2016-08-25 3 views

Ich versuche, einen Pty I/O transparenten Filter für eine Shell zu schreiben.forkpty funktioniert für einige Terminal-Anwendungen, nicht für andere

Das folgende Beispiel funktioniert meistens. Die meisten Programme laufen wie erwartet mit dem Wrapper. In diesem Beispiel wird keine Filterung durchgeführt, sondern lediglich ein Framework bereitgestellt.

EDIT: Mit meiner Antwort unten habe ich dieses Beispiel funktioniert. Ich habe das Beispiel hier aktualisiert, um das zu berücksichtigen.

ist die jetzt arbeiten Code:

This example is public domain. Use as you see fit. 

The purpose of this example is show how a process can run a shell transparently and be able to filter it's input and output. 
This example does not show off any I/O filtering, it only provides the framework on which that could be added. 

Tested only on GNU/Linux with recent kernels and recent g++ and clang++ 

This example is based on original found here: 

There were 2 problems with the code this example was based on. 
1) Terminal (re)sizing was not being handled 
2) Some applications display incorrectly or keys don't work 
    a) with 'joe', Enter, Ctrl-M, and Ctrl-J don't work 
    b) 'joe' has display isues 
    c) 'snake' (game) has display issues 

Also, be aware of this: 
    #define LOGFILELOCATION "/tmp/.shlog" 
in the original code, not this example. 

This example does not write produce any files. (intermediate or otherwise) 

The following programs do seem to work correctly: 
vi, vim, nano, mcedit, htop, top 

#1 has been solved with a resize handler (see handler and handleTerminalResize) 

Use this in shell's profile/bashrc to indicate pty-filter is present 
[ "${inptyfilter}" == "true" ] && PS1="(pty-filter) ${PS1}" 

Compile with any of the following: 

g++ -std=c++11 pty-filter.cpp -lutil -o pty-filter 
g++ -std=c++1y pty-filter.cpp -lutil -o pty-filter 
g++ -std=c++1z pty-filter.cpp -lutil -o pty-filter 
clang++ -std=c++11 pty-filter.cpp -lutil -o pty-filter 
clang++ -std=c++1y pty-filter.cpp -lutil -o pty-filter 
clang++ -std=c++1z pty-filter.cpp -lutil -o pty-filter 

# for stricter compilation: 
clang++ -std=c++1z pty-filter.cpp -lutil -o pty-filter -Wall -Werror -Weverything -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-vla-extension -Wno-vla 


// standard C stuff 
#include <cstdio> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <csignal> 
#include <cerrno> 
#include <cstdarg> 

// C++ stuff 
#include <string> 

// Everything else 
#include <pty.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <termios.h> 
#include <sys/mman.h> 
#include <sys/wait.h> 

// shared globals 
struct sharedBookT { 
    pid_t childPid; 
    pid_t parentPid; 
    pid_t shellPid; 
    int shellFd; 
    termios oldTerm, newTerm, shellTerm; 
    bool readyToQuit; 
    char fromTerminalBuffer [4096]; 
    char toTerminalBuffer [4096]; 
    char padding [3]; 

// avoid non C++ casts (when used with stricter compilation) 
typedef const char* constCharPtrT; 
typedef void* voidPtr; 
typedef sharedBookT* sharedBookPtrT; 

static sharedBookPtrT sharedBookPtr = 0; 

// sprintf for std::string 
std::string Sprintf (const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))); 
std::string Sprintf (const char* fmt, ...) { 
    va_list ap; 
    va_start (ap, fmt); 
    const auto n = vsnprintf (0, 0, fmt, ap); 
    va_end (ap); 

    char result [n+2]; 

    va_start (ap, fmt); 
    vsnprintf (result, size_t (n+1), fmt, ap); 
    va_end (ap); 

    return std::string (result); 

// c_str and length shortcut operators for std::string 
const char* operator* (const std::string& s) { return s.c_str(); } 
size_t operator+ (const std::string& s) { return s.length(); } 

