2016-04-13 15 views



So landete ich mit

def as_spanning_trees(G): 
    For a given graph with multiple sub graphs, find the components 
    and draw a spanning tree. 

    Returns a new Graph with components as spanning trees (i.e. without cycles). 

    G:  - networkx.Graph 

    G2 = nx.Graph() 
    # We find the connected constituents of the graph as subgraphs 
    graphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G, copy=False) 

    # For each of these graphs we extract the spanning tree, removing the cycles 
    for g in graphs: 
     T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(g) 

    return G2 

'T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree (G)' gibt Ihnen das gleiche Ergebnis - ein Minimum Spanning Wald. – Aric


Ah ja, ich hätte wirklich die Dokumente lesen sollen. – JoelKuiper

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