2016-04-30 2 views



Haben Sie darüber nachgedacht, die Anzahl der Lagerbestände jedes Artikels auf 1 zu setzen? Sie können dann aktivieren Ausblenden von Artikeln aus dem Katalog in Ihren WooCommerce-Einstellungen.

Es ist möglich, mit dem Code zu tun, aber das ist eine elegantere Lösung, wie Sie die Produktdaten zur Verfügung, wenn die Suche auf Aufträge erhalten haben mögen, usw.


hier ist der Code für die digitalen Download, wo kann i fügen sie den Code zu ihm


einmal herunterladen, wenn (defined ('ABSPATH!')) { Ausfahrt; // Beenden bei direktem Zugriff }

/** * Download-Handler. * * Handle digitale Downloads. * * @class WC_Download_Handler * @version 2.2.0 * @package WooCommerce/Klassen * @Category Klasse * @author WooThemes */ Klasse WC_Download_Handler {

* Hook in methods. 
public static function init() { 
    if (isset($_GET['download_file']) && isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['email'])) { 
     add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'download_product')); 
    add_action('woocommerce_download_file_redirect', array(__CLASS__, 'download_file_redirect'), 10, 2); 
    add_action('woocommerce_download_file_xsendfile', array(__CLASS__, 'download_file_xsendfile'), 10, 2); 
    add_action('woocommerce_download_file_force', array(__CLASS__, 'download_file_force'), 10, 2); 

* Check if we need to download a file and check validity. 
public static function download_product() { 
    $product_id = absint($_GET['download_file']); 
    $_product  = wc_get_product($product_id); 
    $download_data = self::get_download_data(array(
     'product_id' => $product_id, 
     'order_key' => wc_clean($_GET['order']), 
     'email'  => sanitize_email(str_replace(' ', '+', $_GET['email'])), 
     'download_id' => wc_clean(isset($_GET['key']) ? preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $_GET['key']) : '') 

    if ($_product && $download_data) { 

     do_action('woocommerce_download_product', $download_data->user_email, $download_data->order_key, $download_data->product_id, $download_data->user_id, $download_data->download_id, $download_data->order_id); 

     self::download($_product->get_file_download_path($download_data->download_id), $download_data->product_id); 
    } else { 
     self::download_error(__('Invalid download link.', 'woocommerce')); 

* Get a download from the database. 
* @param array $args Contains email, order key, product id and download id 
* @return object 
* @access private 
private static function get_download_data($args = array()) { 
    global $wpdb; 

    $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions "; 
    $query .= "WHERE user_email = %s "; 
    $query .= "AND order_key = %s "; 
    $query .= "AND product_id = %s "; 

    if ($args['download_id']) { 
     $query .= "AND download_id = %s "; 

    return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($query, array($args['email'], $args['order_key'], $args['product_id'], $args['download_id']))); 

* Perform checks to see if the current user can download the file. 
* @param object $download_data 
* @access private 
private static function check_current_user_can_download($download_data) { 

* Check if an order is valid for downloading from. 
* @param array $download_data 
* @access private 
private static function check_order_is_valid($download_data) { 
    if ($download_data->order_id && ($order = wc_get_order($download_data->order_id)) && ! $order->is_download_permitted()) { 
     self::download_error(__('Invalid order.', 'woocommerce'), '', 403); 

* Check if there are downloads remaining. 
* @param array $download_data 
* @access private 
private static function check_downloads_remaining($download_data) { 
    if ('0' == $download_data->downloads_remaining ) { 
     self::download_error(__('Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file', 'woocommerce'), '', 403); 

* Check if the download has expired. 
* @param array $download_data 
* @access private 
private static function check_download_expiry($download_data) { 
    if ($download_data->access_expires > 0 && strtotime($download_data->access_expires) < strtotime('midnight', current_time('timestamp'))) { 
     self::download_error(__('Sorry, this download has expired', 'woocommerce'), '', 403); 