// resize shell's pty and notifiy chell of change 
void handleTerminalResize() { 
    sharedBookT& shared = *sharedBookPtr; 
    winsize ws; 
    ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws); 
    ioctl(shared.shellFd, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws); 
    sigqueue (shared.shellPid, SIGWINCH, {0}); 

// log signal, for convience just to stdout 
void logsignal (int signal) { 
    // can't reliably use regular printf from a signal handler 
    const auto msg = Sprintf ("Got signal %d\n", signal); 
    write (1, *msg, +msg); 

// common signal handler 
void handler(int signal, siginfo_t * infoP, void *context __attribute__ ((unused))) { 
    const auto& si = *infoP; 
    const auto myPid = getpid(); 

    sharedBookT& shared = *sharedBookPtr; 

    // using SIGUSR to notify processes of termination 
    // (processes must check for it after blocking syscalls) 
    if (signal == SIGUSR2) { // Notification to quit 
     shared.readyToQuit = true; 

    auto cc = char (-1); 
    if (myPid == shared.parentPid) { 
     // only parent process should handle these 
     // if child processes handle these as well, there are multiple insertions 
     switch (si.si_signo) { 
      case SIGINT: cc = 0x03; break; // "Ctrl-C" 
      case SIGTSTP: cc = 0x1A; break; // "Ctrl-Z" 
      case SIGQUIT: cc = 0x1C; break; // "Ctrl-\" 
      case SIGWINCH: handleTerminalResize(); break; 
      default: logsignal (signal); break; 
    // write control character (if any) to shell's pty 
    if (-1 < cc) write(shared.shellFd, &cc, 1); 

// Add common signal handler for each signal 
void setupsignal(int signal) { 
    struct sigaction act; 
    sigaction(signal, NULL, &act); 
    act.sa_sigaction = handler; 
    act.sa_flags |= SA_SIGINFO; 
    sigaction(signal, &act, NULL); 

// launch shell with new pty 
void launchShell() { 
    sharedBookT& shared = *sharedBookPtr; 
    tcgetattr(0, &shared.shellTerm); 

    const auto pid = forkpty(&shared.shellFd, NULL, &shared.shellTerm, NULL); 
    if (pid == -1 || pid == 0) { 
     if (pid == 0) { 
      shared.shellPid = getpid(); 
      // inform shell it's pty is being filtered 
      setenv ("inptyfilter", "true", 1); 
      exit(execlp("/bin/bash", "bash", NULL)); 
     else { 
      perror ("forkpty failed"); 
      exit (1); 

int main() { 
    // create shared globals structure 
    sharedBookPtr = sharedBookPtrT (mmap (
     NULL, sizeof (sharedBookT), 

    sharedBookT& shared = *sharedBookPtr; 

    shared.parentPid = getpid(); 

    //Set up handler for signals 

    // fork to handle output to the terminal 
    if (0 == fork()) { 
     shared.childPid = getpid(); 

     // loop while reading and echoing the pty's output 
     for (;;) { 
      // read from Shell's Pty 
      const auto charsRead = read (shared.shellFd, shared.toTerminalBuffer, sizeof (shared.toTerminalBuffer)); 

      // if characters were read, echo them and continue 
      if (0 < charsRead) { 
       write (1, shared.toTerminalBuffer, size_t (charsRead)); 

      // if error, check if we are done    
      if ((charsRead == -1) and (errno == EIO)) { 
       fprintf (stderr, "\nterminating I/O processes\r\n"); 
       // signal parent to exit 
       sigqueue (shared.parentPid, SIGUSR2, {0}); 

     fprintf (stderr, "Exiting pty-filter (toTerminal)\r\n"); 
     exit (0); 

