2017-04-22 2 views
public class LessonAssignment { 

    private var title : String? 
    private var category : String? 
    private var week : Int? 
    private var day : Int? 

    public func getTitle() -> String { 
     return title! 

    public func setTitle(title : String) { 
     self.title = title 

    public func getCategory() -> String { 
     return category! 

    public func setCategory(category : String) { 
     self.category = category 

    public func getWeek() -> Int { 
     return week! 

    public func setWeek(week : Int) { 
     self.week = week 

    public func getDay() -> Int { 
     return day! 

    public func setDay(day : Int) { 
     self.day = day 

    Returns an array of models based on given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonAssignment_list = LessonAssignment.modelsFromDictionaryArray(someDictionaryArrayFromJSON) 

    - parameter array: NSArray from JSON dictionary. 

    - returns: Array of LessonAssignment Instances. 
    public class func modelsFromDictionaryArray(array:NSArray) -> [LessonAssignment] 
     var models = [LessonAssignment]() 
     for item in array { 
      models.append(LessonAssignment(dictionary: item as! NSDictionary)!) 
     return models 

    Constructs the object based on the given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonAssignment = LessonAssignment(someDictionaryFromJSON) 

    - parameter dictionary: NSDictionary from JSON. 

    - returns: LessonAssignment Instance. 
    init() { } 

    required public init?(dictionary: NSDictionary) { 

     title = dictionary["title"] as? String 
     category = dictionary["category"] as? String 
     week = dictionary["week"] as? Int 
     day = dictionary["day"] as? Int 

    Returns the dictionary representation for the current instance. 

    - returns: NSDictionary. 
    public func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary { 

     let dictionary = NSMutableDictionary() 

     dictionary.setValue(self.title, forKey: "title") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.category, forKey: "category") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.week, forKey: "week") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.day, forKey: "day") 

     return dictionary 

    func toDictionary() -> [String : Any] { 
     var dictionary = [String:Any]() 
     let otherSelf = Mirror(reflecting: self) 

     for child in otherSelf.children { 
      if let key = child.label { 
       dictionary[key] = child.value 
     return dictionary 

public class LessonPlan { 
    private var name : String? 
    private var weeks : Int? 
    private var days : Int? 
    private var hours : Int? 
    private var lessonAssignment = [LessonAssignment]() 
    private var lessonNote = [LessonNote]() 

    public func getName() -> String { 
     if name == nil { 
      return "" 
     } else { 
      return name! 

    public func setName(name : String) { 
     self.name = name 

    public func getWeeks() -> Int { 
     if weeks == 0 { 
      return 0 
     } else { 
      return weeks! 

    public func setWeeks(weeks : Int) { 
     self.weeks = weeks 

    public func getDays() -> Int { 
     if days == 0 { 
      return 0 
     } else { 
      return days! 

    public func setDays(days : Int) { 
     self.days = days 

    public func getHours() -> Int { 
     if days == 0 { 
      return 0 
     } else { 
      return hours! 

    public func setHours(hours : Int) { 
     self.hours = hours 

    public func getLessonAssignment() -> [LessonAssignment] { 
     return lessonAssignment 

    public func setLessonAssignment(lessonAssignment : [LessonAssignment]) { 
     self.lessonAssignment = lessonAssignment 

    public func getLessonNote() -> [LessonNote] { 
     return lessonNote 

    public func setLessonNote(lessonNote : [LessonNote]) { 
     self.lessonNote = lessonNote 

    Returns an array of models based on given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonPlan_list = LessonPlan.modelsFromDictionaryArray(someDictionaryArrayFromJSON) 

    - parameter array: NSArray from JSON dictionary. 

    - returns: Array of LessonPlan Instances. 
    public class func modelsFromDictionaryArray(array:NSArray) -> [LessonPlan] 
     var models:[LessonPlan] = [] 
     for item in array 
      models.append(LessonPlan(dictionary: item as! NSDictionary)!) 
     return models 

    Constructs the object based on the given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonPlan = LessonPlan(someDictionaryFromJSON) 

    - parameter dictionary: NSDictionary from JSON. 

    - returns: LessonPlan Instance. 
    init() { } 

    required public init?(dictionary: NSDictionary) { 

     name = dictionary["name"] as? String 
     weeks = dictionary["weeks"] as? Int 
     days = dictionary["days"] as? Int 
     hours = dictionary["hours"] as? Int 

     lessonAssignment = LessonAssignment.modelsFromDictionaryArray(array:dictionary["lessonAssignment"] as! NSArray) 

     lessonNote = LessonNote.modelsFromDictionaryArray(array: dictionary["lessonNote"] as! NSArray) 

    Returns the dictionary representation for the current instance. 

    - returns: NSDictionary. 
    public func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary { 
     let dictionary = NSMutableDictionary() 
     dictionary.setValue(self.name, forKey: "name") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.weeks, forKey: "weeks") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.days, forKey: "days") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.hours, forKey: "hours") 
     return dictionary 

    func toDictionary() -> [String : Any] { 
     var dictionary = [String:Any]() 
     let otherSelf = Mirror(reflecting: self) 

     for child in otherSelf.children { 
      print("Child = \(child)") 
      print("Child Label = \(String(describing: child.label))") 
      print("Child Value = \(child.value)") 

      if let key = child.label { 
       dictionary[key] = child.value 
     return dictionary 

public class ServerRequest {JSON von Object mit Array-Problem in iOS Swift 3

private var lessonPlan : LessonPlan? 

init() { 

public func getLessonPlan() -> LessonPlan { 
    return lessonPlan! 

public func setLessonPlan(lessonPlan : LessonPlan) { 
    self.lessonPlan = lessonPlan 

func toDictionary() -> [String : Any] { 
    var dictionary = [String:Any]() 
    let otherSelf = Mirror(reflecting: self) 

    for child in otherSelf.children { 
     if let key = child.label { 
      dictionary[key] = lessonPlan?.toDictionary() 
    return dictionary 


Aktuelle Response = [ "Unterrichtsplanung": [ "name": "test" "Tage": 2, "Woche": 1, "Stunden": 1, "lessonAssignment": [HSP.LessonAssignment, HSP.LessonAssignment] "lessonNote": []]]

Erwartete Antwort = ["lessonPlan": ["name": "test", "tage": 2, "wochen": 1, "stunden": 1, "lektionAssignment": [["titel"] : "1 einen gewissen Wert", "Kategorie": "some value", "Woche": 1, "Tag": 2]] "lessonNote": []]]

Anstelle des LessinAssignment Objekt I möchte die tatsächlichen Werte hinzufügen, die Array ist. Irgendein Hinweis, wie man das löst. Ich weiß, dass ich mehr Logik innerhalb der toDictionary Methode hinzufügen muss und basierend auf dem Schlüssel "lectionAssignment" muss ich jedes Array erhalten und den Wert im Schlüssel als finales Array hinzufügen.


nicht verwandt, aber alle benutzerdefinierten Getter und Setter in der 'LessonPlan' Klasse sind unsinnig. Das ist schnell !. Und warum sind alle Eigenschaften optional, obwohl die Setter nicht-optionale Werte übergeben? – vadian


lektionAusrichtungsschlüssel ist ein Array von LessonAssignment-Instanzen? – chris


@vadian Ja, wir wissen, es ist schnell, aber wir folgen Getter/Setter als unsere Standard-Praktiken. – Scorpion



Von meinem Kommentar, so etwas wie dieses:

    (value: HSP.LessonAssignment) -> NSDictionary in 
    return value.toDictionary() 

Danke, es hat funktioniert :) – Scorpion