2014-10-15 9 views

Was ich will?Generieren Sie einen zufälligen Koordinatenpfad in einem Raster

Ich möchte PHP eine Funktion oder Klasse/Verfahren, das ist ein Array eines siehe Pfad in einem Gitter (9x9) erzeugen (Code: Gitter mit Pfad). Dies sind die Bedingung:

  • Die Überhöhung Block überlappende eachother
  • Es gibt eine Richtung Pfad (siehe unter: Was tun hatte ich). Dieser Pfad kann zufällig sein und die Richtungen sind erforderlich.
  • Es ist möglich, auf der rechten/oberen Seite zu verlassen und den Pfad auf der linken Seite/unten fortgesetzt (siehe Beispiel unten). Umgekehrt ist auch möglich.
  • Die Anzahl der Schritte ist variabel und kann sich nicht überschneiden.
  • Geben Sie ein Array zurück (Code: Gitter mit Pfad). Ich brauche die Koordinaten von den orangefarbenen Punkten im Bild unten. Tatsächlich sind die Koordinaten der Reihe nach in einem Array (von den orangefarbenen Dots) genug. Aber wenn es einfacher ist, das vollständige 9x9 Array Grid zu verwenden, ist es okay.

Was habe ich?

  • Ein Array leeres Raster (Code: leeres Raster):
  • A zufällige Startposition (siehe "Start" in Bild Beispiel)
  • Eine Richtung, in diesem Fall 1.234.123 (kann sein abweichend) (1: up, 2: rechts, 3: unten, 4: links)

zusätzliche Informationen?

Wenn Sie zusätzliche Informationen benötigen oder etwas nicht klar ist? Bitte frage mich. Vielen Dank!

Code: leeres Raster:

    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 

Code: Gitter mit Pfad (1 = beginnen, 8 = Ende):

    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(6, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), 
    array(5, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
    array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 

The orange dottes need to be generate



Dies sollte man (Platziert loszulegen eine Demo @http://tinker.bit-nibble-byte.com/grid.php)

Bitte verzeihen Sie die alternative Syntax, die ich hasse Hosenträger.

    td { 
     width: 30px; 
     height: 30px; 
     font-size: 15px; 
     text-align: center; 

    td.S { 
     color: black; 
     background-color: orange; 

    td.D { 
     color: black; 
     background-color: #44c; 

    td.R { 
     color: black; 
     background-color: #c44; 

    td.U { 
     color: black; 
     background-color: #cc4; 

    td.L { 
     color: black; 
     background-color: #4c4; 

    td.E { 
     color: black; 
     background-color: #c4c; 

$data = pathField(50, 25, 50, 10); 


* @param int $width Width of the playing field 
* @param int $height Height of the playing field 
* @param null $steps Number of direction changes 
* @param int $legChange Odds of changing direction (1-99) 
* #param null $minLegLength Minimum length of a straight line (or until it hits a wall) 
* @param null $startX Start X Position 
* @param null $startY Start Y Position 
* @return array 
function pathField($width = 10, $height = 10, $steps = null, $legChange = 50, $minLegLength = 3, $startX = null, $startY = null) 
    $coord = array(); // Coordinates where direction was changed 

    if (!$startX): 
     $startX = rand(1, $width); // Random X start position 
    if (!$startY): 
     $startY = rand(1, $height); // Random Y start position 
    if (!$steps): 
     $steps = $width * $height; // Will cause run until "painted in a corner" 

    $coord[] = array('X' => $startX, 'Y' => $startY); // Set First/Start coordinate 

    $field = array_fill(1, $height, array_fill(1, $width, null)); // Create the empty playing field 
    $field[$startY][$startX] = 'S'; // Flag start position 
    $pos = array('X' => $startX, 'Y' => $startY, 'D' => null, 'L' => $minLegLength + 1); // Set current position 

    while (count($coord) < $steps): // Go until we have enough steps 

     $go = array (            // Calculate the directions positions for 
     'left' => (($pos['X'] - 1) < 1) ? $width : ($pos['X'] - 1), // Left 
     'right' => (($pos['X'] + 1) > $width) ? 1 : ($pos['X'] + 1), // Right 
      'up' => (($pos['Y'] - 1) < 1) ? $height : ($pos['Y'] - 1), // Up 
     'down' => (($pos['Y'] + 1) > $height) ? 1 : ($pos['Y'] + 1), // Down 

