2013-01-21 14 views

Ich habe ein Application Window mit einem Scrollable Composite.Scrollbare Composite - automatische Größenanpassung - swt

Innerhalb Scroll-Composite könnten wir N-Composites (entsprechend Datenbankdaten) haben.

Wie konnte ich die Größe der Composites von Kindern erkennen, um die richtige Höhe einzustellen?

* Create contents of the application window. 
* @param parent 
protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { 

    final ScrolledComposite sc = new ScrolledComposite(parent, SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER); 
    final Composite containerEditarAtendimento = new Composite(sc, SWT.BORDER); 
    containerEditarAtendimento.setSize(800, 630); 
    sc.setMinSize(containerEditarAtendimento.computeSize(820, 480)); 
    GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(1, false); 
    gridLayout.marginTop = 5; 
    gridLayout.marginRight = 5; 
    gridLayout.marginBottom = 5; 
    gridLayout.marginLeft = 5; 
    { // Composite com as informações de atendimento. 
     EditarAtendimentoComposite editarAtendimentoComposite = new EditarAtendimentoComposite(containerEditarAtendimento, SWT.BORDER); 
     GridData gd_editarAtendimentoComposite = new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.FILL, true, false); 
     gd_editarAtendimentoComposite.heightHint = 249; 
     Composite compoExterno = formToolkit.createComposite(containerEditarAtendimento, SWT.BORDER); 
     compoExterno.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false)); 
     GridData gd_compoExterno = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false, 1, 1); 
     gd_compoExterno.heightHint = 153; 

      Label lblAnexos = formToolkit.createLabel(compoExterno, getLabel("label.anexos"), SWT.NONE); 
     new Label(compoExterno, SWT.NONE); 
      Button btnAddAnexo = formToolkit.createButton(compoExterno, getLabel("label.incluiranexo"), SWT.NONE); 
      btnAddAnexo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 1, 1)); 
     { // Composite com os anexos 
      AnexosComposite anexosComposite = new AnexosComposite(compoExterno,SWT.BORDER); 
      GridData gd_anexosComposite = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false, 3, 1); 
      gd_anexosComposite.heightHint = 107; 


    { // Composite onde ficará o expandable do diagnostico 
     PlanoAcaoExternoComposite planoAcaoComposite = new PlanoAcaoExternoComposite(containerEditarAtendimento, SWT.BORDER); 
     GridData gd_planoAcaoComposite = new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.FILL, true, false); 
     planoAcaoComposite.layout(true, true); 
     log.info("Height: {}",planoAcaoComposite.getClientArea().height); 
     log.info("getSize().x: {}",planoAcaoComposite.getSize().x); 
     log.info("getSize().y: {}",planoAcaoComposite.getSize().y); 
     sc.setMinSize(containerEditarAtendimento.computeSize(800, 2000)); // HOW TO DYNAMICALLY SET HEIGHT? 
    return containerEditarAtendimento; 

Vielen Dank in Advanve.



wird der folgende Code machen die ScrolledComposite die minSize nach dem Inhalt und zeigen die Scrollbalken gesetzt, wenn Sie die Größe des Shell verringern:

ScrolledComposite sc = new ScrolledComposite(content, SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER); 

Composite composite = new Composite(sc, SWT.NONE); 
composite.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.VERTICAL)); 

new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("1111"); 
new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("2222"); 
new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("3333"); 
new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("4444"); 
new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("5555"); 
new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("6666"); 
new Label(composite, SWT.NONE).setText("7777"); 

sc.setMinSize(composite.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); 

Danke Baz !! Ich werde das versuchen ... – davidfdr


Es hat funktioniert! Danke nochmal Baz! – davidfdr


@davidfdr Ich bin froh, dass ich helfen konnte. Bitte überlegen Sie, die Antwort ebenfalls zu verbessern. – Baz


Inhalt eines gescrollt Fenster, dort zu sein braucht, und fest Einstellung grabExxcessHorizontalspace und vertikal auf "wahr".

