2017-11-28 1 views
import xml.sax 

class MovieHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler): 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.CurrentData = "" 
     self.type = "" 
     self.format = "" 
     self.year = "" 
     self.rating = "" 
     self.stars = "" 
     self.description = "" 

    # Call when an element starts 
    def startElement(self, tag, attributes): 
     self.CurrentData = tag 
     if tag == "movie": 
     print ("*****Movie*****") 
     title = attributes["title"] 
     print ("Title:", title) 

    # Call when an elements ends 
    def endElement(self, tag): 
     if self.CurrentData == "type": 
     print ("Type:", self.type) 
     elif self.CurrentData == "format": 
     print ("Format:", self.format) 
     elif self.CurrentData == "year": 
     print ("Year:", self.year) 
     elif self.CurrentData == "rating": 
     print ("Rating:", self.rating) 
     elif self.CurrentData == "stars": 
     print ("Stars:", self.stars) 
     elif self.CurrentData == "description": 
     print ("Description:", self.description, 
     self.CurrentData = "") 

    # Call when a character is read 
    def characters(self, content): 
     if self.CurrentData == "type": 
     self.type = content 
     elif self.CurrentData == "format": 
     self.format = content 
     elif self.CurrentData == "year": 
     self.year = content 
     elif self.CurrentData == "rating": 
     self.rating = content 
     elif self.CurrentData == "stars": 
     self.stars = content 
     elif self.CurrentData == "description": 
     self.description = content 

if (__name__ == "__main__"): 

    # create an XMLReader 
    parser = xml.sax.make_parser() 
    # turn off namepsaces 
    parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 0) 

    # override the default ContextHandler 
    Handler = MovieHandler() 


Ausgang:Python XML-Verarbeitung

File "<ipython-input-3-17fac27d02c1>", line 35 
    self.CurrentData = "") 
SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression 


<?xml version="1.0"?> 

-<collection shelf="New Arrivals"> 

-<movie title="Enemy Behind"> 

<type>War, Thriller</type> 





<description>Talk about a US-Japan war</description> 


-<movie title="Transformers"> 

<type>Anime, Science Fiction</type> 





<description>A schientific fiction</description> 


-<movie title="Trigun"> 

<type>Anime, Action</type> 





<description>Vash the Stampede!</description> 


-<movie title="Ishtar"> 





<description>Viewable boredom</description> 



Ich bin neu in Python und Python 3 kernal in Jupyter Notebook (Anaconda Distribution). Ich bekomme diesen Fehler beim Versuch, diese XML-Datei in Python zu analysieren. Es nimmt nicht "selbst" als Schlüsselwort. Kann mir jemand sagen, welchen Fehler ich hier mache? Lass mich auch wissen, was diese "self.CurrentData" machen wird?



Das Problem ist nicht self, aber die Zuordnung in der print Methode.

print ("Beschreibung:" self.description, self.CurrentData = "")

Sie müssen diese in zwei Linien tun:

print ("Description:", self.description, self.CurrentData) 
self.CurrentData = "" 

Es sei denn, Sie wollen keine Aufgabe machen - zumindest würde es sich von all Ihren anderen if/else-Blöcken unterscheiden.