2016-12-16 4 views



So nahe, wie kann ich sagen, was Sie suchen ConfigureServices Verfahren einzurichten, ist das eine SignInManager in der Startup.cs Klasse wie folgt:

services.AddScoped<SignInManager<ApplicationUser>, AvantiaSignInManager<ApplicationUser>>(); 

Dann können Sie Ihre eigene SignInManager wie folgt implementieren:

public class AvantiaSignInManager<TUser> : SignInManager<TUser> where TUser : class 

Sie die CreateUserPrincipalAsync Methode wie folgt implementieren:

public override async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateUserPrincipalAsync(TUser user) { 
    var Principal = await base.CreateUserPrincipalAsync(user); 
    var Identity = (ClaimsIdentity)Principal.Identity; 

    // How To: Here is where you can add Custom/On the fly Claims 
    // They would not be persisted in the database but are within the Cookie 

    var Employee = _dataContext.Employees 
    .Include(x => x.Tenant) 
    .ThenInclude(x => x.Subscriber) 
    .Where(x => x.Email == Identity.Name) 

    // See if there are any Claims linked to this user 
    var MyClaims = _dataContext.EmployeeRoleClaims 
    .Where(x => x.EmployeeID == Employee.ID) 
    .Select(x => x.RoleClaim) 

    if (Employee != null) { 
    // Add common Claims for every user, but the values are unique to them 
    Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Employee.ID, Employee.ID.ToString())); 
    Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Employee.Number, Employee.Number)); 
    Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Tenant.ID, Employee.TenantID.ToString())); 
    Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Tenant.Name, Employee?.Tenant.Name)); 
    Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Subscriber.ID, Employee?.Tenant.SubscriberID.ToString())); 
    Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Subscriber.Name, Employee?.Tenant?.Subscriber.Name)); 

    // Add any special Claims - May not be necessary within your application 
    foreach (var rc in MyClaims) { 
     Identity.AddClaim(rc.ToClaim()); // Add the Claim normally 

     if ((rc.ClaimType == Constants.Claims.Subscriber.Administrator) || 
     (rc.ClaimType == Constants.Claims.Subscriber.TimeSheetAdmin) || 
     (rc.ClaimType == Constants.Claims.Subscriber.TimeSheetReview)) { 
     var myTenants = _dataContext.Tenants.Where(x => x.SubscriberID == Convert.ToInt64(rc.ClaimValue)).ToList(); 

     foreach (var t in myTenants) { 
      if (rc.ClaimType == Constants.Claims.Subscriber.Administrator) 
      Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Tenant.Administrator, t.ID.ToString())); 
      else if (rc.ClaimType == Constants.Claims.Subscriber.TimeSheetAdmin) 
      Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Tenant.TimeSheetAdmin, t.ID.ToString())); 
      else if (rc.ClaimType == Constants.Claims.Subscriber.TimeSheetReview) 
      Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Tenant.TimeSheetReview, t.ID.ToString())); 
     } // foreach of the Tenants within the Subscription 
     } // if I am the Administrator of a Subscription, I should also get the Tenants as well 
    } // foreach of the Claims that have been specifically assinged to me 

    // Add Claims for each of the Projects I am a Manager of or a Member of 
    var PM = _dataContext.ProjectRoles.Where(x => x.Name == "Project Manager").FirstOrDefault(); 

    if (PM != null) { 
     // Get the Projects where I am the Project Manager 
     var MyPMProjects = _dataContext.ProjectProjectRoleEmployees.Where(x => x.EmployeeID == Employee.ID && x.ProjectRoleID == PM.ID).ToList(); 

     foreach(var Project in MyPMProjects) 
     Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Project.ManagerOf, Project.ProjectID.ToString())); 

     // Get the Projects that I am ON but am NOT the Project Manager 
     var MyProjects = _dataContext.ProjectProjectRoleEmployees.Where(x => x.EmployeeID == Employee.ID && x.ProjectRoleID != PM.ID).ToList(); 

     foreach (var Project in MyProjects) 
     Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.Claims.Project.MemberOf, Project.ProjectID.ToString())); 
    } // if we found the Project Manager Role 
    } // if we found the associated Employee record 

    return Principal; 

Ich habe dann eine BaseController, die die Standard Controller Klasse als solche überschreibt:

public class BaseController : Controller { 

    internal ILogger logger; 

    public string UsersLoginName => User.Identity.Name; 
    public long UsersEmployeeID => User.HasClaim(x => x.Type == Constants.Claims.Employee.ID) ? Convert.ToInt64(User.FindFirst(Constants.Claims.Employee.ID).Value) : 0; 
    public long UsersTenantID => User.HasClaim(x => x.Type == Constants.Claims.Tenant.ID) ? Convert.ToInt64(User.FindFirst(Constants.Claims.Tenant.ID).Value) : 0; 
    public long UsersSubscriberID => User.HasClaim(x => x.Type == Constants.Claims.Subscriber.ID) ? Convert.ToInt64(User.FindFirst(Constants.Claims.Subscriber.ID).Value) : 0; 


Dies würde mir erlauben, von jedem xxxController Erben von meinem BaseController zu, Dinge zu tun, wie:

model.EmployeeID = UsersEmployeeID; 

Ich weiß, es ist Monate her, seit du diese Frage gestellt hast, aber für dich und jeden, der danach kommt, hoffe ich, dass es hilft.


Ich verstehe nicht, wie sich Ihre Antwort auf die Unterstützung von Anti-Panzer-Token bezieht? –


Entschuldigung. Ich dachte, du wolltest wirklich nur, wie man den einzigartigen Benutzer verifiziert. – Grandizer