* Check if a download requires the user to login first. 
* @param array $download_data 
* @access private 
private static function check_download_login_required($download_data) { 
    if ($download_data->user_id && 'yes' === get_option('woocommerce_downloads_require_login')) { 
     if (! is_user_logged_in()) { 
      if (wc_get_page_id('myaccount')) { 
       wp_safe_redirect(add_query_arg('wc_error', urlencode(__('You must be logged in to download files.', 'woocommerce')), wc_get_page_permalink('myaccount'))); 
      } else { 
       self::download_error(__('You must be logged in to download files.', 'woocommerce') . ' <a href="' . esc_url(wp_login_url(wc_get_page_permalink('myaccount'))) . '" class="wc-forward">' . __('Login', 'woocommerce') . '</a>', __('Log in to Download Files', 'woocommerce'), 403); 
     } elseif (! current_user_can('download_file', $download_data)) { 
      self::download_error(__('This is not your download link.', 'woocommerce'), '', 403); 

* Log the download + increase counts. 
* @param object $download_data 
public static function count_download($download_data) { 
    global $wpdb; 

     $wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions', 
      'download_count'  => $download_data->download_count + 1, 
      'downloads_remaining' => $download_data->downloads_remaining > 0 ? $download_data->downloads_remaining - 1 : $download_data->downloads_remaining, 
      'permission_id' => absint($download_data->permission_id), 
     array('%d', '%s'), 

* Download a file - hook into init function. 
* @param string $file_path URL to file 
* @param integer $product_id of the product being downloaded 
public static function download($file_path, $product_id) { 
    if (! $file_path) { 
     self::download_error(__('No file defined', 'woocommerce')); 

    $filename = basename($file_path); 

    if (strstr($filename, '?')) { 
     $filename = current(explode('?', $filename)); 

    $filename    = apply_filters('woocommerce_file_download_filename', $filename, $product_id); 
    $file_download_method = apply_filters('woocommerce_file_download_method', get_option('woocommerce_file_download_method', 'force'), $product_id); 

    // Add action to prevent issues in IE 
    add_action('nocache_headers', array(__CLASS__, 'ie_nocache_headers_fix')); 

    // Trigger download via one of the methods 
    do_action('woocommerce_download_file_' . $file_download_method, $file_path, $filename); 

* Redirect to a file to start the download. 
* @param string $file_path 
* @param string $filename 
public static function download_file_redirect($file_path, $filename = '') { 
    header('Location: ' . $file_path); 

* Parse file path and see if its remote or local. 
* @param string $file_path 
* @return array 
public static function parse_file_path($file_path) { 
    $wp_uploads  = wp_upload_dir(); 
    $wp_uploads_dir = $wp_uploads['basedir']; 
    $wp_uploads_url = $wp_uploads['baseurl']; 

    // Replace uploads dir, site url etc with absolute counterparts if we can 
    $replacements = array(
     $wp_uploads_url     => $wp_uploads_dir, 
     network_site_url('/', 'https') => ABSPATH, 
     network_site_url('/', 'http') => ABSPATH, 
     site_url('/', 'https')   => ABSPATH, 
     site_url('/', 'http')   => ABSPATH 

    $file_path  = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $file_path); 
    $parsed_file_path = parse_url($file_path); 
    $remote_file  = true; 

    // See if path needs an abspath prepended to work 
    if (file_exists(ABSPATH . $file_path)) { 
     $remote_file = false; 
     $file_path = ABSPATH . $file_path; 

    // Check if we have an absolute path 
    } elseif ((! isset($parsed_file_path['scheme']) || ! in_array($parsed_file_path['scheme'], array('http', 'https', 'ftp'))) && isset($parsed_file_path['path']) && file_exists($parsed_file_path['path'])) { 
     $remote_file = false; 
     $file_path = $parsed_file_path['path']; 

    return array(
     'remote_file' => $remote_file, 
     'file_path' => $file_path 