     $validMoves = array(); // Reset valid moves 

     if ($field[$pos['Y']][$go['left']] == null): // Check if we can move left 
      $validMoves['L'] = array(
       'X' => $go['left'], 
       'Y' => $pos['Y'], 
       'D' => 'L', 
       'P' => rand(1,$width) 
     if ($field[$pos['Y']][$go['right']] == null): // Check if we can move right 
      $validMoves['R'] = array(
       'X' => $go['right'], 
       'Y' => $pos['Y'], 
       'D' => 'R', 
       'P' => rand(1,$width) 
     if ($field[$go['up']][$pos['X']] == null): // Check if we can move up 
      $validMoves['U'] = array(
       'X' => $pos['X'], 
       'Y' => $go['up'], 
       'D' => 'U', 
       'P' => rand(1,$height) 
     if ($field[$go['down']][$pos['X']] == null): // Check if we can move down 
      $validMoves['D'] = array(
       'X' => $pos['X'], 
       'Y' => $go['down'], 
       'D' => 'D', 
       'P' => rand(1,$height) 

     if (count($validMoves) == 0): // If there are no valid moves, it means... 
      break;      // Painted myself into a corner! 

     // Keep going in the same direction or are we changing? 

     if (array_key_exists($pos['D'], $validMoves) && (($pos['L'] < $minLegLength) || (rand(1, 100) < $legChange))): 
      $moveDir = $validMoves[$pos['D']]; // Get Last Direction 
      $pos['L']++; // Increase Leg Length 
      $moveDir = $validMoves[array_rand($validMoves, 1)]; // Get A Random Direction 

     // If we're changing directions record the point in the coordinate array 
     if ($moveDir['D'] != $pos['D']): 
      $coord[] = array(
       'X' => $moveDir['X'], 
       'Y' => $moveDir['Y'] 
      $pos['L'] = 1; // Reset leg Length 

     // Update our current position 
     $pos = array('X' => $moveDir['X'], 'Y' => $moveDir['Y'], 'D' => $moveDir['D'], 'L' => $pos['L']); 

     // Update the playing field 
     $field[$pos['Y']][$pos['X']] = $moveDir['D']; 

    $field[$pos['Y']][$pos['X']] = 'E'; // Flag the end point 

    return array('FIELD' => $field, 'COOR' => $coord); // Return the fields and the coors 

function dumpCoor(array $coor) 
    foreach($coor as $point): 
     echo $point['X'] . ', ' . $point['Y'] . '<br>'; 

function dumpField(array $field) 
    $height = count($field); 
    $width = count($field[1]); 
    echo $width . 'x' . $height; 
    echo "<table border='1'>"; 
    foreach ($field as $key => $row): 
     echo "<tr>"; 
     foreach ($row as $key => $cell): 
      if ($cell): 
       echo "<td class=\"$cell\">$cell</td>"; 
       echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; 
     echo "</tr>"; 
    echo "</table>"; 


@Wranorn Danke für Ihre Antwort! Ich teste es und es funktioniert. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich auch ein Skript erstellt, das ein Raster generiert. Hoffentlich hilft eines dieser Skripte anderen Leuten mit der gleichen Frage. Hier ist mein Ausschnitt:

class Grid{ 
    //propertys to create grid path 
    private $aDirections = array(1,2,3,4,1,2,3); // 1: up, 2: right, 3: down, 4: left 
    private $aGridTemp = array(); 
    private $aGridDefinitive = array(); 
    private $iLastX = null; 
    private $iLastY = null; 
    private $iStep = 0; 
    private $aAllSteps = array(); 
    private $sUniqueKey = ""; //create empty Unique Key (length of each block range)  

