2016-11-25 3 views

-> HTML-CodeReload Daten nach modal wird in AngularJS geschlossen

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="platformAppConfigurationCreate()"> 
               <span class="fa fa-plus"></span> 
               <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"> 

-> Controller.js Code

$scope.platformAppConfigurationCreate = function() { 
        templateUrl: 'app/entities/platform-app/platform-app-configuration-dialog.html', 
        controller: 'PlatformAppConfigurationDialogController', 
        controllerAs: 'vm', 
        backdrop: 'static', 
        size: 'lg', 
        resolve: { 
         entity: function() { 
          return { 
           appConfigUuId: null, 
           appConfigName: null, 
           appConfigDesc: null, 
           appConfigDisplayImageRef: null, 
           appConfigExtraInfo: null, 
           id: null 

ich die Seite neu geladen werden soll, nachdem Modal Popup geschlossen wird. Wie soll ich es schaffen?


gibt es eine Funktion, die beim Schließen des Modals aufgerufen wird. – AlainIb


verwendest du angular-ui? –


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36066602/is-there-a-way-to-intercept-bootstapuis-uibmodal-dismissed-event – AlainIb



das geschlossene Ereignis behandeln und Ihr Code tun es

$scope.platformAppConfigurationCreate = function() { 
       templateUrl: 'app/entities/platform-app/platform-app-configuration-dialog.html', 
       controller: 'PlatformAppConfigurationDialogController', 
       controllerAs: 'vm', 
       backdrop: 'static', 
       size: 'lg', 
       resolve: { 
        entity: function() { 
         return { 
          appConfigUuId: null, 
          appConfigName: null, 
          appConfigDesc: null, 
          appConfigDisplayImageRef: null, 
          appConfigExtraInfo: null, 
          id: null 

      //handle ur close event here 
      alert("modal closed") 


vielen Dank –


Ich benutze ngDialog

    showClose: true, 
    template: 'partials/directives/bibliographie/popupAdd.html', 
    className: 'ngdialog-theme-default ngdialog-fullscreen', 
    scope: $scope, 
    closeByDocument: false, 
    closeByEscape: true, 
    controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { 

    preCloseCallback: function (value) { 
     // called when you close modal 
     if (value === 1) { 
      return true; 

     return false; 

Für uibModal $:

var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({ 
    templateUrl: 'a-template.html', 
    controller: ['$scope', function($scope){ 
    $scope.$on('modal.closing', function(event, reason, closed){ 
     if('condition for not closing') 
      event.preventDefault(); //You can use this to prevent the modal from closing    
      window.location = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ";    
    controllerAs: 'modal', 
    backdrop: false, 
    size: 'lg' 

Sie können das folgende Skript verwenden

$scope.$on('modal.closing', function(event, reason, closed){ 
    //either reload the state 
    //or redirect to a url 
    window.location.href="your url"; 

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