features); 

     cv::Mat* image; 
     int height; 
     int width; 

     int** labels; 
     int numberOfSuperpixels; 

     pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pointCloud; 
     bool pointCloudAvailable; 

     Eigen::MatrixXd* features; 



#include <pcl/features/normal_3d.h> 
#include <pcl/features/integral_image_normal.h> 
#include "Tools.h" 
#include "SuperpixelFeatures.h" 

SuperpixelFeatures::SuperpixelFeatures(const cv::Mat &image, int** labels) { 

    this->image = new cv::Mat(); 
    int channels = image.channels(); 

    assert(channels == 1 || channels == 3); 

    if (channels == 1) { 
     image.convertTo(*this->image, CV_8UC1); 
    else if (channels == 3) { 
     image.convertTo(*this->image, CV_8UC3); 
     cv::cvtColor(*this->image, *this->image, SEEDS_REVISED_OPENCV_BGR2Lab, 3); 

    this->height = image.rows; 
    this->width = image.cols; 

    this->pointCloudAvailable = false; 

    // Copy labels. 
    this->labels = new int*[this->height]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
     this->labels[i] = new int[this->width]; 

     for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
      this->labels[i][j] = labels[i][j]; 

    this->numberOfSuperpixels = seeds_revised::tools::Integrity::countSuperpixels(this->labels, this->height, this->width); 
    seeds_revised::tools::Integrity::relabel(this->labels, this->height, this->width); 

    this->features = new Eigen::MatrixXd(this->numberOfSuperpixels, 1); 

    // Initialize first column with labels. 
    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 
     (*this->features)(label, 0) = label; 

SuperpixelFeatures::SuperpixelFeatures(const cv::Mat &image, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pointCloud, int** labels) { 
    assert(image.rows == (int) pointCloud->height); 
    assert(image.cols == (int) pointCloud->width); 

    this->image = new cv::Mat(); 
    int channels = image.channels(); 

    assert(channels == 1 || channels == 3); 

    if (channels == 1) { 
     image.convertTo(*this->image, CV_8UC1); 
    else if (channels == 3) { 
     image.convertTo(*this->image, CV_8UC3); 
     cv::cvtColor(*this->image, *this->image, SEEDS_REVISED_OPENCV_BGR2Lab, 3); 

    this->pointCloud = pointCloud; 
    this->height = pointCloud->height; 
    this->width = pointCloud->width; 
    this->pointCloudAvailable = true; 

    // Copy labels. 
    this->labels = new int*[this->height]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
     this->labels[i] = new int[this->width]; 

     for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
      this->labels[i][j] = labels[i][j]; 

    this->numberOfSuperpixels = seeds_revised::tools::Integrity::countSuperpixels(this->labels, this->height, this->width); 
    seeds_revised::tools::Integrity::relabel(this->labels, this->height, this->width); 

    this->features = new Eigen::MatrixXd(this->numberOfSuperpixels, 1); 

    // Initialize first column with labels. 
    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 
     (*this->features)(label, 0) = label; 

SuperpixelFeatures::~SuperpixelFeatures() { 
    delete this->image; 

    for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
     delete[] this->labels[i]; 

    delete[] this->labels; 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addMeanBGRColor() { 
    int cols = this->features->cols(); 
    this->features->resize(this->numberOfSuperpixels, cols + 3); 

    double meanB = 0; 
    double meanG = 0; 
    double meanR = 0; 
    int count = 0; 

    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 

     meanB = 0; 
     meanG = 0; 
     meanR = 0; 
     count = 0; 

     for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
       if (this->labels[i][j] == label) { 
        meanB += this->image->at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[0]; 
        meanG += this->image->at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[1]; 
        meanR += this->image->at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[2]; 

     (*this->features)(label, cols) = meanB/count; 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 1) = meanG/count; 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 2) = meanR/count; 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(cols, cols + 2); 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addMean3DPosition() { 

    int cols = this->features->cols(); 
    this->features->resize(this->numberOfSuperpixels, cols + 3); 

    double meanX = 0; 
    double meanY = 0; 
    double meanZ = 0; 
    int count = 0; 

    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 

     meanX = 0; 
     meanY = 0; 
     meanZ = 0; 
     count = 0; 

     for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
       if (this->labels[i][j] == label) { 
        meanX += (*this->pointCloud)(j, i).x; 
        meanY += (*this->pointCloud)(j, i).y; 
        meanZ += (*this->pointCloud)(j, i).z; 

     (*this->features)(label, cols) = meanX/count; 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 1) = meanY/count; 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 2) = meanZ/count; 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(cols, cols + 2); 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addMean2DPosition() { 

    int cols = this->features->cols(); 
    this->features->resize(this->numberOfSuperpixels, cols + 2); 

    double meanX = 0; 
    double meanY = 0; 
    int count = 0; 

    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 

     meanX = 0; 
     meanY = 0; 
     count = 0; 

     for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
       if (this->labels[i][j] == label) { 
        meanX += j; 
        meanY += i; 

