2016-09-25 3 views

Ich habe ein paar Probleme mit dem esp8266 201. Ich habe es mit einem (mehr als genug) Netzteil betrieben, es startet sich von selbst neu.esp8266 neustart.mai braucht ertrag

Auch wenn der esp8266 manchmal mit dem Internet verbindet und Cayenne es entdeckt, dann wird es wieder offline und online. Einige Leute haben mir gesagt, ich solle die Erträge verwenden, aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wie man sie benutzt.

Der folgende Code wird verwendet, um eine Verbindung zum Cayenne herzustellen und einige Sensoren hinzuzufügen. Dies geschieht vor dem Ertrag.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //SoftwareSerial library required for Arduino communication with the Grove RFID reader and the Grove Serial MP3 player 
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h> 
#include "CayenneDefines.h" 
#include "CayenneWiFiClient.h" 

char token[] = "";  //Cayenne authentication token. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard. 
// Your network name and password. 
char ssid[] = ""; 
char password[] = "";    

SoftwareSerial mp3(2,3);         //Grove Serial MP3 Player is connected to Digital Pins 2 and 3 
SoftwareSerial rfid(10,11);        //Grove 125kHz RFID reader is connected to Digital Pins 10 and 11 (Note: lower pins may not work with this board) 

//Global Variables 
int rfidValue = 0;          //rfidValue: used to store the value obtained from the RFID tag 
int vPin6 = 0;           //vPin6: is associated with Virtual Pin 6 on the Cayenne Dashboard - activated when a person is detected by the sensors. 
int vPin7 = 0;           //vPin7: is associated with Virtual Pin 7 on the Cayenne Dashboard - activated when the person fails to identify themselves. 
unsigned long start_Time;         //start_Time: is used in various time related events (logs the start time) 
unsigned long stop_Time;         //stop_Time: is used in various time related events (logs the stop time) 
unsigned long time_Diff = 0;        //time_Diff: is used in various time related events (is used to record the time elapsed from  start time to stop time) 
boolean keyMessagePlayed=false;       //keyMessagePlayed: helps to prevent a message from replaying repeatedly when a person is detected. 
boolean waitingForKey = true;        //waitingForKey: is used to identify if we are still waiting for a person to present a valid key or not 
int songNumber = -1;          //songNumber is a variable used to hold the song number to play (from the playlist on the SD card on the MP3 player) 

/*===============================setup()============================================================================================================================= */ 
void setup(){ 
    delay(2500);           //Delay for 2.5 seconds to allow the Grove MP3 player to initialise 
    mp3.begin(9600);          //Establish a communication link with the Grove MP3 player 
    rfid.begin(9600);          //Establish a communication link with the Grove 125 kHz RFID reader 
    Serial.begin(9600);          //Establish a communication link with my computer (via the Serial monitor) - for debugging purposes. 
    Cayenne.begin(token, ssid, password);          //Establish a communication link with the Cayenne Server - the token must match that in the Cayenne Dashboard 
    setVolume(28);           //Set the volume of the MP3 player to 28 (Range = 0 to 31, whereby 31 is maximum volume) 
    setPlayMode(0x00);          //Configure the MP3 player to play the MP3 file ONCE only (per request). 

/*===============================loop()============================================================================================================================= */ 
void loop(){ 
    Cayenne.run();           //Synchronise with the Cayenne Server 

    if(vPin6&&!vPin7){          //Only progress if Virtual Pin 6 (Person detection) is ACTIVATED but ONLY when Virtual Pin 7 (Intruder alert) has NOT already been activated. 
    if(!keyMessagePlayed){        //This ensures that the message is played only ONCE when a person has been detected. 
    playSong(1);          //Play the following message on the Grove MP3 player: "Place your keys on the mat" 
     keyMessagePlayed=true;        //keyMessagePlayed is changed to TRUE once the message has been played. 

     /*This section requests the Arduino to look out for the person's keys, and returns TRUE when a successful identification is made. 
    * It returns FALSE if the person fails to put their keys on the Mat within 10 seconds , OR if the person cannot be identified by the Arduino (e.g. Wrong code) 
    * If a person has been successfully identified/verified, it will play a welcome message, and switch off the "Person Detection Trigger", which will then 
    * be used as a method to switch off the Security scanning process. 
    * If a person fails to be identified within 10 seconds, the person is notified that they have been detected, and an Alarm will sound. 
    * Virtual Pin 7 (Intruder Alert) will be ACTIVATED - which will be used as a Trigger within Cayenne to notify me of an Intruder (via Email or SMS). 
    //TRUE = Person Identified within 10 seconds 
    playSong(songNumber);        //Play message "Welcome Home - Scott" 
    vPin6 = 0;           //Deactivate the "Person Detection" virtual pin (6). 
    keyMessagePlayed=false;        //Reset the keyMessagePlayed variable for future detections. 
} else { 
    //FALSE = Person not identified within 10 seconds 
    playSong(2);          //Play message on Grove MP3 player : "Your presence has been detected" 
    delay(4000);          //A FOUR second delay is required to allow the message to play, before the alarm sounds. 
    playSong(3);          //Sound the ALARM by playing song 2 on the Grove MP3 player. Song numbers are determined by the order they have been written to the SD card. 
    delay(8000);          //An EIGHT second delay allows the alarm to sound for 8 seconds. 
    playSong(99);          //Playing a non-existing track essentially STOPS the MP3 player. 
    vPin7=1;           //ACTIVATE Virtual Pin 7 - Intruder Detected 
    keyMessagePlayed=false;        //Reset the keyMessagePlayed variable for future detections. 

