2009-07-14 6 views

Ich habe am Ende meine eigene HTML-Klasse erstellt, vor allem, um alle unsere Ausgaben konsistent zu halten. Der Code ist unten.Benötigen Sie Möglichkeiten, PHP-Methoden zu beschleunigen


* A class to generate html tags 
* @author Glen Solsberry 
class HTML { 

    private $isOpen; 
    * holds all information about tags 
    * @var $tags array 
    private $tags; 
    private $current_tag = 0; 

    private $depth = 0; 
    private $output = ""; 

    private $separator = " "; 
    private $pretty_print = true; 

    * Set the pretty_print status 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    public function setPretty($new_value) { 
     $this->pretty_print = (bool)$new_value; 

    * Set the "separator" (the string that will be printed before tags on a new line) 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    public function setSeparator($new_value) { 
     $this->separator = $new_value; 

    * add a tag to the "DOM" 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    public function tag($tag) { 

     $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['tag'] = $tag; 
     $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['open'] = true; 

     return $this; 

    * set an attribute on the current tag 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    public function attr($key, $value) { 
     $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['attrs'][$key] = $value; 

     return $this; 

    * close the current tag, if it's open. if the tag is already closed, we work back up the chain to determine which tag needs to be closed. 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    public function close() { 
     if ($this->isOpen($this->current_tag)) { 
      $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['open'] = false; 
     } else { 
      // work backwards till we find the first open tag, and close it 
      for($previous_id = $this->current_tag - 1; $previous_id >= 0; $previous_id--) { 
       if ($this->isOpen($previous_id)) { 
        $this->tags[$previous_id]['open'] = false; 

     return $this; 

    * Create a text node 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    public function text($text) { 

     $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['text'] = $text; 
     $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['open'] = false; 

     return $this; 

    * Updates children and parent information, so that all tags link properly. 
    * Duplicates will be handled later. 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    private function updateChildrenAndParent() { 
     // if the current tag is still open, then this needs to be a child of it 
     if ($this->isOpen($this->current_tag)) { 
      $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['children'][] = count($this->tags); 
     $this->current_tag = count($this->tags); 
     // default value for this tags parent 
     $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['parent'] = $this->current_tag - 1; 

     for($parent_id = $this->current_tag - 1; $parent_id >= 0; $parent_id--) { 
      // is the parent still open? 
      if ($this->isOpen($parent_id)) { 
       $this->tags[$this->current_tag]['parent'] = $parent_id; 
       $this->tags[$parent_id]['children'][] = $this->current_tag; 

    * Determines whether the passed tag_id is open 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    private function isOpen($tag_id) { 
     return (bool)$this->tags[$tag_id]['open']; 

    * Determines whether the passed tag_id is closed 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    private function isClosed($tag_id) { 
     return (bool)!$this->tags[$tag_id]['open']; 

    * Generates a single tag's html represenation. Called recursively if there are children 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    private function generateTag($tag_id) { 
     $current_tag = $this->tags[$tag_id]; 

     if (isset($current_tag['tag'])) { 
      $this->output .= "<" . $current_tag['tag']; 
      if (isset($current_tag['attrs'])) { 
       foreach($current_tag['attrs'] as $key => $value) { 
        $this->output .= " " . $key . "=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\""; 
      $this->output .= $this->pretty_print(">"); 

      if (isset($current_tag['children']) && count($current_tag['children']) > 0) { 
       $children = array_unique($current_tag['children']); 
       foreach($children as $position => $child_id) { 
       $this->output .= $this->pretty_print("</" . $current_tag['tag'] . ">"); 
      } else { 
       $this->output .= $this->pretty_print("</" . $current_tag['tag'] . ">"); 
     } else if (isset($current_tag['text'])) { 
      $this->output .= $current_tag['text']; 

    * Pretty prints the output. Uses newlines and line starters. 
    * @author Glen Solsberry 
    private function pretty_print($string) { 
     $output = ""; 
     if ($this->pretty_print == true && $this->depth > 0) { 
      $output .= str_repeat($this->separator, $this->depth); 
     $output .= $string; 
     if ($this->pretty_print == true) { 
      $output .= "\n"; 
     return $output; 

    function __toString() { 
     return $this->output; 



Ich baute einige Tests sicher, dass alles richtig zu machen, kommt (und ein guter PHP Entwickler zu sein) ...

require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php'; 
require_once 'PHPUnit/Extensions/OutputTestCase.php'; 
require_once '../html.class.inc'; 

class HTMLTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_OutputTestCase 
    public function testOutputLooksCorrect1() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 