public class SWT_Composite_scroll_test { 

    private static Display display; 
    private Font font; 
    public static FontData[] fontdata, tmp; 
    public static FontData fd; 
    public String name; 
    public static String fontname; 
    public String DIALOG; 
    public String DIALOGINPUT; 
    public String MONOSPACED; 
    public String SERIF; 
    public String SANS_SERIF; 
    public String LUCIDIA; 
    public int size, data, style, Plain=0, Bold=1, Italic=2; 
    Object[] font_objects; 
    String[] font_names, styletype = {"Normal","Bold","Italic"}; 

    public static void main(String args[]){ 
      display = new Display(); 
      tmp = new FontData[Display.getDefault().getFontList(null, false).length]; 
      for(int j=0;j<tmp.length;j++){ tmp[j] = Display.getDefault().getFontList(null, false)[j];} 
      System.out.println("System fonts loaded."); 
      SWT_Composite_scroll_test c = new SWT_Composite_scroll_test(); 


private void getFonts(){ 

     final Shell fontdialog = new Shell(display,SWT.BORDER|SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL|SWT.RESIZE|SWT.CLOSE); 
          fontdialog.setText(Parent.getResourceString("Set fonts for system. ")); 
          /* Create 3 unevenly columns in dialog*/ 
          fontdialog.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,false)); 
        Label label = new Label(fontdialog,SWT.FILL); 
          /* set label 3 columns wide, grab all horizontal space, but vertical just one row.*/ 
          label.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL,SWT.FILL,true,false,3,1)); 
          label.setText("Dit is een text."); 

      final Composite tablecontainer = new Composite(fontdialog,SWT.BORDER|SWT.V_SCROLL|SWT.H_SCROLL); 
        /* Design tablecontainer layout, no spacing to prevent white spots when content is scrolled.*/ 
        GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(); 
        gl.marginLeft = 0; 
        gl.marginHeight = 0; 
        gl.marginBottom = 0; 
        gl.marginRight = 0; 
        gl.verticalSpacing = 0; 
        gl.horizontalSpacing = 0; 
        /* Completely fill and grab all vertical space for content, one column and one row.*/ 
        final GridData tblgd = new GridData(SWT.FILL,SWT.FILL,true,true,1,1); 

        final Composite tableheader = new Composite(tablecontainer,SWT.FILL|SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
          RowLayout rlb = new RowLayout(); 
          rlb.pack = false;//<-------------(all elements are the same size). 
          rlb.justify = true;// <------- (elements are spread across the available space). 
          tableheader.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL,SWT.FILL,false,false)); 
         final Label subjectcolumn = new Label(tableheader,SWT.FILL|SWT.LEFT|SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
            subjectcolumn.setText(Parent.getResourceString("Subject name")); 
         final Label namecolumn = new Label(tableheader,SWT.FILL|SWT.CENTER|SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
            namecolumn.setText(Parent.getResourceString("Font name")); 
         final Label stylecolumn = new Label(tableheader,SWT.FILL|SWT.CENTER|SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
            stylecolumn.setText(Parent.getResourceString("Font style")); 
         final Label sizecolumn = new Label(tableheader,SWT.FILL|SWT.CENTER|SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
            sizecolumn.setText(Parent.getResourceString("Font size")); 

        final Composite table = new Composite(tablecontainer,SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
            RowLayout tbfl = new RowLayout(); 
            tbfl.type = SWT.VERTICAL; 
            final GridData tbge = new GridData(SWT.FILL,SWT.FILL,false,false); 

