2017-02-06 2 views

Das Problem 590 auf https://github.com/lwansbrough/react-native-camera/issues/590 enthält den gleichen Fehlerbericht, aber im Detail.React-Native-Kamera OutOfMemoryError auf Android

Das react-native-camera Paket stürzt meine React Native Android App, die gleiche App funktioniert gut mit iOS-Version des Pakets.

Das aufgenommene Foto ist in einer sehr hohen Auflösung (3096 × 4128). Ein Nebeneffekt ist, dass das Telefon überhitzt.

  • A java.lang.OutOfMemoryError und ähnliche Speicherfehler werden zu RCTCameraModule mit Bezug gezeigt.

  • Wenn ein Bild zum ersten Mal nach der Installation der App, die Kamera stürzt immer die App ab.

  • Wenn ein Bild für die 2. + Zeit genommen wird, enthält das resultierende Bild meist unvollständige Daten (grau/weiße Flächen erscheinen) (1 von 10 Fotos sind gut) und die App stürzt noch kurz nach der Einnahme Foto.


  • Reagieren native Version: 0.40.0, 0.39.2

  • Reagieren Mutter Plattform + Plattform-Version: Android 5.1.1 (kompiliert für Android 6.0)

Kamera Config

Log mit den Ort des Fehlers (react-native-camera 0.6.0):

E/AndroidRuntime(30695): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): Process: com.reactnativeapp, PID: 30695 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 51121164 byte allocation with 16777120 free bytes and 43MB until OOM 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(Native Method) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:946) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:917) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:848) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at com.lwansbrough.RCTCamera.RCTCameraModule.rotate(RCTCameraModule.java:561) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at com.lwansbrough.RCTCamera.RCTCameraModule.fixOrientation(RCTCameraModule.java:580) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at com.lwansbrough.RCTCamera.RCTCameraModule.access$300(RCTCameraModule.java:45) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at com.lwansbrough.RCTCamera.RCTCameraModule$3.onPictureTaken(RCTCameraModule.java:671) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.hardware.Camera$EventHandler.handleMessage(Camera.java:1165) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:145) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6917) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1404) 
E/AndroidRuntime(30695): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1199) 

Ein weiteres log (react-native-camera 0.6.0):

