2017-08-22 1 views

ich hinzufügen möchten haben DB-Abfrage innerhalb einer eachOf Schleife verschachtelt, die synchron sein sollten. Versucht so viele Kombinationen und was aber nichts für die Innenseite der foreach-Schleife funktioniert.mongodb Abfrage innerhalb Knoten js eachOf Schleife

async.eachOf(nc.virtual_devices, function (vd) { 
     ///////// This code work fine ///////////// 
     var domain = extractDomain(vd.api_url); 
     vd.raw_api_ip = vd.api_ip; 
     vd.api_ip = getProxiedPath(vd.api_ip); 
     vd.raw_api_url = vd.api_url; 
     vd.api_url = nconf.get('PROXIED_PATH_SCHEME') + vd.api_ip + vd.api_url.split(domain)[1]; 
      // Path to websocket notifications 
     vd.ws_url = nconf.get('PROXIED_PATH_SCHEME') + vd.api_ip + vd.notification_base_uri; 

    //// THIS CODE IS NOT FINE ////////////// 
     if (nc.type === 'XXX'){ 

      var promise = new Promise (function (resolve,reject) { 

      console.log("********XX VD TYPE **********"); 
      console.log("VD ID VALUE IS ", vd.id); 
      var newID = (vd.id).replace(/\d_/, ""); 
      console.log("VD ID VALUE IS ", newID); 

      var _idofSubgroup; 
      var labeltoSearch = nc.type + ' ' + nc.version; 
      pattern = "/^" + newID + "/i"; 
      test = _idofSubgroup; 
      pattern = newID; 

      db.collection('subgroups').findOne({label: labeltoSearch}, function (err, result) { 
       _idofSubgroup = result._id; 

       db.collection('exploreposts').find({subgroup: result.id_}, {title: {"$regex": pattern}}).toArray(function (err, results) { 

Mit Versprechen im Inneren versucht, aber das auch in Schmerzen. Dies ist mein versuchte Code, der nicht funktioniert. Jeder Vorschlag würde geschätzt., Wie einfach gesagt ich in Callback-Hölle stecken wurden

async.eachOf(nc.virtual_devices, function (vd) { 
     ///////// This code work fine ///////////// 
     var domain = extractDomain(vd.api_url); 
     vd.raw_api_ip = vd.api_ip; 
     vd.api_ip = getProxiedPath(vd.api_ip); 
     vd.raw_api_url = vd.api_url; 
     vd.api_url = nconf.get('PROXIED_PATH_SCHEME') + vd.api_ip + vd.api_url.split(domain)[1]; 
      // Path to websocket notifications 
     vd.ws_url = nconf.get('PROXIED_PATH_SCHEME') + vd.api_ip + vd.notification_base_uri; 

    //// THIS CODE IS NOT FINE with promises also ////////////// 
     if (nc.type === 'XXX'){ 

      var promise = new Promise (function (resolve,reject) { 

      console.log("********XX VD TYPE **********"); 
      console.log("VD ID VALUE IS ", vd.id); 
      var newID = (vd.id).replace(/\d_/, ""); 
      console.log("VD ID VALUE IS ", newID); 

      var _idofSubgroup; 
      var labeltoSearch = nc.type + ' ' + nc.version; 
      pattern = "/^" + newID + "/i"; 
      test = _idofSubgroup; 
      pattern = newID; 

      db.collection('subgroups').findOne({label: labeltoSearch}, function (err, result) { 
       _idofSubgroup = result._id; 
       resolve ({id_:_idofSubgroup,pattern1 : pattern}); 
     promise.then (function(result) { 
       db.collection('exploreposts').find({subgroup: result.id_}, {title: {"$regex": result.pattern1}}).toArray(function (err, results) { 
     },function (err){ 
      console.log (err); 


Fokus auf der 'iteratee' Beschreibung des [asynC# eachOf] (http://caolan.github.io/async/docs.html#eachOf) Abschnitt. Wenn Sie mit async.js-Schleifenanweisungen arbeiten, müssen/müssen Sie normalerweise den übergebenen "Callback" aufrufen, wenn ein Fehler auftritt oder wenn Sie mit der Aufgabe fertig sind. – Mikey


Aber wie verbindet es sich mit Mongodb Abfrage, die innerhalb dieser Schleife ist, ich verstehe es ehrlich nicht. –



es Sie nicht scheinen, müssen async.eachOf verwenden, aber async.each() oder async.eachSeries().

