2016-05-29 6 views

Also mache ich einen Downloader und Entzipper für ein Spiel, aber ich bin nicht in der Lage, den Fortschritt des Entpackens zu bekommen. Das ist mein unzip Methode:Holen Sie sich den Fortschritt der Entpackdatei in Java

static public void unzip(cachePart name) throws ZipException, IOException { 
     System.out.println("Unzipping " + name.getFile()); 
     int BUFFER = 2048; 
     long current = 0; 
     File file = new File(name.getFilePath()); 

     ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(file); 
     //String newPath = zipFile.substring(0, zipFile.length() - 4); 

     int finalSize = zip.size(); 

     //new File(newPath).mkdir(); 
     Enumeration<?> zipFileEntries = zip.entries(); 

     // Process each entry 
     while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) { 

      // grab a zip file entry 
      ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement(); 
      current += entry.getCompressedSize(); 
      //long finalSize = entry.getSize(); 
      int percentage; 
      String currentEntry = entry.getName(); 
      File destFile = new File(Data.SAVE_DIR, currentEntry); 
      //destFile = new File(newPath, destFile.getName()); 
      File destinationParent = destFile.getParentFile(); 

      // create the parent directory structure if needed 

      if (!entry.isDirectory()) { 
       BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(zip.getInputStream(entry)); 
       int currentByte; 
       // establish buffer for writing file 
       byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER]; 

       // write the current file to disk 
       FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile); 
       BufferedOutputStream dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER); 

       // read and write until last byte is encountered 
       while ((currentByte = is.read(data, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) { 
        dest.write(data, 0, currentByte); 
       percentage = (int) (current/finalSize * 100); 
       System.out.println("finalSize " + finalSize); 
       System.out.println("Current " + current); 
       System.out.println("percentage " + percentage + "%"); 

     System.out.println("Done unzipping " + name.getFile()); 

Also habe ich versucht, einige Dinge zu tun, aber ich kann die 2 verschiedenen Größen nicht bekommen was ich brauche. Was ich denke sind: Die Größe der unkomprimierten Zip-Datei und die Größe der nächsten Datei, die es entpacken wird. Ich habe versucht, dies zu tun mit:

int finalSize = zip.size(); 


current += entry.getCompressedSize(); 

Es gibt keine genaue Methode, dies zu tun, ohne zweimal durchzugehen. Eine komprimierte Datei ist nicht einmal garantiert kleiner als das Original. Komm einfach mit einer unendlichen Bitte warten Sie. –


Okay, also ist es nicht wirklich eine Option, es zweimal durchzugehen und ich sollte den Spielern nur eine Nachricht präsentieren: "Entpacken, bitte warten."? – xX4m4zingXx


Das ist richtig –



Sie versuchen Zip4j verwenden könnte. Es kommt mit einem Fortschrittsmonitor und hat in der Vergangenheit gut für mich gearbeitet.

Hier ist ein Beispiel from their forums, das zeigt, wie man es benutzt. Das Beispiel demonstriert das Zippen, aber der Fortschrittsmonitor funktioniert auch beim Entpacken.

import java.io.File; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 

import net.lingala.zip4j.core.ZipFile; 
import net.lingala.zip4j.exception.ZipException; 
import net.lingala.zip4j.model.ZipParameters; 
import net.lingala.zip4j.progress.ProgressMonitor; 
import net.lingala.zip4j.util.Zip4jConstants; 

* This example demonstrates ProgressMonitor usage. Progress Monitor 
* can be used to get the current progress information of the task 
* being performed by Zip4j.<br><br> 
* ProgressMonitor can be used to get information regarding any kind of task. 
* This example uses the adding files to Zip functionality. Information regarding 
* rest of the tasks is similar to this approach 
public class ProgressInformation { 

    public ProgressInformation() { 

     try { 
      // Initiate the ZipFile 
      ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile("c:\\ZipTest\\ProgressInformation.zip"); 

      // Set runInThread variable of ZipFile to true. 
      // When this variable is set, Zip4j will run any task in a new thread 
      // If this variable is not set, Zip4j will run all tasks in the current 
      // thread. 

      // Initialize files to add 
      ArrayList filesToAdd = new ArrayList(); 
      filesToAdd.add(new File("c:\\ZipTest\\sample.txt")); 
      filesToAdd.add(new File("c:\\ZipTest\\myvideo.avi")); 
      filesToAdd.add(new File("c:\\ZipTest\\mysong.mp3")); 

      // Initialize Zip Parameters 
      ZipParameters parameters = new ZipParameters(); 

      // Add files to Zip 
      zipFile.addFiles(filesToAdd, parameters); 

      // Get progress monitor from ZipFile 
      ProgressMonitor progressMonitor = zipFile.getProgressMonitor(); 

      // PLEASE NOTE: Below code does a lot of Sysout's. 

      // ProgressMonitor has two states, READY and BUSY. READY indicates that 
      // Zip4j can now accept any new tasks. BUSY indicates that Zip4j is 
      // currently performing some task and cannot accept any new task at the moment 
      // Any attempt to perform any other task will throw an Exception 
      while (progressMonitor.getState() == ProgressMonitor.STATE_BUSY) { 
       // ProgressMonitor has a lot of useful information like, the current 
       // operation being performed by Zip4j, current file being processed, 
       // percentage done, etc. Once an operation is completed, ProgressMonitor 
       // also contains the result of the operation. If any exception is thrown 
       // during an operation, this is also stored in this object and can be retrieved 
       // as shown below 

       // To get the percentage done 
       System.out.println("Percent Done: " + progressMonitor.getPercentDone()); 

       // To get the current file being processed 
       System.out.println("File: " + progressMonitor.getFileName()); 

       // To get current operation 
       // Possible values are: 
       // ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_NONE - no operation being performed 
       // ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_ADD - files are being added to the zip file 
       // ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_EXTRACT - files are being extracted from the zip file 
       // ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_REMOVE - files are being removed from zip file 
       // ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_CALC_CRC - CRC of the file is being calculated 
       // ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_MERGE - Split zip files are being merged 
       switch (progressMonitor.getCurrentOperation()) { 
       case ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_NONE: 
        System.out.println("no operation being performed"); 
       case ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_ADD: 
        System.out.println("Add operation"); 
       case ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_EXTRACT: 
        System.out.println("Extract operation"); 
       case ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_REMOVE: 
        System.out.println("Remove operation"); 
       case ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_CALC_CRC: 
        System.out.println("Calcualting CRC"); 
       case ProgressMonitor.OPERATION_MERGE: 
        System.out.println("Merge operation"); 
        System.out.println("invalid operation"); 

      // Once Zip4j is done with its task, it changes the ProgressMonitor 
      // state from BUSY to READY, so the above loop breaks. 
      // To get the result of the operation: 
      // Possible values: 
      // ProgressMonitor.RESULT_SUCCESS - Operation was successful 
      // ProgressMonitor.RESULT_WORKING - Zip4j is still working and is not 
      //         yet done with the current operation 
      // ProgressMonitor.RESULT_ERROR - An error occurred during processing 
      System.out.println("Result: " + progressMonitor.getResult()); 

      if (progressMonitor.getResult() == ProgressMonitor.RESULT_ERROR) { 
       // Any exception can be retrieved as below: 
       if (progressMonitor.getException() != null) { 
       } else { 
        System.err.println("An error occurred without any exception"); 

     } catch (ZipException e) { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     new ProgressInformation(); 


Ich habe noch nie davon gehört, ich werde es mir ansehen, danke, dass du diese alte Frage beantwortet hast! – xX4m4zingXx

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