2017-07-05 3 views

Ich versuche dieses page zu kratzen! für ein Projekt, an dem ich arbeite. Ich möchte die Details (Preis, Kilometerstand, Getriebe und Alter) jedes Autos für alle Seiten erhalten. Die Fragen, die ich mit meinem Code habe unten sind:Mehrere Seiten mit BeautifulSoup scrappen, wenn der erste Seitenlink sich von anderen unterscheidet

  1. Der erste Seite Link von anderen unterscheidet (keine Seitennummer 1 < & page = 1>)
  2. Der Preis des Autos ist nicht in der Tabelle nach dem Klicken auf jede Anzeige, um die Details zu erhalten.

Ich frage mich, ob jemand freundlich genug wäre, mir zu helfen, dies zu untersuchen und zu beraten. Dank

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 
    import requests 
    import urllib.parse 
    import csv 

    # the Toyota Camry model page is used 
    url = "https://www.olx.com.ng/vehicles/cars/toyota/?search%5Bfilter_enum_model%5D%5B0%5D=toyota%2Fcamry" 
    r = requests.get(url) 
    data = r.text 

    soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") 
    carLinks = set() 
    pageLinks = set() 
    data_set = [] 

    parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(soup.select('a')[0].get('href')) 
    nbPage = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed.query)['page'][1] 
    print("There are " + str(nbPage) + " web pages to process") 

    # for each web page that contains a grid of car offers 
    for i in range(1, int(nbPage), 1): 

    print("Processing web page: " + str(i)) 

    # each car offer link is saved into the carLinks 
    for link in soup.select('#listContainer > div > section > div > tr > a'): 
    carLinks.add(link.get('href').replace("//", "http://")) 

    # the next url page is set 
    url = "https://www.olx.com.ng/vehicles/cars/toyota/? 
    search%5Bfilter_enum_model%5D%5B0%5D=toyota%2Fcamry&page= + str(i) + " 
    r = requests.get(url) 
    data = r.text 
    soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") 

    #for each car link 
    for carLink in carLinks: 

    print("Processing car page: " + carLink) 

    # we load the car page 
    r = requests.get(carLink) 
    data = r.text 
    soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") 
    km = 0 
    transmission = "" 
    age = 0 
    price = 0 

    # for each attribute of the car 
    for info in soup.select("table.item tr div.pricelabel"): 

    # we keep the ones that we need 
    if info.select('.item')[0].text == u'Mileage': 
     km = int(info.select('.value')[0].text.replace(" ", "").replace("KM", "")) 
    if info.select('.item')[0].text == u'Transmission': 
     transmission = info.select('.value')[0].text 
    if info.select('.item')[0].text == u'Year': 
     age = 2017 - int(info.select('.value')[0].text) 
    if info.select('.pricelabel')[0].text == u'Price': 
     price = int(info.select('.pricelabel')[0].text.replace(" ", "").replace(u"₦", "")) 

    # each car is an array of four features added to the data_set 
    data_set.append([km, transmission, age, price]) 

    # the data_set is save into the CSV file 
    fl = open('car_features.csv', 'w') 
    writer = csv.writer(fl) 
    writer.writerow(['km', 'transmission', 'age', 'price']) 
    for values in data_set: 




Die Website schlecht defekt ist, wenn Sie zu einer nächsten Seite gehen zu halten, Sie treffen schließlich eine Ladeschleife auf dem Browser, für mich Seite 501-500 zurückgegeben, wenn ich es direkt eingefügt, wenn ich benutze die nächste von 500, wo ich 501 sehe, bekomme ich eine loop loop, die nie endet, wir benutzen eine Weiterleitung zurück zum vorherigen, um unsere Schleife zu beenden.

Ich habe auch lxml.html mit cssselect, können Sie bs4 verwenden, wenn bevorzugt, die Logik ist die gleiche, aber ich würde sehr lxml ermutigen verwenden, die deps here skizziert sind, werden Sie auch auf pip install cssselect brauchen:

import requests 
from lxml import html 
from typing import Iterator 

url = "https://www.olx.com.ng/vehicles/cars/toyota/?search%5Bfilter_enum_model%5D%5B0%5D=toyota%2Fcamry" 

def parse_data(node_: html.Element, price: str) -> dict: 
    """Parses the details section per individual car details page and returns a dict""" 

    # Price we pulled from main page. 
    details = {"price": price.strip("₦ ")} 

    # Details are in a table. 
    details_table = node_.cssselect("table.details")[0] 

    # The th has the description, the anchor has the value. 
    # we lower case and join the description, i.e "Type of car" -> type_of_car. 
    data = iter(details_table.cssselect("tr th, .value")) 
    details.update(("_".join(th.text.lower().split()), "".join(td.xpath(".//text()")).strip()) 
        for th, td in (zip(data, data))) 
    return details 

def get_link_and_price(s: requests.Session, node_: html.Element) -> Iterator[dict]: 
    """Gets the link and the associated price from each tr.""" 

    for child in node_.cssselect("table.offers td.offer"): 
     link, price = child.cssselect("a.link")[0].get("href"), child.cssselect(".price strong")[0].text 

     yield (parse_data(html.fromstring(s.get(link).content), price)) 

def start_request(url: str): 
    with requests.Session() as s: 
     get_ = s.get(url) 
     node = html.fromstring(get_.content) 

     # yield from subsequent iterators, i.e a dict of details. 
     yield from get_link_and_price(s, node) 

     # The site is broken, you click the next page button, 
     # and eventually you get stuck in a loading loop. 
     # At some stage the next should disappear, 
     # or only go back but it is wrongly implemented. 
     # This will stop when we try a next page, 
     # and end up back at the current url i.e ?page=501 -> ?page=500. 
     current_url = get_.url 
     next_page = node.cssselect("a.pageNextPrev")[-1].get("href") 
     get_next = s.get(next_page) 
     node = html.fromstring(get_next.content) 

     # Keep going through pages till our break condition is met. 
     while current_url != get_next.url: 
      node = html.fromstring(get_next.content) 
      yield from get_link_and_price(s, node) 
      current_url = get_next.url 
      next_page = node.cssselect("a.pageNextPrev")[-1].get("href") 
      get_next = s.get(next_page) 

for dict_ in start_request(url): 

Ein Ausschnitt des Ausgangs:

{'price': '3,300,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2008', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '65000'} 
{'price': '3,000,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2007', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '86500'} 
{'price': '4,200,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2013', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '39011'} 
{'price': '4,500,000', 'offer_from': 'Business', 'year': '2010', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '93000'} 
{'price': '890,000', 'offer_from': 'Business', 'year': '2001', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '110000'} 
{'price': '1,050,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2005', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': 'Low'} 
{'price': '1,500,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2008', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': 'Low'} 
{'price': '1,150,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2002', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '167'} 
{'price': '2,200,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2010', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '24689'} 
{'price': '1,050,000', 'offer_from': 'Individual', 'year': '2004', 'transmission': 'Automatic', 'model': 'Camry', 'type_of_car': '4 door', 'mileage': '92,000'} 

Oh wow! Ich sehe das nur. Vielen Dank @ Padraic-Cunningham – TechySupport

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