$ adb logcat camer*:E 
E/QCameraParameters( 339): InCall is not set 
E/mm-camera-img( 358): Free Wmemory 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): pproc_port_sink_check_caps_reserve:823] error because caps Type:1 not supported. 
E/mm-camera( 358): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_pipeline_util_trigger_update: No active streams 
E/QCamera2HWI( 339): getExifData: getExifGpsProcessingMethod null 
E/QCamera2HWI( 339): getExifData: getExifLatitude null 
E/QCamera2HWI( 339): getExifData: getExifLongitude null 
E/QCamera2HWI( 339): getExifData: getExifAltitude null 
E/QCamera2HWI( 339): getExifData: GPS not enalbe 
E/qomx_image_core( 339): OMX_GetHandle:236] get instance pts is 0xb87f6618 
E/mm-still( 339): OMX_ERRORTYPE qomx_component_set_callbacks(OMX_HANDLETYPE, OMX_CALLBACKTYPE*, OMX_PTR): 181: This ptr addr 0xb87f6618 
E/qomx_image_core( 339): OMX_GetHandle:260] Success 
E/QCameraPostProc( 339): encodeData : No thumbnail stream using main image! 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): mm_jpeg_start_job:1999] session_idx 0 client idx 0 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): mm_jpeg_session_config_main_buffer_offset:619] yOffset = 0, cbcrOffset = (0 0), totalSize = 19222528,cbcrStartOffset = (12813312 6406656) 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): mm_jpeg_encoding_mode:666] encoding mode = 1 
E/jpeg_hw ( 339): open /dev/jpeg0: fd = 194 
E/jpeg_hw ( 339): jpege_lib_init:390] handler 0x0 0x0 0x0 
E/jpeg_hw ( 339): jpege_lib_init:430] Successful 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): processAAAInfo:376]: ###QExif Add the awb value 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): processAAAInfo:396]: ###QExif Add the alsc value 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): processAAAInfo:406]: ###QExif Add the aec value 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): process_meta_data: exp_Time:17.000000, Br value:0.452884, shutter_speed:4.058858, iso:320 flash_mode 0 0 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): mm_jpeg_session_config_thumbnail:860] encode_thumbnail 1 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): mm_jpeg_configure_job_params:1432] Work buffer 60 0xab0ff000 WorkBufSize 20000768 
E/mm-still( 339): virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE OMXJpegEncoder::startEncode():398] startEncode() 
E/mm-still( 339): bool QImageHybridEncoder::IsAvailable(QIEncodeParams&):203] scale input 4128x3096 crop (0, 0) output 512x384 rotation 0 
E/mm-still( 339): virtual int QImageHybridEncoder::setEncodeParams(QIEncodeParams&):539] Rotation 0 Quality 35 
E/mm-still( 339): virtual int QImageHybridEncoder::addInputImage(QImage&):699] Y addr 0xa5fcb000 len 12813312 fd 145 
E/mm-still( 339): virtual int QImageHybridEncoder::addInputImage(QImage&):717] CbCr addr 0xa6c03400 len 6406656 fd 145 
E/jpeg_hw ( 339): jpege_lib_get_event:137] MSM_JPEG_IOCTL_EVT_GET rc = 0 
E/jpeg_hw ( 339): jpege_lib_get_input:158] MSM_JPEG_IOCTL_INPUT_GET rc = 0 
E/jpeg_hw ( 339): jpege_lib_get_output:185] MSM_JPEG_IOCTL_OUTPUT_GET rc = 0 
E/mm-still( 339): void QImageHybridEncoder::Encode():1056] Encode done : output_size 5769 
E/mm-still( 339): virtual int OMXJpegEncoder::EncodeComplete(QImage*):557] Exif length: 10207 
E/mm-still( 339): virtual int QImageHybridEncoder::Stop():907] Stop 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): mm_jpeg_fbd:2377] count 0 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): [KPI Perf] : PROFILE_JPEG_FBD 
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 339): mm_jpeg_queue_remove_job_by_job_id:2550] found matching job id 
E/QCameraPostProc( 339): [KPI Perf] processJpegEvt: PROFILE_JPEG_CB 
E/QCameraPostProc( 339): releaseJpegJobData: DEBUG : src_reproc_frame 1139 
E/jpeg_hw ( 339): jpege_lib_release:496] closed /dev/jpeg0 
E/qomx_image_core( 339): OMX_FreeHandle:331] 
E/qomx_image_core( 339): get_idx_from_handle:290] comp_idx 0 inst_idx 0 
E/qomx_image_core( 339): OMX_FreeHandle:366] Success 
E/QCameraStream( 339): static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): Exit 
E/QCameraStream( 339): static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): X 
E/QCameraStream( 339): static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): Exit 
E/QCameraStream( 339): static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::dataProcRoutine(void*): X 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_stream_streamoff: E, my_handle = 0xc0901, fd = 75, state = 6 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000009 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 3 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:1887, info: doing stream-off for identity 0x20002 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:1933] iden:0x20002, linked_params:0x0 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_hardware_process_streamoff:537] skip_iden:0x0, duplicate_stream_status:0x0 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:1944, info: stream-off done for identity 0x20002 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_streamoff: E, session_id = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_async_command: E ISP_ASYNC_COMMAND_STREAMOFF = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_streamoff: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 3 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000100, is_subscribe = 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_async_command: X ISP_ASYNC_COMMAND_STREAMOFF = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_async_command: X, session_id = 2, async_cmd_id = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_streamoff: X, session_id = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): ispif_proc_streamoff: Enter 