     (*this->features)(label, cols) = meanX/count; 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 1) = meanY/count; 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(cols, cols + 1); 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addMeanNormal() { 
    int cols = this->features->cols(); 
    this->features->resize(this->numberOfSuperpixels, cols + 3); 

    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 
     std::vector<int> indices; 

     for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
       if (this->labels[i][j] == label) { 
        indices.push_back(i*cols + j); 

     Eigen::Vector4f superpixelCentroid; 
     Eigen::Matrix3f superpixelCovariance; 
     Eigen::Vector3f superpixelNormal; 

     pcl::compute3DCentroid(*pointCloud, indices, superpixelCentroid); 
     pcl::computeCovarianceMatrix(*pointCloud, indices, superpixelCentroid, superpixelCovariance); 
     Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3f> superpixelEigenValues(superpixelCovariance); 
     superpixelNormal = superpixelEigenValues.eigenvectors().col(0); 

     (*this->features)(label, cols) = superpixelNormal(0); 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 1) = superpixelNormal(1); 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 2) = superpixelNormal(2); 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(cols, cols + 2); 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addArea() { 
    int cols = this->features->cols(); 
    this->features->resize(this->numberOfSuperpixels, cols + 1); 

    int area = 0; 
    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 

     area = 0; 
     for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
       if (this->labels[i][j] == label) { 

     (*this->features)(label, cols) = area; 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(cols, cols); 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addSuperpixelStatistics() { 

    int cols = this->features->cols(); 
    this->features->resize(this->numberOfSuperpixels, cols + 3); 

    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 
     std::vector<int> indices; 

     for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
       if (this->labels[i][j] == label) { 
        indices.push_back(i*cols + j); 

     Eigen::Vector4f superpixelCentroid; 
     Eigen::Matrix3f superpixelCovariance; 
     Eigen::Vector3f superpixelNormal; 

     pcl::compute3DCentroid(*pointCloud, indices, superpixelCentroid); 
     pcl::computeCovarianceMatrix(*pointCloud, indices, superpixelCentroid, superpixelCovariance); 
     Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3f> superpixelEigenValues(superpixelCovariance); 

     // Point-ness: 
     (*this->features)(label, cols) = superpixelEigenValues.eigenvalues()(0); 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 1) = superpixelEigenValues.eigenvalues()(2) - superpixelEigenValues.eigenvalues()(1); 
     (*this->features)(label, cols + 2) = superpixelEigenValues.eigenvalues()(1) - superpixelEigenValues.eigenvalues()(0); 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(cols, cols + 2); 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addColorHistogram(int bins) { 
    assert(bins > 0 && bins < 10); 

    int histogramSize = std::pow(bins, 3); 
    int cols = this->features->cols(); 
    this->features->resize(this->numberOfSuperpixels, cols + histogramSize); 

    int* normalization = new int[this->numberOfSuperpixels]; 
    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 
     normalization[label] = 0; 

     for (int k = 0; k < histogramSize; ++k) { 
      (*this->features)(label, cols + k) = 0; 

    int denominator = ceil(256./((double) bins)); 
    for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
     for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
      int bin = this->image->at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[0]/denominator + bins*(this->image->at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[1]/denominator) + bins*bins*(this->image->at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[2]/denominator); 
      ++(*this->features)(this->labels[i][j], cols + bin); 

    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 
     for (int k = 0; k < histogramSize; ++k) { 
      (*this->features)(label, cols + k) /= normalization[label]; 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(cols, cols + histogramSize); 

Eigen::Vector2i SuperpixelFeatures::addGroundTruth(int** labels) { 
    int numberOfLabels = 0; 
    for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
     for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
      if (labels[i][j] > numberOfLabels) { 
       numberOfLabels = labels[i][j]; 

    // Remember that zero may be a label as well. 
    numberOfLabels = numberOfLabels + 1; 

    Eigen::MatrixXi intersection(this->numberOfSuperpixels, numberOfLabels); 
    for (int i = 0; i < this->height; ++i) { 
     for (int j = 0; j < this->width; ++j) { 
      assert(this->labels[i][j] < this->numberOfSuperpixels); 
      assert(labels[i][j] < numberOfLabels); 

      ++intersection(this->labels[i][j], labels[i][j]); 

    for (int label = 0; label < this->numberOfSuperpixels; ++label) { 

     int maxIntersection = 0; 
     int maxGTLabel = 0; 
     for (int gtLabel = 0; gtLabel < numberOfLabels; ++gtLabel) { 
      if (intersection(label, gtLabel) > maxIntersection) { 
       maxIntersection = intersection(label, gtLabel); 
       maxGTLabel = gtLabel; 

     (*this->features)(label, 0) = maxGTLabel; 

    return Eigen::Vector2i(0, 0); 

int SuperpixelFeatures::getFeatureDimension() const { 
    return this->features->cols(); 

Eigen::MatrixXd* SuperpixelFeatures::getFeatures() const { 
    return this->features; 
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