     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect2() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 


     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect3() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

       $html->tag("link")->attr("rel", "stylesheet")->attr("href", "testOutputLooksCorrect.css")->attr("type", "text/css")->close(); 

     $this->expectOutputString('<html><head><link href="testOutputLooksCorrect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link></head></html>'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect4() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

       $html->tag("link")->attr("href", "testOutputLooksCorrect.css")->attr("rel", "stylesheet")->attr("type", "text/css")->close(); 

     $this->expectOutputString('<html><head><link href="testOutputLooksCorrect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link></head></html>'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect5() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

       $html->tag("link")->attr("type", "text/css")->attr("href", "testOutputLooksCorrect.css")->attr("rel", "stylesheet")->close(); 

     $this->expectOutputString('<html><head><link href="testOutputLooksCorrect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link></head></html>'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect10() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

       $html->tag("link")->attr("rel", "stylesheet")->attr("href", "testOutputLooksCorrect.css")->attr("type", "text/css")->close(); 

     $this->expectOutputString('<html><head><link href="testOutputLooksCorrect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link></head><body></body></html>'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect11() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

       $html->tag("link")->attr("rel", "stylesheet")->attr("href", "testOutputLooksCorrect.css")->attr("type", "text/css")->close(); 
       $html->text("This is a testOutputLooksCorrect."); 

     $this->expectOutputString('<html><head><link href="testOutputLooksCorrect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link></head><body>This is a testOutputLooksCorrect.</body></html>'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect12() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

     $html->text("This is a testOutputLooksCorrect."); 

     $this->expectOutputString('This is a testOutputLooksCorrect.'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect13() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 


     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect14() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

     $html->tag("head")->tag("title")->text("This is the title")->close()->close(); 

     $this->expectOutputString('<head><title>This is the title</title></head>'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect15() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

       $html->tag("link")->attr("rel", "stylesheet")->attr("href", "testOutputLooksCorrect.css")->attr("type", "text/css")->close(); 
       $html->tag("meta")->attr("http-equiv", "Content-Type")->attr("content", "text/html; charset=utf-8")->close(); 
       $html->text("This is a testOutputLooksCorrect."); 
     $this->expectOutputString('<html><head><link href="testOutputLooksCorrect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></meta></head><body>This is a testOutputLooksCorrect.</body></html>'); 
     print $html; 

    public function testOutputLooksCorrect16() { 
     $html = $this->sharedFixture; 

       $html->tag("link")->attr("rel", "stylesheet")->attr("href", "testOutputLooksCorrect.css")->attr("type", "text/css")->close(); 
       $html->tag("meta")->attr("http-equiv", "Content-Type")->attr("content", "text/html; charset=utf-8")->close(); 
       $html->tag("script")->attr("type", "javascript")->attr("src", "blah.js")->close(); 
       $html->text("This is a testOutputLooksCorrect."); 

     $this->expectOutputString('<html><head><link href="testOutputLooksCorrect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></meta><script src="blah.js" type="javascript"></script></head><body>This is a testOutputLooksCorrect.</body></html>'); 
     print $html; 

    protected function setUp() { 
     $html = new HTML; 
     $this->sharedFixture = $html; 

    protected function tearDown() { 
     $this->sharedFixture = NULL; 

alles richtig funktioniert. Die benötigte Zeit ist jedoch viel höher als ich möchte. In der Größenordnung von ~ 3 Sekunden für 14k HTML-Wert.

Nach dem Profiling des Codes scheint es, dass die meiste Zeit in der updateChildrenAndParent verbracht wird. Fast 75% der gesamten Ausführung werden dort verbracht. Kann mir jemand vorschlagen, dies zu beschleunigen, da ich die Website nicht merklich verlangsamen möchte.



Sie sollten echte dom methods verwenden, um HTML zu analysieren. Sie sind in C geschrieben und werden um Größenordnungen schneller sein als alles, was Sie naiv programmieren können.


Ja. Außerdem scheint updateChildrenAndParentFunction O (n) des aktuellen Tags zu sein und scheint für fast jedes Einfügen eines Tags aufgerufen zu werden. Sie sollten schauen, ob Sie wirklich jedes Tag aktualisieren müssen, oder ob dies einfacher durchgeführt werden kann. Verwenden Sie als Alternative kein Array und eine Schleife, sondern erstellen Sie verschiedene Objekte, die an der richtigen Stelle in der Struktur verknüpft sind. Sie sind jedoch fast an der Stelle, an der Sie die DOM-Methoden verwenden. – txwikinger

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