            Group testgroup = new Group(table, SWT.FILL); 
            testgroup.setLayout(new GridLayout()); 
            new Label(testgroup,SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT).setText("This is a test label in side the scrolled content."); 
            new Label(testgroup,SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT).setText("This is a test label in side the scrolled content."); 
            Button resize = new Button(testgroup, SWT.PUSH); 
            resize.setText("Rezise bigger"); 
            resize.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { 
               public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {     
                 tablecontainer.setSize(tablecontainer.getSize().x<<1,tablecontainer.getSize().y<<1); /* resize scrolled composite setting data height x 2;*/ 
            Button resizeS = new Button(testgroup, SWT.PUSH); 
            resizeS.setText("Rezise smaller"); 
            resizeS.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { 
               public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {     
                 tablecontainer.setSize(tablecontainer.getSize().x>>1,tablecontainer.getSize().y>>1); /* resize scrolled composite setting data height x 2;*/ 
         for(int i=0;i<tmp.length;i++){ 
          Composite tablerow = new Composite(table,SWT.FILL);       
              RowLayout rlc = new RowLayout(); 
              rlc.center = true; 
              rlc.fill = true; 
              rlc.pack = false;//<-------------(all elements are the same size). 
              rlc.wrap = false;// <------- (clips if not enough space). [ This one makes content invisible when out of sight. ] 
              rlc.marginLeft = 1; 
              rlc.marginHeight = 1; 
              rlc.marginBottom = 1; 
              rlc.marginRight = 1; 
              rlc.marginWidth = 1; 
              rlc.spacing = 1; 
              new Label(tablerow, SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT).setText(tmp[i].getName()); 
        System.out.println(tableheader.getBounds().width+"2: vPage:"+table.getSize().y+" vSelection:"+tablecontainer.getClientArea().y); 
              final Combo fontcombo = new Combo(tablerow, SWT.RIGHT);       
        for(int j=0;j<tmp.length;j++){fontcombo.add(""+tmp[j].getName());} 
               fontcombo.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() { 
                public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { 
                 fd = Display.getDefault().getFontList(null, true)[fontcombo.getSelectionIndex()];  
                public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {} 
              final Combo stylecombo = new Combo (tablerow, SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
               for(int j=0;j<styletype.length;j++){stylecombo.add(styletype[j]);} 
               stylecombo.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() { 
                public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { 
                 style = stylecombo.getSelectionIndex();  
                public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {} 
              final Combo sizecombo = new Combo(tablerow,SWT.RIGHT|SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT); 
               for(int j=0;j<28;j++){sizecombo.add(""+j);} 
               sizecombo.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() { 
                public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { 
                 size = sizecombo.getSelectionIndex();  
                public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {} 
       final ScrollBar vBar = tablecontainer.getVerticalBar(); 
       final ScrollBar hBar = tablecontainer.getHorizontalBar(); 
         vBar.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() { 
          public void handleEvent(Event e) { 
           int contentY = table.getSize().y - tableheader.getSize().y;  // total height of the page. [ table ] 
           int windowY = tablecontainer.getSize().y - tableheader.getSize().y;// total height of the window [ tablecontainer ]. 
           int locationY = vBar.getSelection() - tableheader.getSize().y; // point where table is in window. 0 = top. 
           int vPageEnd = contentY - windowY; 
           if(locationY >= vPageEnd){ locationY = vPageEnd ;} 
           table.setLocation(5, - locationY);        // 5 is left margin. 
         hBar.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() { 
          public void handleEvent(Event e) {  
           /* Horizontal scrolbar.*/ 
           int contentX = table.getSize().x - vBar.getSize().x;        // total height of the page. [ table ] 
           int windowX = tablecontainer.getSize().x - vBar.getSize().x;      // total height of the window [ tablecontainer ]. 
           int locationX = hBar.getSelection();       // point where table is in window. 0 = top. 
           int hPageEnd = contentX - windowX; 
           if(locationX >= hPageEnd){ locationX = hPageEnd ;} 
           table.setLocation(-locationX+5, tableheader.getSize().y);        // 5 is left margin. 
         tablecontainer.addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() { 
          public void handleEvent(Event e) { 
           int contentY = table.getSize().y - tableheader.getSize().y-9;          // total height of the page. [ table ] 
           int contentX = table.getSize().x - vBar.getSize().x; 
           int windowY = tablecontainer.getSize().y - tableheader.getSize().y-9; // total height of the window [ tablecontainer ]. 
           int windowX = tablecontainer.getSize().x - vBar.getSize().x; 
           int locationY = vBar.getSelection() - tableheader.getSize().y;    // point where table is in window. 0 = top. 
           int locationX = hBar.getSelection(); 
           int vPageEnd = contentY - windowY; 
           int hPageEnd = contentX - windowX; 
           if(vPageEnd>contentY){vBar.setThumb(vPageEnd - windowY);}else{vBar.setThumb(windowY);} 
           if(hPageEnd>contentX){hBar.setThumb(hPageEnd - windowX);}else{hBar.setThumb(windowX);} 
           if(locationY >= vPageEnd) {locationY = vPageEnd;} 
           if(locationX >= hPageEnd) {locationX = hPageEnd;} 
           else {table.setLocation(-locationX,tableheader.getSize().y);} 
         fontdialog.addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() { 
          public void handleEvent(Event e) { 

       Button save = new Button(fontdialog, SWT.PUSH); 
       save.setText(Parent.getResourceString("Save new settings")); 
       save.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { 
         public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { 
       new Label(fontdialog, SWT.SHADOW_OUT); /* Filler */ 
       Button ok = new Button(fontdialog, SWT.PUSH); 
       ok.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { 
          public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {     
      for(;!fontdialog.isDisposed();) { 
         if (!fontdialog.getDisplay().readAndDispatch()) 
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