2017-10-11 5 views

Ich ziehe Daten aus einer CSV und zeichne die Daten. Ich zeichne eine Reihe von digitalen Signalen auf und lege dann Punkte für den Statuswechsel fest. Current Digital PlotsFügen Sie zusätzliche Plot zu Unterplot Plotly Python

Jetzt versuche ich einige Textmarker zu einigen der Plots hinzuzufügen. Ähnlich wie folgt aus: Goal Digital Plots

Hier ist der Code, den ich jetzt haben:

points = {'A':[X_SoC[8][1], Y_SoC[8][1]], 'B': [X_SoC[9][1], Y_SoC[9][1]], 'C' :[X_SoC[9][2], Y_SoC[9][2]], 
     'D' : [X_SoC[1][1], Y_SoC[1][1]], 'E': [X_SoC[10][1], Y_SoC[10][1]], 'F' :[X_SoC[10][2], Y_SoC[10][2]], 
     'G' : [X_SoC[11][1], Y_SoC[11][1]], 'H': [X_SoC[10][3], Y_SoC[10][3]], 'J' :[X_SoC[9][3], Y_SoC[9][3]], 
     'K' : [X_SoC[10][4], Y_SoC[10][4]], 'L': [X_SoC[8][2], Y_SoC[8][2]], 'M' :[X_SoC[7][4], Y_SoC[7][4]], 
     'N' : [X_SoC[9][4], Y_SoC[9][4]], 'P': [X_SoC[7][5], Y_SoC[7][5]]} 

pt_A = X_SoC[8][1] 
pt_B = X_SoC[9][1] 
pt_C = X_SoC[9][2] 
pt_D = X_SoC[1][1] 
pt_E = X_SoC[10][1] 
pt_F = X_SoC[10][2] 
pt_G = X_SoC[11][1] 
pt_H = X_SoC[10][3] 
pt_J = X_SoC[9][3] 
pt_K = X_SoC[10][4] 
pt_L = X_SoC[8][2] 
pt_M = X_SoC[7][4] 
pt_N = X_SoC[9][4] 
pt_P = X_SoC[7][5] 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 
    trace0.append(go.Scatter(x=df_lab["Time"], y = df_lab[Headers[i+1]], mode = 'lines', name = Headers[i+1])) 
    trace1.append(go.Scatter(x=X_SoC[i], y = Y_SoC[i], mode = 'markers', = 

trace1.append(go.Scatter(x = X_SoC[8][1], y = Y_SoC[8][1], mode = 
'markers+text', text = 'A', textposition = 'bottom')) 

print("The label 'A' should be at ", X_SoC[8][1], " and ", Y_SoC[8][1], " of the ninth graph down") 
fig = tools.make_subplots(rows = Num_Channels, cols = 1,shared_xaxes = True) 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 

#fig.append_trace(trace2, 9, 1) 

fig['layout'].update(height = 750, width = 950, title = 'Bit Timing!') 

ich eine trace2 Variable versucht haben, diese neueste Methode ist, den aktuellen Punkt Plot anhängen, aber es wird nicht angezeigt in irgendeiner Form oder Form. Mein Ziel ist es, das Wörterbuch zu benutzen, damit ich es einfach durchlaufen kann.

Wie füge ich den dritten Plot hinzu?




Nun, ich denke, programmatisch, es ist ziemlich hässlich. Aber es tut was ich suche. Hier ist, wo ich bisher am Ende:

points = {'A':[X_SoC[8][1], Y_SoC[8][1]], 'B': [X_SoC[9][1], Y_SoC[9][1]], 'C' :[X_SoC[9][2], Y_SoC[9][2]], 
     'D' : [X_SoC[1][1], Y_SoC[1][1]], 'E': [X_SoC[10][1], Y_SoC[10][1]], 'F' :[X_SoC[10][2], Y_SoC[10][2]], 
     'G' : [X_SoC[11][1], Y_SoC[11][1]], 'H': [X_SoC[10][3], Y_SoC[10][3]], 'J' :[X_SoC[9][3], Y_SoC[9][3]], 
     'K' : [X_SoC[10][4], Y_SoC[10][4]], 'L': [X_SoC[8][2], Y_SoC[8][2]], 'M' :[X_SoC[7][4], Y_SoC[7][4]], 
     'N' : [X_SoC[9][4], Y_SoC[9][4]], 'P': [X_SoC[7][5], Y_SoC[7][5]]} 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 
    trace0.append(go.Scatter(x=df_lab["Time"], y = df_lab[Headers[i+1]], mode = 'lines', name = Headers[i+1])) 
    trace1.append(go.Scatter(x=X_SoC[i], y = Y_SoC[i], mode = 'markers', showlegend = False)) 

traceA = go.Scatter(x = [points['A'][0]], y = [points['A'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['A'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceB = go.Scatter(x = [points['B'][0]], y = [points['B'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['B'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceC = go.Scatter(x = [points['C'][0]], y = [points['C'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['C'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceD = go.Scatter(x = [points['D'][0]], y = [points['D'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['D'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceE = go.Scatter(x = [points['E'][0]], y = [points['E'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['E'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceF = go.Scatter(x = [points['F'][0]], y = [points['F'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['F'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceG = go.Scatter(x = [points['G'][0]], y = [points['G'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['G'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceH = go.Scatter(x = [points['H'][0]], y = [points['H'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['H'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceJ = go.Scatter(x = [points['J'][0]], y = [points['J'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['J'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceK = go.Scatter(x = [points['K'][0]], y = [points['K'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['K'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceL = go.Scatter(x = [points['L'][0]], y = [points['L'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['L'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceM = go.Scatter(x = [points['M'][0]], y = [points['M'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['M'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceN = go.Scatter(x = [points['N'][0]], y = [points['N'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['N'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceP = go.Scatter(x = [points['P'][0]], y = [points['P'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['P'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 

print("The label 'A' should be at ", points['A'][0] , " and ", points['A'][1] , " of the ninth graph down") 

fig = tools.make_subplots(rows = Num_Channels, cols = 1,shared_xaxes = True) 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 

fig.append_trace(traceA, 9, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceB, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceC, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceD, 2, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceE, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceF, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceG, 12, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceH, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceJ, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceK, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceL, 9, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceM, 8, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceN, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceP, 8, 1) 

fig['layout'].update(height = 750, width = 950, title = 'Bit Timing!') 

Ich bin auf jeden Fall offen für Ideen, um es besser zu machen.


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