2017-11-02 5 views

Hallo Leute im neu lernen Laravel so, wenn ich Code Setup meine Tabellen in der Datenbank auf Seed-, bekomme ich diese FehlerPHP Fatal error in Laravel DatabaseSeeder

Seeding: BearAppSeeder 
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Bear::create() in C:\Users\mrosh\Desktop\WD\garden\database\seeds\Database 
Seeder.php on line 41 

    Call to undefined method Bear::create() 

Hier ist mein Code in DatabaseSeeder.php Datei, die Idee ist für ‚Bär‘, ‚Fisch‘, ‚Bäume‘ und ‚Picknick‘ und verbindet Bär Picknicks „many-to-many“ und Saatgut sie mit einigen Daten


use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; 

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder { 

    * Run the database seeds. 
    * @return void 
    public function run() 

     // call our class and run our seeds 
     $this->command->info('Bear app seeds finished.'); // show information in the command line after everything is run 


// our own seeder class 
// usually this would be its own file 
class BearAppSeeder extends Seeder { 

    public function run() { 

     // clear our database ------------------------------------------ 

     // seed our bears table ----------------------- 
     // we'll create three different bears 

     // bear 1 is named Lawly. She is extremely dangerous. Especially when hungry. 
     $bearLawly = Bear::create(array(
      'name'   => 'Lawly', 
      'type'   => 'Grizzly', 
      'danger_level' => 8 

     // bear 2 is named Cerms. He has a loud growl but is pretty much harmless. 
     $bearCerms = Bear::create(array(
      'name'   => 'Cerms', 
      'type'   => 'Black', 
      'danger_level' => 4 

     // bear 3 is named Adobot. He is a polar bear. He drinks vodka. 
     $bearAdobot = Bear::create(array(
      'name'   => 'Adobot', 
      'type'   => 'Polar', 
      'danger_level' => 3 

     $this->command->info('The bears are alive!'); 

     // seed our fish table ------------------------ 
     // our fish wont have names... because theyre going to be eaten 

     // we will use the variables we used to create the bears to get their id 

      'weight' => 5, 
      'bear_id' => $bearLawly->id 
      'weight' => 12, 
      'bear_id' => $bearCerms->id 
      'weight' => 4, 
      'bear_id' => $bearAdobot->id 

     $this->command->info('They are eating fish!'); 

     // seed our trees table --------------------- 
      'type' => 'Redwood', 
      'age'  => 500, 
      'bear_id' => $bearLawly->id 
      'type' => 'Oak', 
      'age'  => 400, 
      'bear_id' => $bearLawly->id 

     $this->command->info('Climb bears! Be free!'); 

     // seed our picnics table --------------------- 

     // we will create one picnic and apply all bears to this one picnic 
     $picnicYellowstone = Picnic::create(array(
      'name'  => 'Yellowstone', 
      'taste_level' => 6 
     $picnicGrandCanyon = Picnic::create(array(
      'name'  => 'Grand Canyon', 
      'taste_level' => 5 

     // link our bears to picnics --------------------- 
     // for our purposes we'll just add all bears to both picnics for our many to many relationship 



     $this->command->info('They are terrorizing picnics!'); 



so wie ich das beheben kann Tabelle erstellen Dies habe ich viele Dinge ausprobiert aber alles scheitert


„Ich habe viele Dinge ausprobiert haben“ Solche existiert als ... –


a) verschiebe 'BearSeeder' in eine eigene Datei, b) musst du die Bear-Klasse' useApp \ Bear; 'am Anfang der Datei importieren, c) stelle sicher, dass Bear eloquent ist – andrewtweber



Stellen Sie sicher, dass Bear Modell Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model wie folgt erweitert:

class Bear extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model 

sonst Bear Modell nicht create Methode haben, und Sie werden Fehlermeldung erhalten, dass diese Methode nicht