upDateCayenne();          //Update the Cayenne Dashboard with any changes made to the virtual pins (6 or 7). This method can be found below. 

/*=writeToMP3 function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * is used to simplify the process of sending commands to the Grove MP3   */ 
void writeToMP3(byte MsgLEN, byte A, byte B, byte C, byte D, byte E, byte F){ 
    byte codeMsg[] = {MsgLEN, A,B,C,D,E,F}; 
    mp3.write(0x7E);          //Start Code for every command = 0x7E 
    for(byte i = 0; i<MsgLEN+1; i++){ 
    mp3.write(codeMsg[i]);        //Send the rest of the command to the GROVE MP3 player 

/*=setVolume function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * is used to simplify the process of setting the Volume on the Grove MP3 player 
    * Volume range = 00 (muted) to 31 (max volume) 
void setVolume(byte Volume){             
    byte tempVol = constrain(Volume, 0, 31);    //Ensure the Volume does not extend beyond the MP3 player's limits 
    writeToMP3(0x03, 0xA7, tempVol, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); 

/*=setPlayMode function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * is used to simplify the process of setting up the play Mode on the Grove MP3 player 
    * playMode options: 
     *  0x00 = Single song - played only once ie. not repeated. (default) 
    *  0x01 = Single song - cycled ie. repeats over and over. 
    *  0x02 = All songs - cycled 
    *  0x03 = play songs randomly 
void setPlayMode(byte playMode){  
    writeToMP3(0x03, 0xA9, playMode, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); 

/*=playSong function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * is used to simplify the process of playing a specific track on the SD card of the Grove MP3 player. 
    * The track number is determined by the order in which the songs were written to the SD card. 
    * Best to name the tracks in sequence, e.g. 0000_Song0.mp3 , 0001_Song1.mp3 etc etc. 
    * And also best to copy them one by one to the SD card from Song 0 to Song x. 
void playSong(byte songNum){        
    writeToMP3(0x04, 0xA0, 0x00, songNum, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00);    

/*=listenForKeys function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * is used to identify the person detected. 
    * The Arduino will wait a maximum of 10 seconds for the person to place their RFID tag near the Grove RFID reader antenna. 
    * This example shows two RFID tag values that will be accepted. 
    * This method also prints the RFID tag value to the Serial monitor - for debugging purposes. 
boolean listenForKeys(){ 
    //reset some variables every time this function is called. 
    songNumber = -1; 
    start_Time = millis(); 
    time_Diff = 0; 
    waitingForKey = true; 

    //Wait for a valid RFID tag for a maximum of 10 seconds 
    while(time_Diff<10000 && waitingForKey){ 
     Cayenne.run();          //Make sure to stay in contact with the Cayenne Server while waiting for the RFID tag. 
stop_Time = millis();       
time_Diff = stop_Time - start_Time;     //Measure the time elapsed. 

//If an RFID tag is detected by the Grove RFID reader, it will transmit a series of numbers related to the Tag ID. 
    while(rfid.available()){       //Make sure to read all of the numbers transmitted by the Grove RFID reader 
     rfidValue += rfid.read();      //You could employ a method to extract the exact RFID Tag ID - however just adding each number received - produced a unique number that I could use to identify the person. 
     delay(1);          //A small delay between reads - ensures you get all of the numbers from the RFID reader in one go. 
    Serial.println("RFID VALUE:"); 
    Serial.println(rfidValue);      //Print the Unique RFID Tag value to the Serial monitor - useful for debugging 

    //If a person has an RFID tag that can be identified in this list, then play a personalised message for that person. 
     case 628:          //Person #1 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 628. 
     songNumber=4;         //File#4 (or message number 4) on the Grove MP3 player will be played when this person is detected. 
     waitingForKey = false;      //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds). 
     case 651:          //Person #2 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 651. 
     songNumber=5;         //File#5 (or message number 5) on the Grove MP3 player will be played when this person is detected. 
     waitingForKey = false;      //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds). 
     case 694:          //Person #3 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 694. 
     songNumber=6;         //File#6 (or message number 6) on the Grove MP3 player will be played when this person is detected. 
     waitingForKey = false;      //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds). 
     case 658:          //Person #4 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 658. 
     songNumber=7;         //File#7 (or message number 7) on the Grove MP3 player will be played when this person is detected. 
     waitingForKey = false;      //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds). 
     case 677:          //Person #5 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 677. 
     songNumber=8;         //File#8 (or message number 8) on the Grove MP3 player will be played when this person is detected. 
     waitingForKey = false;      //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds). 
     waitingForKey = true;       //If a person has not been identified, keep waiting for the key/tag until the times runs out. 