Dies ist nicht getestet, aber es würde ich nenne so etwas wie

async.eachSeries(nc.virtual_devices, function iteratee(vd, cb) { 
    console.log('calling iteratee()') 

    var domain = extractDomain(vd.api_url); 
    vd.raw_api_ip = vd.api_ip; 
    vd.api_ip = getProxiedPath(vd.api_ip); 
    vd.raw_api_url = vd.api_url; 
    vd.api_url = nconf.get('PROXIED_PATH_SCHEME') + vd.api_ip + vd.api_url.split(domain)[1]; 
    // Path to websocket notifications 
    vd.ws_url = nconf.get('PROXIED_PATH_SCHEME') + vd.api_ip + vd.notification_base_uri; 

    // skip the rest if type is XXX; 
    // you need to explicitedly call the original callback i.e. cb 
    // note the use of return to prevent execution of the rest of the code 
    if (nc.type !== 'XXX') 
     return cb(null); // or cb(); 

    console.log("********XX VD TYPE **********"); 
    console.log("VD ID VALUE IS ", vd.id); 
    var newID = (vd.id).replace(/\d_/, ""); 
    console.log("VD ID VALUE IS ", newID); 

    // I have no idea what is going here 
    var _idofSubgroup; 
    var labeltoSearch = nc.type + ' ' + nc.version; 
    var pattern = "/^" + newID + "/i"; 
    test = _idofSubgroup; 
    pattern = newID; 

    // we're going to use waterfall here as you have 2 async operations, where one is dependent on the other 
     function getSubgroup(cb1) { 
      console.log('calling getSubgroup') 
      db.collection('subgroups').findOne({ label: labeltoSearch }, function (err, subgroup) { 
       // if an error occurs, stop waterfall-loop 
       // you do this by passing the error in the callback 
       // again note the use of return here to prevent execution of the rest of the code 
       if (err) return cb1(err); 
       // pass the data to the next task 
       cb1(null, subgroup, pattern); 
     function getPosts(subgroup, pattern, cb2) { 
      // we will only get here if the last task^went through 
      console.log('calling getPosts') 
      db.collection('exploreposts').find({ subgroup: subgroup._id, title: { $regex: pattern }}).toArray(function (err, posts) { 
       // if an error occurs, stop waterfall-loop 
       if (err) return cb2(err); 
       // do something with posts 
       console.log('posts', posts); 
       // otherwise, keep going 
       // since there are no more waterfall-tasks, waterfall ends 
    ], function (err) { 
     console.log('waterfall() done'); 
     // if an error occurred during the waterfall-loop, it will come down here 
     // we will let the original callback i.e. cb deal with this error though 
     if (err) return cb(err); 
     // otherwise we're done 
     // we will let the original callback know everything went well by calling it without any error 

    // you could have also simply do 
// ], cb); 

}, function (err) { 
    console.log('eachSeries() done'); 
    // handle any error that came 
    // send response 

aussehen absichtlich die Variablen und Funktionen, so dass Sie eine Vorstellung bekommen.

Folgen der Protokolle, wenn es irgendwelche Probleme gibt.


Danke .. es hat für mich sehr gut funktioniert. Auch irgendwelche Empfehlungen des Tutorials zu Mehrdeutigkeit der asynchronen Programmierung in Nodejs zu verstehen –