E/mm-camera( 358): ispif_proc_streamoff: Make ISPIF_CFG IOCTL! 
E/mm-camera( 358): ispif_proc_streamoff: ISPIF_CFG IOCTL returns! 
E/mm-camera( 358): ispif_proc_streamoff: X, rc = 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): release_isp_resource <------ 
E/mm-camera( 358): release isp0 rdi 
E/mm-camera( 358): release_isp_resource: isp_id = 0, camif_session_bit = 0x0 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): led_flash_process:129 CAM Flash Off 
E/mm-camera( 358): stop_sof_check_thread: Stopping/Joining SOF timeout thread 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread_stop: before join 0xb8844c50, qsize = 1 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT - cmd_pid = 0xb8844c50 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: X - cmd_pid = 0xb8844c50 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_stream_streamoff: E, my_handle = 0xc0800, fd = 72, state = 6 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000009 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 7 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread_stop: before join 0xb86f12c0, qsize = 1 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT - cmd_pid = 0xb86f12c0 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: X - cmd_pid = 0xb86f12c0 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread_stop: before join 0xb875a378, qsize = 1 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT - cmd_pid = 0xb875a378 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: X - cmd_pid = 0xb875a378 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread_stop: before join 0xb884b030, qsize = 1 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT - cmd_pid = 0xb884b030 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_camera_cmd_thread: X - cmd_pid = 0xb884b030 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:170, identity=0x20002 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:179, identity=0x20002, unreserved 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_stream_check_name:mod=sensor, name=isp 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_stream_check_name:mod=iface, name=isp 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_stream_check_name:mod=isp, name=isp 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_stream_get_module: module: 0xb886ad40 
E/mm-camera( 358): q3a_thread_af_stop: start MSG_STOP_THREAD 
E/mm-camera( 358): af_thread_handler: af thread returned 
E/mm-camera( 358): afd_thread_en_q_msg thread -1196257176 is set to inactive 
E/mm-camera( 358): q3a_port_unlink X refcnt 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): stats_port_unlink: X 
E/mm-camera( 358): stats_port_check_caps_unreserve E 
E/mm-camera( 358): stats_port_check_reserved_stream: private->reserved_id=0x20000 
E/mm-camera( 358): stats_port_check_caps_unreserve X 
E/ShotCommon( 339): parseDebugInfo 
E/ShotCommon( 339): no makernote tag in the exif IFD. We don't need to copy debug info. 
E/QCameraPostProc( 339): releaseNotifyData: DEBUG : frame, 1072 
E/art  (23477): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 2095116 byte allocation with 714389 free bytes and 697KB until OOM" 
E/mm-camera( 358): pproc_port_sink_check_caps_reserve:823] error because caps Type:1 not supported. 
E/mm-camera( 358): pproc_port_create_stream_topology:469] feature mask 0x0 0x0 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x20002 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x20002, reserved 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_set_output_duplication_flag:613, current stream w=1920, h=1080, st=1920, sc=1080, fmt=1, identity=0x20002 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_set_output_duplication_flag:617, info: no linked stream 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1295, info: success, identity=0x20002 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x20002 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x20002, reserved 
E/mm-camera( 358): module_faceproc_client_create:1503] Face proc feature mask 2a 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): afd_port_check_caps_reserve: X 
E/mm-camera( 358): q3a_port_event: Stream type change event received! 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=4 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=4 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): module_sensor_event_control_get_parm:3895 [FW_DBG] CAM_INTF_PARM_FW_CL_NUMBER 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1459 eeprom_process:1459: event: 79 e_ctrl->fd: 31 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1544 [FW_DBG] EEPROM_GET_FW_CL_NUMBER 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_get_cl_number:718 [FW_DBG] load from PHONE => cl_number : PCL CALU13QLIA00SM CRC3FF 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 21, stream type = 7 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_stream_streamon: E, my_handle = 0xc0b00, fd = 73, state = 6 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 7 
E/QCameraHWI_Mem( 339): DBG_PATCH:setWindowInfo mWindow=0xb86e7ef8 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 8, stream type = 1 
E/mm-camera-intf( 339): mm_stream_streamon: E, my_handle = 0xc0c01, fd = 76, state = 6 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ E event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): server_process_hal_event:__DBG__ X sucess event id=3 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008 