* Download a file using X-Sendfile, X-Lighttpd-Sendfile, or X-Accel-Redirect if available. 
* @param string $file_path 
* @param string $filename 
public static function download_file_xsendfile($file_path, $filename) { 
    $parsed_file_path = self::parse_file_path($file_path); 

    if (function_exists('apache_get_modules') && in_array('mod_xsendfile', apache_get_modules())) { 
     self::download_headers($parsed_file_path['file_path'], $filename); 
     header("X-Sendfile: " . $parsed_file_path['file_path']); 
    } elseif (stristr(getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'lighttpd')) { 
     self::download_headers($parsed_file_path['file_path'], $filename); 
     header("X-Lighttpd-Sendfile: " . $parsed_file_path['file_path']); 
    } elseif (stristr(getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'nginx') || stristr(getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'cherokee')) { 
     self::download_headers($parsed_file_path['file_path'], $filename); 
     $xsendfile_path = trim(preg_replace('`^' . str_replace('\\', '/', getcwd()) . '`', '', $parsed_file_path['file_path']), '/'); 
     header("X-Accel-Redirect: /$xsendfile_path"); 

    // Fallback 
    self::download_file_force($file_path, $filename); 

* Force download - this is the default method. 
* @param string $file_path 
* @param string $filename 
public static function download_file_force($file_path, $filename) { 
    $parsed_file_path = self::parse_file_path($file_path); 

    self::download_headers($parsed_file_path['file_path'], $filename); 

    if (! self::readfile_chunked($parsed_file_path['file_path'])) { 
     if ($parsed_file_path['remote_file']) { 
     } else { 
      self::download_error(__('File not found', 'woocommerce')); 


* Get content type of a download. 
* @param string $file_path 
* @return string 
* @access private 
private static function get_download_content_type($file_path) { 
    $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file_path, "."), 1)); 
    $ctype   = "application/force-download"; 

    foreach (get_allowed_mime_types() as $mime => $type) { 
     $mimes = explode('|', $mime); 
     if (in_array($file_extension, $mimes)) { 
      $ctype = $type; 

    return $ctype; 

* Set headers for the download. 
* @param string $file_path 
* @param string $filename 
* @access private 
private static function download_headers($file_path, $filename) { 

    header("X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow", true); 
    header("Content-Type: " . self::get_download_content_type($file_path)); 
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); 
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\";"); 
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); 

    if ($size = @filesize($file_path)) { 
     header("Content-Length: " . $size); 

* Check and set certain server config variables to ensure downloads work as intended. 
private static function check_server_config() { 
    if (function_exists('set_time_limit') && false === strpos(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'set_time_limit') && ! ini_get('safe_mode')) { 
    if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime') && get_magic_quotes_runtime() && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4', '<')) { 
    if (function_exists('apache_setenv')) { 
     @apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1); 
    @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); 

* Clean all output buffers. 
* Can prevent errors, for example: transfer closed with 3 bytes remaining to read. 
* @access private 
private static function clean_buffers() { 
    if (ob_get_level()) { 
     $levels = ob_get_level(); 
     for ($i = 0; $i < $levels; $i++) { 
    } else { 

* readfile_chunked. 
* Reads file in chunks so big downloads are possible without changing PHP.INI - http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Download_helper_for_large_files/. 
* @param string $file 
* @return bool Success or fail 
public static function readfile_chunked($file) { 
    $chunksize = 1024 * 1024; 
    $handle = @fopen($file, 'r'); 

    if (false === $handle) { 
     return false; 

    while (! @feof($handle)) { 
     echo @fread($handle, $chunksize); 

     if (ob_get_length()) { 

    return @fclose($handle); 

* Filter headers for IE to fix issues over SSL. 
* IE bug prevents download via SSL when Cache Control and Pragma no-cache headers set. 
* @param array $headers 
* @return array 
public static function ie_nocache_headers_fix($headers) { 
    if (is_ssl() && ! empty($GLOBALS['is_IE'])) { 
     $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private'; 
    return $headers; 

* Die with an error message if the download fails. 
* @param string $message 
* @param string $title 
* @param integer $status 
* @access private 
private static function download_error($message, $title = '', $status = 404) { 
    if (! strstr($message, '<a ')) { 
     $message .= ' <a href="' . esc_url(home_url()) . '" class="wc-forward">' . __('Go to homepage', 'woocommerce') . '</a>'; 
    wp_die($message, $title, array('response' => $status)); 


WC_Download_Handler :: init();

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