2017-02-21 2 views

Die 3 Tabelle passt schon in den Querformat-Modus, aber die Spalte sieht nicht gut aus, wie die JAM-Spalte. Wie kann ich dieses Problem beheben? Ich benutze bereits reaktive Tabelle von Bootstrap. HierWie 3 Tabelle im Querformat in Handy passen?

ist der HTML-Code



    <title>Table Grid Responsive</title> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap.css"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.js"></script> 
    <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"> 
    <!-- <link href="styles-mediaquery-reporter.css" rel="stylesheet"> --> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> 


      <h1>Table Media Queries &amp; Responsive Grid</small></h1> 
      <h2>Quick-Tip &raquo; with a Little CSS3 MediaQuery-Reporter</h2> 
     <div class="span-one-third"> 
      <div class="table-responsive"> 
      <table border = '1' class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover lebarTabel"> 
       <th colspan = '3' class="text-center">SHIFT PAGI</th> 
        <td class="text-center j_a">JAM</td> 
        <td class="text-center g_i" >GIL/<br>JAM</td> 
        <td class="text-center s_d">S/D</td> 

        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(6) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(6) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(7) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(7) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(8) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(8) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(9) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(9) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(10) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(10) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(11) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(11) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(12) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(12) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(13) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(13) ?></td> 

     <div class="span-one-third"> 
      <div class="table-responsive"> 
      <table border = '5' class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover lebarTabel"> 
       <th colspan = '3' class="text-center">SHIFT SIANG</th> 
        <td class="text-center j_a">JAM</td> 
        <td class="text-center g_i">GIL/<br>JAM</td> 
        <td class="text-center s_d">S/D</td> 

        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(14) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(14) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(15) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(15) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(16) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(16) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(17) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(17) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(18) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(18) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(19) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(19) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(20) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(20) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(21) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(21) ?></td> 

     <div class="span-one-third"> 
      <div class="table-responsive"> 
      <table border = '5' class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover lebarTabel"> 
       <th colspan = '3' class="text-center">SHIFT MALAM</th> 
        <td class="text-center j_a">JAM</td> 
        <td class="text-center g_i">GIL/<br>JAM</td> 
        <td class="text-center s_d">S/D</td> 

        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(22) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(22) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(23) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(23) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(0) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(0) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(1) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(1) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(2) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(2) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(3) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(3) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(4) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(4) ?></td> 
        <td id="dari" align="center" class="gil"><?php echo $obj->tampil_hasil(5) ?></td> 
        <td id="sd" align="center" class="sd"><?php echo $obj->tampil_sd(5) ?></td> 




Dies ist die CSS-Code

@media all and (orientation:landscape){ 
    .span-one-third { 
     width: 33.333%; 
     float: left; 


Hier ist das Ergebnis PIC enter image description here


Fügen Sie jsfiddle oder einen Online-Compiler Ihres Codes hinzu. –



Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten.

1. Erstellen Sie eine Tabelle wie unten beschrieben, aber es wird horizontales Scrollen auf denselben Bildschirmen hinzugefügt.

<div class="table-responsive"> 
     <table class="table"> 

2. Sie können Schriftgröße und padding/margin auf Geräte mit kleinem Bildschirm anpassen, um es besser aussehen zu lassen.

@media (max-width: 767px) { 
    .table thead > tr > th, 
    .table tbody > tr > th, 
    .table tfoot > tr > th, 
    .table thead > tr > td, 
    .table tbody > tr > td, 
    .table tfoot > tr > td { 
     padding: 1px; 
     font-size: 6px; 

@media (min-width: 768px) { 

    .table thead > tr > th, 
    .table tbody > tr > th, 
    .table tfoot > tr > th, 
    .table thead > tr > td, 
    .table tbody > tr > td, 
    .table tfoot > tr > td { 
     padding: 2px; 
     font-size: 8px; 

@media (min-width: 992px) { 
    .table thead > tr > th, 
    .table tbody > tr > th, 
    .table tfoot > tr > th, 
    .table thead > tr > td, 
    .table tbody > tr > td, 
    .table tfoot > tr > td { 
     padding: 3px; 
     font-size: 12px; 