    * Return a grid array 
    * @return $this->_generateGridPath 
    public function getGridPath(){ 
     //cal method thats generate a Path for the grid 
     return $this->_generateGridPath(); 

    * Create a grid path 
    private function _generateGridPath() { 
     //(Re)Set grid data 
     $this->iStep = 0; 
     $this->iLastX = rand(1, 7); 
     $this->iLastY = rand(1, 7); 
     $this->sUniqueKey = ""; 
     $this->aAllSteps = array(); 
     //set first step to steparray 
     $this->aAllSteps[] = array('iCellX' => $this->iLastX, 'iCellY' => $this->iLastY); 

     //create empty grid and save it to temp grid 
     $this->aGridDefinitive = $this->_getEmptyGridArray(); 
     $this->aGridTemp = $this->aGridDefinitive; 

     //set start position 
     $this->aGridTemp[$this->iLastY][$this->iLastX] = 0; 

     //loop trhough all direction steps 
     foreach ($this->aDirections AS $iDirection) { 
      $iNumberOfBlocks = rand(2, 8); 

      //check the new coordinate is posible (check if there no overlapping) 
      do { 
       //check the new coordinate is posible (check if there no overlapping) 
       $coordinateCheck = $this->_checkNewCoordinatesIsPossible($iDirection, $iNumberOfBlocks); 
       if ($coordinateCheck) { 
        //if success add to unique key 
        $this->sUniqueKey .= $iNumberOfBlocks; 
        //set temp to to definitive grid 
        $this->aGridDefinitive = $this->aGridTemp; 
        $this->iLastX = $coordinateCheck['iCellX']; 
        $this->iLastY = $coordinateCheck['iCellY']; 
        //add to all steps array 
        $this->aAllSteps[] = array('iCellX' => $coordinateCheck['iCellX'], 'iCellY' => $coordinateCheck['iCellY']); 
       } else { 
        //break out each if check is false 
        $this->aGridTemp = $this->aGridDefinitive; 
      } while ($iNumberOfBlocks > 2); 

     //if unique key is not complete (not the same length as the number of directions) rebuild grid 
     if (strlen($this->sUniqueKey) != count($this->aDirections)) { 

     //return the grid path data 
     return $this->aGridDefinitive; 

    * Check if Coordinate is possible 
    * $iDirection, $iNumberOfBlocks 
    private function _checkNewCoordinatesIsPossible($iDirection, $iNumberOfBlocksNew){ 
     //set check boolean 
     $return = true; 
     //if first step than step - 1 
     $iNumberOfBlocks = $this->iStep == 0 ? ($iNumberOfBlocksNew-1) : $iNumberOfBlocksNew; 
     //set new block position 
     $iCurrentY = ""; 
     $iCurrentX = ""; 
     //check the direction to fill the blocks the right way 
     switch ($iDirection) { 
      case 1: //direction up (go positif (higher) coordinate) 
       $iCurrentX = $this->iLastX; 
       $iCurrentY = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastY, $iNumberOfBlocks, false); 
      case 3: //direction down (go negative (lower) coordinate) 
       $iCurrentX = $this->iLastX; 
       $iCurrentY = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastY, $iNumberOfBlocks, true); 
      case 2: //direction right (go positif (higher) coordinate) 
       $iCurrentY = $this->iLastY; 
       $iCurrentX = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastX, $iNumberOfBlocks, true); 
      case 4: //direction left (go negative (lower) coordinate) 
       $iCurrentY = $this->iLastY; 
       $iCurrentX = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastX, $iNumberOfBlocks, false); 

