2016-07-28 7 views

Ich habe Zend Framework Version 2 verwendet. Ich folge den Anweisungen von here, aber mein Projekt läuft nicht gut. Hier ist mein Code:ZF2 Console Routing läuft nicht gut


return array(
    'controllers'=> array(
     'invokables' => array(
      'Application\Controller\Index' => 'Application\Controller\IndexController', 

    'router' => array(
     'routes' => array(


    // Placeholder for console routes 
    'console' => array(
     'router' => array(
      'routes' => array(
       'list-users' => array(
        'options' => array(
         'route' => 'show [all|disabled|deleted]:mode users [--verbose|-v]', 
         'defaults' => array(
          'controller' => 'Application\Controller\Index', 
          'action'  => 'showusers' 


public function getConsoleUsage(Console $console) 
     return array(
      'Finding and listing users', 
      'list [all|disabled] users [-w]' => 'Show a list of users', 
      'find user [--email=] [--name=]' => 'Attempt to find a user by email or name', 

      array('[all|disabled]', 'Display all users or only disabled accounts'), 
      array('--email=EMAIL',  'Email of the user to find'), 
      array('--name=NAME',  'Full name of the user to find.'), 
      array('-w',    'Wide output - When listing users use the whole available screen width'), 

      'Manipulation of user database:', 
      'delete user <userEmail> [--verbose|-v] [--quick]' => 'Delete user with email <userEmail>', 
      'disable user <userEmail> [--verbose|-v]'   => 'Disable user with email <userEmail>', 

      array('<userEmail>' , 'user email'  , 'Full email address of the user to change.'), 
      array('--verbose' , 'verbose mode'  , 'Display additional information during processing'), 
      array('--quick'  , '"quick" operation' , 'Do not check integrity, just make changes and finish'), 
      array('-v'   , 'Same as --verbose' , 'Display additional information during processing'), 



namespace Application\Controller; 

use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController; 
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel; 

class IndexController extends AbstractActionController 
    public function indexAction() 
     return new ViewModel(); 

    public function showusersAction(){ 
     $request = $this->getRequest(); 

     return "HOLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAA"; // show it in the console 

Als ich versuchte, es mit dem Befehl promt auszuführen:

C:\webserver\www\program\phpcas\zf2-console>php public/index.php show users 

immer getConsoleUsage() von module.php zeigt, kann mir jemand helfen, wie man es beheben?



Von meiner (kleinen) Erfahrung scheint es, dass Ihre module.config.php und Ihre Module.php Dateien korrekt sind.

Normalerweise, wenn ich die Konsole verwenden, sind meine Controller etwas anders:

namespace Application\Controller; 

use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController; 
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel; 

// For Cron/Console 
use Zend\Console\Request as ConsoleRequest; 
use Zend\Console\ColorInterface as Color; 

class IndexController extends AbstractActionController 
    public function indexAction() 
     return new ViewModel(); 

    public function showusersAction() 
     // Initialize variables. 
     $request = $this->getRequest(); 
     $console = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('console'); 

     // Make sure that we are running in a console and the user has not tricked our 
     // application into running this action from a public web server. 
     if (!$request instanceof ConsoleRequest) { 
      throw new \RuntimeException('You can only use this action from a console!'); 

     // Retrieve values from value flags using their name. 
     $verbose = (bool)$request->getParam('verbose', false) || (bool)$request->getParam('v', false); // default false 
     /* ...your other flags... */ 

     /* ...do what you want to do... */ 
     // Let's confirm it works 
     $console->writeline("Groovy Baby!"); 

Thx für Ihre Hilfe. Es funktioniert.. –

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