    /* If we are still waiting for an RFID tag (key) at this point, then we were unsuccessful in identifying the person within 10 seconds. 
    * Returning FALSE - will sound the alarm, and will activate Virtual Pin 7 (Intruder Alert). 
    * Returning TRUE - means that we have identified the person who triggered the sensors, and can therefore relax, and turn OFF the Security sensors. 
return false; 
    } else { 
    return true; 

/*=upDateCayenne function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * This function will transmit the values of vPin6 and vPin7 to the Cayenne Dashboard's Virtual Pin 6 and 7 (respectively). 
    * This will help the Cayenne Server to keep up to date with the status of each variable. 
void upDateCayenne() { 
    Cayenne.virtualWrite(V6, vPin6); 
    Cayenne.virtualWrite(V7, vPin7); 

/*=CAYENNE_IN(V6) function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * This will update the Arduino's vPin6 variable to the same value as Virtual Pin 6 on the Cayenne Dashboard. 
    * Which means that you can control the value of vPin6 from the Cayenne app. 
    vPin6 = getValue.asInt(); 

/*=CAYENNE_IN(V7) function====================================================================================================================================================== 
    * This will update the Arduino's vPin7 variable to the same value as Virtual Pin 7 on the Cayenne Dashboard. 
    * Which means that you can control the value of vPin7 from the Cayenne app. 
    vPin7 = getValue.asInt(); 

Ich habe auch versucht, es zu ändern, siehe unten, aber mit keinem Erfolg.

 void loop(){ 
     Cayenne.run();           //Synchronise with the Cayenne Server 

    if(vPin6&&!vPin7){          //Only progress if Virtual Pin 6 (Person detection) is ACTIVATED but ONLY when Virtual Pin 7 (Intruder alert) has NOT already been activated. 
if(!keyMessagePlayed){        //This ensures that the message is played only ONCE when a person has been detected. 
    playSong(1);          //Play the following message on the Grove MP3 player: "Place your keys on the mat" 
    keyMessagePlayed=true;        //keyMessagePlayed is changed to TRUE once the message has been played. 

Ich glaube nicht, dass es sich um eine Ausbeute Problem. ESP ist nicht in der Lage, mehrere Tasks auszuführen, solange der Ertrag für die Task-Prioritätsumschaltung funktioniert, sollte dies nicht Ihr Problem sein. – cagdas


Ich habe eine schnelle Lektüre gemacht und sehe, dass ESP auch den Ertrag überschreibt. Hier heißt es über das Nachgeben: Dies ist einer der wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen dem ESP8266 und einem klassischen Arduino-Mikrocontroller. Der ESP8266 führt im Hintergrund viele nützliche Funktionen aus - WiFi bleibt verbunden, der TCP/IP-Stack wird verwaltet und andere Aufgaben erledigt. Wenn diese Funktionen blockiert werden, kann der ESP8266 abstürzen und sich selbst zurücksetzen. Um diese mysteriösen Zurücksetzungen zu vermeiden, vermeiden Sie lange blockierende Schleifen in Ihrer Skizze. – cagdas


Dennoch glaube ich nicht, dass dies ein Renditeproblem ist. Sollte mit Ihren Bibliotheken in Verbindung stehen, Speicher, nicht Ausführung. – cagdas



Noch nicht erwähnt in den Kommentaren ist die Notwendigkeit eines Entkopplungs-/Unterstützungskondensators von mindestens 0,1uF.

Ich wurde schließlich zurückgesetzt mit Micro Python und seine Webrepl. Nachdem ich einen 10uF Keramikkondensator direkt über den ESP Vcc und Gnd Pin hinzugefügt habe, funktioniert alles einwandfrei.

Denken Sie daran, dass das ESP nicht nur den 180 mA Spitzenstrom des Chips selbst verbraucht. Der Blitz verbraucht auch hohe Ströme auf Spitzen.

Auch hier diskutiert: http://internetofhomethings.com/homethings/?p=396

Edit: Hier ist ein Foto von meinem ESP-12F. Alle meine ESP haben diese Kondensatoren auch die ESP-01

ESP12-F with 10uF


Ich hatte keine Kondensatoren angeschlossen..nach einem Online-Tutorial hatte ich jeden Pin direkt mit VCC oder GND verbunden.So schlagen Sie vor, einen Kondensator zwischen VCC und GND hinzuzufügen? Können Sie mir ein Foto Ihrer Verbindungen schicken? sicher sein, dass ich alle Verbindungen richtig mache. – Konstantinos