E/mm-camera( 358): mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 1 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): port_sensor_handle_stream_on:467 H/W revision = 2(2), Criterion ver = 0 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): module_sensor_stream_on:2096 ide 20002 SENSOR_START_STREAM 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:1306 s_bundle->stream_on_count 0 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:1307 is_bundle_started 0 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): modules_sensor_set_new_resolution:315 SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 1920*1080 mask 2 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_resolution:2465 width 1920, height 1080 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_resolution:2467 stream mask 2 hfr mode 0 fps 120.550003 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_pick_resolution:2000 requested aspect ratio 177 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_pick_resolution:2269 sup_asp_ratio = 133 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_pick_resolution:2269 sup_asp_ratio = 133 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_pick_resolution:2269 sup_asp_ratio = 177 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_resolution:2568 set_fps=120.550003 > max_fps=30.120001, capping to max 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_resolution:2580 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_resolution:2583 current_fps_div 1024 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_resolution:2602 Sensor name : s5k3l2xx 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_get_resolution_info:3093 skip 0 frames 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_get_resolution_info:3185 full 4128 3096 out 4128 2322 offset 0 388 scale 1 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1459 eeprom_process:1459: event: 70 e_ctrl->fd: 31 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1495 e_ctrl->dimension width= 4144, height = 2332 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1459 eeprom_process:1459: event: 71 e_ctrl->fd: 31 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1500 e_ctrl->rolloff_size full width= 4128, height = 3096 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera( 358): receive MCT_EVENT_MODULE_SET_STREAM_CONFIG 
E/mm-camera( 358): ispif_util_dump_sensor_cfg: sensor dim: width = 4144, heght = 2332, fmt = 29, is_bayer = 1 
E/mm-camera( 358): ispif_util_dump_sensor_cfg: camif_crop: first_pix = 8, last_pix = 4135, first_line = 4, last_line = 2325, max_fps = 30 
E/mm-camera( 358): ispif_sink_port_config <----- 
E/mm-camera( 358): reserve_camif_resource: is_ispif = 1, sess_idx = 0, fps = 30, num_isps = 1 op clk: 329600000 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, is_split = 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x1, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_set_parameters: ###### wrapper_in: initial #1 ###### 
E/mm-camera( 358): after port_ispif_forward_event_to_peer 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_configure_af_stats: wrapper_in: offset_h:v[236:236] w:h[3654:1848] num_h:v[18:14] fvmin_r:gr:gb:b[80:80:80:80] 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): chromatix name libchromatix_s5k3l2xx_preview.so 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): chromatix_load_library:50 libchromatix_s5k3l2xx_preview.so load from phone 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_update_output_data: wrapper_out: output: 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): [mm]hwinfo_make_chromatix_name:1742 hw info U13QL 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_set_parameters: ###### wrapper_out: initial #2 ###### 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): [mm]hwinfo_make_chromatix_name:1753 chromatix name libchromatix_s5k3l2xx_preview.so => libchromatix_s5k3l2xx_preview.so 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): chromatix_load_library:54 chromatix from phone libchromatix_s5k3l2xx_preview.so 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): load_chromatix:34 load_chromatix:34- AAA chromatix_s5k3l2xx_preview 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): load_chromatix:48 load_chromatix:48-chromatix_s5k3l2xx_parms header 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_chromatix, chx : 0xb8a022f8, common chx : 0xb8a1cf04 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): actuator_load_lib:371 name=ak7345, mode=camera 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1459 eeprom_process:1459: event: 72 e_ctrl->fd: 31 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1513 e_ctrl->eeprom_lib.func_tbl =0xb6738004 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_process:1514 e_ctrl->eeprom_params.is_supported =0x3FF 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): m24128sv1_format_afdata:1034 e_ctrl->eeprom_data.afc.infinity_pos1 = 0 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_do_calibration:436 eeprom_do_calibration: Enter 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_do_calibration:438 eeprom_do_calibration: e_items->is_wbc = 1, e_items->is_lsc = 1 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_whitebalance_calibration:242 eeprom_whitebalance_calibration: min_gain: 0.998291 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_whitebalance_calibration:248 eeprom_whitebalance_calibration: gb_gain: 0.998291, gr_gain: 1.000000 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_whitebalance_calibration:250 eeprom_whitebalance_calibration: [Caldata]gr: 0.505849, gb: 0.585079 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): eeprom_do_calibration:457 Exit 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): module_sensor_stream_on:2696 reload_bin : 0, RELOAD_PROPERTY_VALUE=3757 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] AF Version : 0x9009 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] AF Cal: PAN: 0x83, MAC: 