2010-12-08 11 views

Ich habe eine kleine App, die einige Aufgaben im Hintergrund ausgeführt werden muss. Der Hauptzweck besteht darin, einen Socket zu einem anderen Rechner zu öffnen, eine Datei über den Socket zu senden (es können N Maschinen vorhanden sein) und die Antwort auf einem anderen Socket zu hören. Diese Aufgabe kann von 30 Sekunden bis vielleicht ein paar Stunden dauern, und das Gerät ist für diese Zeit beschäftigt und kann keine neuen Jobs verarbeiten. Idealerweise möchte ich möglichst viele Aufgaben (== nicht ausgelastete Maschinen verfügbar) parallel bearbeiten.Windows/Ruby Hintergrundverarbeitung

Die Strömung Basisanwendung wäre:

loop do 
    # get available machines 
    # fork a thread/background worker for each 
    # process a wating job job 

Kann jemand etwas einfach für die beschriebenen Anforderungen empfehlen, die auf Windows läuft?

Danke! Ben



Solange Sie fein sind mit „grünen“ (non-native) Themen, wie etwa diese:

require 'thread' 
job_lock = Mutex.new 
kid_lock = Mutex.new 

$o = Mutex.new 
def o(msg) 
    t = Time.now; puts "%02d:%06.3f %s" % [ t.min, t.to_f%60, msg] 

# Simulate jobs coming into a queue 
current_chores = [] 
    "mow the cat", "wash the lawn", "order pizza", 
    "answer questions on s/o", "cover cat in soothing lotion", 
    "rinse suds off lawn", "pay more attention" 
Thread.new do 
    loop do 
    sleep rand*5+3 
    job_lock.synchronize do 
     unless CHORES.empty? 
     current_chores << (j=CHORES.shift) 
     o "New job in the queue: '#{j}'" 

# A simple queue of machines to use 
free_kids = %w[ Jimmy Susan ] 

# The meat 
loop do 
    until job = job_lock.synchronize{ current_chores.shift } 
    o "Waiting for a job..." 
    sleep 1 # Look for new jobs every second 
    until kid = kid_lock.synchronize{ free_kids.shift } 
    o "Waiting for a free child to do my bidding..." 
    sleep 2 # Look for new kids every 2 seconds 
    Thread.new do 
    o "#{kid} is now performing '#{job}'" 
    sleep rand*10+10 # Simulate long process 
    o "#{kid} FINISHED '#{job}'" 
    kid_lock.synchronize{ free_kids << kid } 

#=> 08:52.604 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 08:53.604 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 08:54.604 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 08:55.604 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 08:56.605 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 08:57.327 New job in the queue: 'mow the cat' 
#=> 08:57.605 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 08:57.606 Jimmy is now performing 'mow the cat' 
#=> 08:58.606 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 08:59.606 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:00.606 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:01.606 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:01.626 New job in the queue: 'wash the lawn' 
#=> 09:02.606 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:02.607 Susan is now performing 'wash the lawn' 
#=> 09:03.607 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:04.607 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:05.607 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:06.607 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:07.431 New job in the queue: 'order pizza' 
#=> 09:07.607 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:09.607 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:11.608 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:13.373 Jimmy FINISHED 'mow the cat' 
#=> 09:13.609 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:13.609 Jimmy is now performing 'order pizza' 
#=> 09:13.930 New job in the queue: 'answer questions on s/o' 
#=> 09:14.609 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:16.609 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:16.671 Susan FINISHED 'wash the lawn' 
#=> 09:18.609 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:18.610 Susan is now performing 'answer questions on s/o' 
#=> 09:19.610 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:19.878 New job in the queue: 'cover cat in soothing lotion' 
#=> 09:20.611 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:22.611 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:24.196 New job in the queue: 'rinse suds off lawn' 
#=> 09:24.611 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:26.612 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:28.612 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:28.677 New job in the queue: 'pay more attention' 
#=> 09:29.878 Jimmy FINISHED 'order pizza' 
#=> 09:30.263 Susan FINISHED 'answer questions on s/o' 
#=> 09:30.613 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:30.614 Susan is now performing 'rinse suds off lawn' 
#=> 09:30.615 Jimmy is now performing 'cover cat in soothing lotion' 
#=> 09:32.614 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:34.614 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:36.614 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:38.614 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:40.614 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:42.614 Waiting for a free child to do my bidding... 
#=> 09:42.764 Jimmy FINISHED 'cover cat in soothing lotion' 
#=> 09:44.614 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:44.615 Jimmy is now performing 'pay more attention' 
#=> 09:45.615 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:46.615 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:47.615 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:47.862 Susan FINISHED 'rinse suds off lawn' 
#=> 09:48.615 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:49.615 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:50.615 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:51.616 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:52.617 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:53.617 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:54.618 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:55.619 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:56.619 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:57.620 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:58.620 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 09:59.620 Waiting for a job... 
#=> 10:00.531 Jimmy FINISHED 'pay more attention' 
#=> 10:00.621 Waiting for a job... 

Was auch immer Kraut führt Sie den Schaum aus dem Rasen spülen ... Ich möchte es. – 08Hawkeye


Ordentlich! Das funktioniert perfekt für mich, danke ... – Ben

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