     //check the direction to fill the blocks the right way 
     switch ($iDirection) { 
      case 1: //direction up 
       //check if the current block is positioning under or above the last block 
       if($iCurrentY < $this->iLastY){ 
        //Loop from last position Y to current postiont Y // ($this->iLastY-1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY-1); $iPosY > ($iCurrentY-1); $iPosY--) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; 
        //Loop from last position Y to top row (pos y: 1) // ($this->iLastY-1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY-1); $iPosY >= 0; $iPosY--) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; 
        //loop from bottom to current pos Y 
        for($iPosY = 8; $iPosY > ($iCurrentY-1); $iPosY--) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; 
      case 3: //direction down 
       //check if the current block is positioning under or above the last block 
       if($iCurrentY > $this->iLastY){ 
        //Loop from last position Y to current postiont Y // ($this->iLastY+1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY+1); $iPosY <= $iCurrentY; $iPosY++) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; 
        //Loop from top to current item row // ($iCurrentY-1 do not current the current item) 
        for($iPosY = 0; $iPosY <= $iCurrentY; $iPosY++) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; 
        //loop from bottom to last to bottom pos Y // ($this->iLastY+1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY+1); $iPosY <= 8; $iPosY++) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; 
      case 2: //direction right 
       //check if the current block is positioning left or right from the last block 
       if($iCurrentX > $this->iLastX){ 
        //Loop from last position X to current postiont X // ($this->iLastX+1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX+1); $iPosX < ($iCurrentX+1); $iPosX++) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; 
        //Loop from left to current item to right // ($iCurrentX-1 do not current the current item) 
        for($iPosX = 0; $iPosX <= $iCurrentX; $iPosX++) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; 
        //loop from left to last to right pos X // ($this->iLastX+1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX+1); $iPosX <= 8; $iPosX++) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; 
      case 4: //direction left 
       //check if the current block is positioning under left or right from the last block 
       if($iCurrentX < $this->iLastX){ 
        //Loop from last position X to current postiont X // ($this->iLastX-1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX-1); $iPosX > ($iCurrentX-1); $iPosX--) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; 
        //Loop from last position X to left row (pos x: 1) // ($this->iLastX-1 do not overwrite the last item) 
        for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX-1); $iPosX >= 0; $iPosX--) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; 
        //loop from left to current pos X 
        for($iPosX = 8; $iPosX > ($iCurrentX-1); $iPosX--) { 
         //check if not null 
         if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ 
          $return = false; 
         $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; 

     //if there ar no errros (if return is true)? return the X and Y position 
     if($return === true){  
      $return = array('iCellX' => $iCurrentX, 'iCellY' => $iCurrentY); 

     //return data (false or position) 
     return $return; 

    * Reset grid array 
    * @return an empty grid array 
    private function _getEmptyGridArray(){ 
     return array(
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 
      array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), 

    * If heigher than 8? continue 0. If lower than 0? continue 8 
    * $iCurrentPosition, $iBlockLength, $bIsPositive 
    private function _getCoordinatePosition($iCurrentPosition, $iBlockLength, $bIsPositive = true){ 
     $iNewCoordinate = $iCurrentPosition; 
     //check if its a positive or negative integer 
      //loop the number of block 
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $iBlockLength; $i++) { 
       //if higher than 8 go back to 0 
       if($iNewCoordinate > 8){ 
        $iNewCoordinate = 0; 
      //loop the number of block 
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $iBlockLength; $i++) { 
       //if higher than 8 go back to 0 
       if($iNewCoordinate < 0){ 
        $iNewCoordinate = 8; 
     return $iNewCoordinate; 

$oGrid = new Grid; 
$aGrid = $oGrid->getGridPath(); 

<?php foreach ($aGrid AS $row): ?> 
    <?php foreach ($row AS $col): ?> 
     <td style="border: 1px solid red;"><?php echo $col; ?> &nbsp; </td> 
    <?php endforeach; ?> 
<?php endforeach; ?>  

Ich bin froh, dass Sie sich etwas einfallen ließen! Hope meins hilft irgendwie :) – Wranorn

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