0x135, OFFSET: 0, PHASE-HEAD: 0x0(0) 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] Check OCR mode : Enabled(0), Dir(0) 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] AF Mode: 0x3 PREVIEW CAF 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] Sensor image size (4128 2322) 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] lens position (100) 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_configure_af_stats: wrapper_in: offset_h:v[237:237] w:h[3654:1848] num_h:v[18:14] fvmin_r:gr:gb:b[80:80:80:80] 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_update_output_data: wrapper_out: output: 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] AF status: 0x1 AFM_CAF_RESTARTCHK 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_handle_chromatix_ptr_event:627 calling cpp_module_util_get_asf_wnr_params for normal 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] AF Version : 0x9009 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] AF Cal: PAN: 0x83, MAC: 0x135, OFFSET: 0, PHASE-HEAD: 0x0(0) 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] Check OCR mode : Enabled(0), Dir(0) 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] AF Mode: 0x3 PREVIEW CAF 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] Sensor image size (4128 2322) 
E/mm-camera( 358): [cgAF] lens position (100) 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_configure_af_stats: wrapper_in: offset_h:v[237:237] w:h[3654:1848] num_h:v[18:14] fvmin_r:gr:gb:b[80:80:80:80] 
E/mm-camera( 358): TsAf_update_output_data: wrapper_out: output: 
E/mm-camera( 358): awb_port_proc_downstream_ctrl: AWB Gains: r_gain: 1.198929 g_gain: 1.000000 b_gain: 1.869278 color_temp: 3845 
E/mm-camera-img( 358): faceproc_comp_cfg_debug:237] FaceProc cfg max_face_size 1000 
E/mm-camera-img( 358): faceproc_comp_cfg_debug:240] FaceProc cfg max_num_face_to_detect 10 
E/mm-camera-img( 358): faceproc_comp_cfg_debug:243] FaceProc cfg min_face_size 90 
E/mm-camera-img( 358): faceproc_comp_eng_config:1394] Face proc number of faces set 10 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_module_handle_streamon_event:1761, identity=0x20002, stream-on done 
E/mm-camera( 358): cpp_hw_params_update_wnr_params:3601 invalid trigger input -0.000000 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_streamon: E, session_id = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_async_command: E ISP_ASYNC_COMMAND_STREAMON = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_streamon: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1 num_bufs 8 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_hw_proc_set_recording_hint: recording_hint: 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): mesh_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demosaic_set_params: param_id 9, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demux_set_params: param_id 9, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_streamon: set_all_saved_params done, session_id = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): module_faceproc_port_event_func:617] MCT_EVENT_MODULE_ISP_OUTPUT_DIM, w = 1920, h = 1080 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_streamon: sending dim downstream done, session_id = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_pipeline_util_trigger_update: No active streams 
E/mm-camera( 358): rs_stats_config: Tao, demosaic_width = 4128, demosaic_height = 2322, max_h_reg_num = 8, calculated_h_reg_num = 4 
E/mm-camera( 358): stats_action_buf_config: cfg = 1, stats_mask = 0x798 
E/mm-camera( 358): stats_action: stats mask = 0x798 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000100, is_subscribe = 1 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_async_command: X ISP_ASYNC_COMMAND_STREAMON = 2 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_proc_async_command: X, session_id = 2, async_cmd_id = 1 
E/mm-camera( 358): isp_streamon: X, session_id = 2 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_aec_init_settings:803 no valid entries in aec_get 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): sensor_set_exposure:1473 failed: invalid params g 0.000000 lc 0 
E/mm-camera( 358): start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): module_sensor_stream_on:2437 OIS SETTING PREVIEW MODE!! 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): [E] 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): [OIS_SET_MODE][data :: 3] 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): [Enter] 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 358): [ois_set_mode][modes :: 3] 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): Process: com.reactnativeapp, PID: 23477 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at android.util.Base64.encode(Base64.java:494) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at android.util.Base64.encodeToString(Base64.java:456) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at com.lwansbrough.RCTCamera.RCTCameraModule$3.onPictureTaken(RCTCameraModule.java:681) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at android.hardware.Camera$EventHandler.handleMessage(Camera.java:1165) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:145) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6917) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1404) 
E/AndroidRuntime(23477): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1199) 

besser offen ein Thema in reagieren-native-Kamera Repo. – eden



Ich habe gerade dieses Problem gelöst, durch Zugabe von "android: largeHeap =" true "" zu android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml. und bauen Sie Ihr Projekt mit reagiert nativen Lauf android

zum Beispiel:

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