2017-02-28 6 views

Ich bin ein Turn-basierten Simulator von Pokemon bauen. Genauer gesagt, der Kampf zwischen Pikachu und Spearow (mit einigen kreativen Freiheiten). Das Problem ist, dass, wenn ich den Benutzer frage, welche Bewegung er verwenden möchte, gibt es immer die Antwort zurück, dass die Bewegung ungültig ist.Eingabe vom Benutzer wird immer als ungültig in Python

# Import Libraries and Methods 
import abc 
from random import randint 
from enum import Enum 

DamageTypes = Enum("DamageTypes", "Damaging") 
Types = Enum("Types", "ELECTRIC NORMAL FLYING") 

class attack(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): 
    def damage_type(self): 
     return NotImplemented 

    def move_type(self): 
     return NotImplemented 

class Tackle(attack): 

    #def __bool__(self): 
     #return self.Tackle is False 

    def damage_type(self): 
     return DamageTypes.Damaging 

    def move_type(self): 
     return Types.NORMAL 

class Thundershock(attack): 

    #def __bool__(self): 
     #return self.Thundershock is False 

    def damage_type(self): 
     return DamageTypes.Damaging 

    def move_type(self): 
     return Types.ELECTRIC 

class Peck(attack): 

    #def __bool__(self): 
     #return self.Peck is False 

    def damage_type(self): 
     return DamageTypes.Damaging 

    def move_type(self): 
     return Types.FLYING 

def damage_calculator(monster1, monster2): 
    #Critical Strike Chance Modifier 
    Critical = 1 
    Critical_Chance = randint(0,9) 
    if Critical_Chance == 0: 
     Critical = 2 

    #STAB (or Same Type Attack Bonus) Modifier 
    STAB = 1 
    #for player 
    if monster1.attack is True: 
     if Thundershock(attack) is True: 
      STAB = 1.5 
     elif Tackle(attack) is True: 
      STAB = 1 
    #for enemy 
    if monster2.attack is True: 
     if Peck(attack) is True: 
      STAB = 1.5 
     if Tackle(attack) is True: 
      STAB = 1.5 

    #Modifier for Minimum Possible Damage Dealt 
    DmgModifierLow = STAB*Critical*0.85 
    #Modifier for Maximum Possible Damage Dealt 
    DmgModifierHigh = STAB*Critical 

    if monster1.attack is True: 
     if 'user_choice' == 'thundershock': 
      AttackDamage = magic_1 
      DamageDefense = magic_defense_2 
      Base = 40 
     elif 'user_choice' == 'tackle': 
      AttackDamage = attack_1 
      DamageDefense = defense_2 
     Base = 40 
    elif monster2.attack is True: 
     if wild_choice == 0: 
      AttackDamage = attack_2 
      DamageDefense = defense_1 
      Base = 40 
     elif wild_choice == 1: 
      AttackDamage = attack_2 
      DamageDefense = defense_1 
      Base = 35 

    DamageHigh = ((210/250)*(AttackDamage/DamageDefense)* (Base)+2)*DmgModifierHigh 
    DamageLow = ((210/250)*AttackDamage/DamageDefense*(Base)+2)*DmgModifierLow 
    DamageDealt = randint(DamageLow,DamageHigh) 

    if monster1.attack: 
     monster2.current_health_2 -= DamageDealt 
    if monster2.attack: 
     monster1.current_health_1 -= DamageDealt 

# create the stats for the monsters 
Pikachu = [] 
Spearow = [] 

# apply stats to Pikachu 
health_1 = randint(180, 211) 
#health that is modified 
current_health_1 = health_1 
attack_1 = randint(115, 146) 
magic_1 = randint(85, 116) 
defense_1 = randint(105, 136) 
magic_defense_1 = randint(105, 136) 
speed_1 = randint(185, 216) 

# apply stats to Spearow 
health_2 = randint(190, 221) 
#health that is modified 
current_health_2 = health_2 
attack_2 = randint(125, 156) 
magic_2 = randint(65, 96) 
defense_2 = randint(67, 98) 
magic_defense_2 = randint(67, 98) 
speed_2 = randint(145, 176) 

def standby_battle_text(monster1, monster2): 
    print("SPEAROW  HP: {}/{}".format(current_health_2, health_2)) 
    print(" ") 
    print(" ") 
    print("PIKACHU  HP: {}/{}".format(current_health_1, health_1)) 
    user_choice = str.lower(input("What attack would you like to choose? (Tackle, Thundershock, or Heal) ")) 
    print("You used {}".format(user_choice)) 

class monster1: 
# Method for the stats for monster 1 
def __init__(self, health_1, current_health_1, attack_1, magic_1, defense_1, magic_defense_1, speed_1): 
    self.health_1 = health_1 
    self.current_health_1 = current_health_1 
    self.attack_1 = attack_1 
    self.magic_1 = magic_1 
    self.defense_1 = defense_1 
    self.magic_defense_1 = magic_defense_1 
    self.speed_1 = speed_1 

# Method for the attack of monster 1 
def attack(self, monster2): 
    while True: 
     standby_battle_text(monster1, monster2) 
     if 'user_choice' == "tackle": 
      #Tackle(attack) is True 
      damage_calculator(monster1, monster2) 
      #Tackle(attack) is False 
      #current_health_2 -= DamageDealt 
     if 'user_choice' == "thundershock": 
      #Thundershock(attack) is True 
      damage_calculator(monster1, monster2) 
      #Thundershock(attack) is False 
      #current_health_2 -= DamageDealt 
     if 'user_choice' == "heal": 
      current_health_1 += 50 
      if current_health_1 >= health_1: 
       current_health_1 = health_1 
      print("That is not a valid move! Please choose again.") 
      print(" ") 

class monster2: 
    def __init__(self, health_2, current_health_2, attack_2, magic_2, defense_2, magic_defense_2, speed_2): 
    self.health_2 = health_2 
    self.current_health_2 = current_health_2 
    self.attack_2 = attack_2 
    self.magic_2 = magic_2 
    self.defense_2 = defense_2 
    self.magic_2 = magic_defense_2 
    self.speed_2 = speed_2 

# Method for the attack of monster 2 
def attack(self, monster1): 
    if current_health_2 <= 50: 
     enemy_heal_chance = randint(0, 3) 
     if enemy_heal_chance == 0 or enemy_heal_chance == 1: 
      current_health_2 += 50 
     wild_choice = randint(0,1) 
     if wild_choice == 0: 
      #Tackle(attack) is True 
      damage_calculator(monster1, monster2) 
      #Tackle(attack) is False 
      #current_health_1 -= DamageDealt 
     if wild_choice == 1: 
      #Peck(attack) is True 
      damage_calculator(monster1, monster2) 
      #Peck(attack) is False 
      #current_health_1 -= DamageDealt 

Pikachu.append(monster1(health_1, current_health_1, attack_1, magic_1, defense_1, magic_defense_1, speed_1)) 
Spearow.append(monster2(health_2, current_health_2, attack_2, magic_2, defense_2, magic_defense_2, speed_2)) 


  • Es gibt einfache Anführungszeichen um user_choice ('user_choice'). Entferne sie.
  • Sie geben keinen Wert von standby_battle_text() Funktion zurück. Daher wird user_choice innerhalb attack() Methode von monster1 nicht erkannt. Also, Sie sollten return user_choice von standby_battle_text()

Ich stimme zu, dass dies das erste ist, was OP tun sollte. Aber jetzt bekommt er 'NameError: name 'user_choice' ist nicht definiert in dieser Zeile. Was sollte er dagegen tun? – Kevin


Danke für die fehlende Bemerkung. – Ujjwal

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