    // wait for pids to be updated 
    while ((0 == shared.shellPid) or (0 == shared.childPid)) usleep (1); 

    fprintf (stderr, "parent: %d\n", shared.parentPid); 
    fprintf (stderr, "shell: %d\n", shared.shellPid); 
    fprintf (stderr, "child: %d\n", shared.childPid); 

    tcgetattr(0, &shared.oldTerm); // Disable buffered I/O and echo mode for pty 
    shared.newTerm = shared.oldTerm; 
    cfmakeraw (&shared.newTerm); 
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &shared.newTerm); 

    // shell needs intial sizing 

    for (;;) {//loop while processing input from pty 
     const auto charsRead = read (0, shared.fromTerminalBuffer, sizeof (shared.fromTerminalBuffer)); 
     // SIGUSR1 will drop process out of read so flag can be read 
     if (shared.readyToQuit) { 
      fprintf (stderr, "Exiting pty-filter (fromTerminal)\r\n"); 

     // in we got input from the terminal, pass it on to the shell's pty 
     if (0 < charsRead) { 
      write (shared.shellFd, shared.fromTerminalBuffer, size_t (charsRead)); 

     // if error check if we are done 
     // However, this is never executed, child fork terminates first 
     if ((charsRead == -1) and (errno == EIO)) break; 

    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &shared.oldTerm); //reset terminal 

    // wait for child forks to exit 
    for (;;) { 
     auto wpid = wait (0); 
     if (wpid == -1) break; 
     fprintf (stderr, "%d is done\n", wpid); 
    perror ("status"); 
    return 0; 

Meine Frage ist, was ich bin fehlt? Was dazu führen könnte, dass einige Programme (wie Joe und Snake) unregelmäßig angezeigt werden, während viele andere Programme (wie vi, vim, nano, mcedit, htop, top) gut funktionieren.

(Auf meinem System joe und Schlange gut funktionieren, ohne die "pty Filter".)

EDIT: Wie oben erwähnt, es funktioniert jetzt



das Ersetzen:

shared.newTerm.c_lflag &= tcflag_t (~ICANON); 
shared.newTerm.c_lflag &= tcflag_t (~ECHO); 

mit diesem:

shared.newTerm.c_lflag &= tcflag_t (~(ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN | ECHO)); 
shared.newTerm.c_iflag &= tcflag_t (~(BRKINT | ICRNL | IGNBRK | IGNCR | INLCR | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON | PARMRK)); 
shared.newTerm.c_oflag &= tcflag_t (~OPOST); 
shared.newTerm.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; // 1 char at a time input 
shared.newTerm.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; 

hat es begonnen zu arbeiten richtig in Ordnung bringen. Doch dies scheint, wie es keine Auswirkungen haben sollte, da dies auf stdin getan wird:

shared.newTerm.c_oflag &= tcflag_t (~OPOST); 

EDIT: Der folgende Beitrag gibt Antwort auf die Frage zu stdin vs stdout für tcsetattr.

When setting terminal attributes via tcsetattr(fd.....), can fd be either stdout or stdin?

Aber egal, es funktioniert jetzt. Ich werde meinen ursprünglichen Beitrag aktualisieren, um dies zu berücksichtigen.

EDIT: Dieser Beitrag wurde als nahe stehende markiert: Using the linux pseudo terminal API for multiple debug terminals Während die Antwort auf diese Stelle nicht war, es an eine Stelle darauf hingewiesen, dass die Informationen hatte ich brauchte: http://www.man7.org/tlpi/code/online/dist/tty/tty_functions.c.html

EDIT: Ersetzen der oben mit dem folgenden funktioniert auch. Ich werde meinen ursprünglichen Beitrag entsprechend aktualisieren .:

cfmakeraw (&shared.newTerm); 

Ersetzen Sie Ihre 'execlp' zu laufen' nano' macht Strg + Z nicht für mich arbeiten. Ich bekomme nur die übliche _Use "fg", um zu nano._ Nachricht zurückzukehren, aber ich bekomme keine Shell-Eingabeaufforderung zurück und die Eingabe von 'fg' oder Strg + C tut nichts. Irgendwelche Ideen? –

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