2016-07-28 9 views

Ich weiß, dass es viele Fragen dazu gegeben hat, aber keine der Antworten scheint für mich zu funktionieren. Ich versuche, eine JQuery zu schreiben, damit meine Bootstrap-NavBar die Farbe ändert, sobald jemand an einem Element gescrollt hat. Könnte mir bitte jemand sagen, was ich falsch mache? Vielen Dank!Ändern der Farbe einer Bootstrap-Navigationsleiste auf Bildlauf

Github Link: https://github.com/Sruthik22/Sruthik22.github.io die jquery ist im Kopf

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         My name is Sruthi Kurada 
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         I am a 7th Grader at the Advanced Math & Science Academy (AMSA). 
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         I am interested in Robotics, Math, and Coding. I participate in FLL a Lego Robotics Competition. I do many mathamatics competitions, and I have coded several Python and Java Projects. 
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         I enjoy designing technology for less fortunate people and recently designed a belt to help the blind. I also play basketball & do karate as extracuriculars. 
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        <p>My school the Advanced Math and Science Academy is where I participate in many activities with my friends.</p> 
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            <strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">Leadership</strong> 
           <p class = "PortfolioText"> Taught people on my FLL team how to build robots. Also have taught kids how to code</p> 
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            <strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">App Developement</strong> 
           <p class = "PortfolioText"> Learning Android Development and currently working on Udacity Nanodegree </p> 
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           <i class="fa fa-code fa-stack-1x text-primary portfolioIcon" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
            <strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">Python</strong> 
           <p class = "PortfolioText"> Well versed in Python Application Development as well as Django Framework. </p> 
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            <strong class = "PortfolioTextTitle">Java</strong> 
           <p class = "PortfolioText"> Proficent in Java Developement. Currently learning Machine Learning.</p> 

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        <div class = "portfolio-box"> 
         <a title = "Movie App Github Source Code" href = "https://github.com/Sruthik22/MoviesApp"> 
          <img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/PopularMovies.PNG"/> 
          <p class = "imagetext">Movies App</p> 
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           <div class = "portfolio-box-caption-content"> 
            <div class = "project-category text-faded"> 
             Android Development 
            <div class = "project-name"> 
             An Android app I created that lets users find most popular movies and the top rated movies. Once you click on a movie specific movie poster then it will give you more specific details such as movie title and release date. 
       <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"> 
        <div class = "portfolio-box"> 
         <a title = "Clash of the Math Titans Github Source Code" href = "https://github.com/Sruthik22/Clash-of-the-Math-Titans"> 
          <img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/ClashOfTheMathTitans.png" alt="Code of Clash of the Math Titans"/> 
          <p class = "imagetext">Clash of the Math Titans</p> 
          <div class = "portfolio-box-caption"> 
           <div class = "portfolio-box-caption-content"> 
            <div class = "project-category text-faded"> 
            <div class = "project-name"> 
             At a Hackathon my teammate and I designed this python game that helps young children learn the Order of Operations by gamifying it. 
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         <a title = "Battleship Github Source Code" href = "#"> 
          <img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/Battleship.png" alt="The Battleship code"/> 
          <p class = "imagetext">Battleship</p> 
          <div class = "portfolio-box-caption"> 
           <div class = "portfolio-box-caption-content"> 
            <div class = "project-category text-faded"> 
            <div class = "project-name"> 
             The game battleship coded in python. There is both a single player mode and a multiplayer mode. The game also has graphics with the help of the graphics module graphics.py 

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        <div class = "portfolio-box"> 
         <a title = "Movie App Github Source Code" href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogvRFzNWM2w"> 
          <img class = "img-portfolio img-responsive" src = "Images/BeltForTheBlind.PNG" alt="Picture of the Limits of what a Product like the Blind Belt could do"/> 
          <p class = "imagetext">Belt for the Blind</p> 
          <div class = "portfolio-box-caption"> 
           <div class = "portfolio-box-caption-content"> 
            <div class = "project-category text-faded"> 
            <div class = "project-name"> 
             A product I designed along with another team mate that helps the blind traverse their surroundings. It guides the user by using a ultrasonic sensor and alerts the user by using a volume component on the side of the bot. We won 3rd place in ProjectCSGirls. 

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das Problem in CSS-Abfrage, Abfrage nur '.navbar' –



Sie einfach das falsche Element Targeting die background-color zu bewerben. Versuchen Sie folgendes:

$(document).scroll(function() { 
    scroll_start = $(this).scrollTop(); 
    if(scroll_start > offset.top) { 
     $('nav.navbar-custom').css('background-color', '#f0f0f0'); 
    } else { 
     $('nav.navbar-custom').css('background-color', 'transparent'); 

Aus irgendeinem Grund, wenn ich versucht, dies es nicht so gut funktionieren. – Coder


Haben Sie überprüft, dass die Funktion tatsächlich ausgeführt wird und die Bedingung wie gewünscht erfüllt wird? Sie können mit den dev-Tools Ihres Browsers debuggen oder 'console.log' verwenden. –


Hallo, ich habe versucht, console.log zu verwenden und habe sie gefragt, eine Nachricht zu protokollieren, wenn das Dokument gescrollt wird. Ich habe bemerkt, dass es nichts protokolliert, was bedeutet, dass etwas nicht stimmt. Ich weiß nicht genau, was das ist, aber könntest du helfen, indem du mir meinen GitHub ansiehst. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe. – Coder