2016-05-31 7 views

Ich kann nicht meine schreiben in Dateicode die Fehlermeldung funktioniert writeFile kann nicht gelöst werden. Ich versuche die Board-Positionen in eine Textdatei zu schreiben, damit das Spiel gespeichert werden kann. Wenn der Benutzer das Spiel speichern möchte, sollte er ein neues Unterprogramm aufrufen, das die Teile in die Datei schreibt.Ich kann nicht den Schreibvorgang in Datei-Teil des Codes zu arbeiten

    * Skeleton program code for the AQA COMP1 Summer 2016 examination 
    * This code to be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material 
    * written by the AQA Programmer Team 
    * Developed in the NetBeans 7.3.1. programming environment 
    * Additional classes AQAConsole2016, AQAReadTextFile2016 and 
    * AQAWriteTextFile2016 may be used. 
    * A package name may be chosen and private and public modifiers added - 
    * permission to make these changes to the Skeleton Program does not need 
    * to be obtained from AQA or the AQA Programmer 

    import java.util.Random; 

    public class Aaa { 
     AQAConsole2016 console = new AQAConsole2016(); 
     Random random = new Random(); 
     int boardSize; 
     public Aaa() { 
     char choice; 
     String playerName; 
    // int boardSize; 
     boardSize = 6; 
     playerName = ""; 
     do { 
      choice = getMenuChoice(playerName); 
      switch (choice) { 
      case 'p' : playGame(playerName, boardSize); 
      case 'e' : playerName = getPlayersName(); 
      case 'c' : boardSize = changeBoardSize(); 
     } while (choice != 'q'); 

     void setUpGameBoard(char[][] board, int boardSize) { 
     for (int row = 1; row <= boardSize; row++) { 
      for (int column = 1; column <= boardSize; column++) { 
      if (row == (boardSize + 1)/2 && column == (boardSize + 1)/2 + 1 || column == (boardSize + 1)/2 && row == (boardSize + 1)/2 + 1) { 
       board[row][column] = 'C'; 
      } else { 
       if (row == (boardSize + 1)/2 + 1 && column == (boardSize + 1)/2 + 1 || column == (boardSize + 1)/2 && row == (boardSize + 1)/2) { 
       board[row][column] = 'H'; 
       } else { 
       board[row][column] = ' '; 

     int changeBoardSize() { 
     int boardSize; 
     do { 
      console.print("Enter a board size (between 4 and 9): "); 
      boardSize = console.readInteger(""); 
     } while (!(boardSize >= 4 && boardSize <= 9)); 
     return boardSize; 

     int getHumanPlayerMove(String playerName) { 
     int coordinates; 
     console.print(playerName + " enter the coordinates of the square where you want to place your piece: "); 
     coordinates = console.readInteger(""); 
     return coordinates; 

     int getComputerPlayerMove(int boardSize) { 
     return ((random.nextInt(boardSize) + 1) * 10 + (random.nextInt(boardSize) + 1)); 

     boolean gameOver(char[][] board, int boardSize) { 
     for (int row = 1; row <= boardSize; row++) { 
      for (int column = 1; column <= boardSize; column++) { 
      if (board[row][column] == ' ') 
       return false; 
     return true; 

     String getPlayersName() { 
     String playerName; 
     console.print("What is your name? "); 
     playerName = console.readLine(); 
     return playerName; 

     boolean checkIfMoveIsValid(char[][] board, int move) { 
     int row; 
     int column; 
     boolean moveIsValid; 
     row = move % 10; 
     column = move/10; 
     moveIsValid = false; 
     if (((row<=boardSize) &&(row>0)) && ((column<=boardSize) && (column>0))){ 
     if (board[row][column] == ' ') { 
      moveIsValid = true; 
     return moveIsValid; 

     int getPlayerScore(char[][] board, int boardSize, char piece) { 
     int score; 
     score = 0; 
     for (int row = 1; row <= boardSize; row++) { 
      for (int column = 1; column <= boardSize; column++) { 
      if (board[row][column] == piece) { 
       score = score + 1; 
     return score; 

     boolean checkIfThereArePiecesToFlip(char[][] board, int boardSize, int startRow, int startColumn, int rowDirection, int columnDirection) { 
     int rowCount; 
     int columnCount; 
     boolean flipStillPossible; 
     boolean flipFound; 
     boolean opponentPieceFound; 
     rowCount = startRow + rowDirection; 
     columnCount = startColumn + columnDirection; 
     flipStillPossible = true; 
     flipFound = false; 
     opponentPieceFound = false; 
     while (rowCount <= boardSize && rowCount >= 1 && columnCount >= 1 && columnCount <= boardSize && flipStillPossible && !flipFound) { 
      if (board[rowCount][columnCount] == ' ') { 
      flipStillPossible = false; 
      } else { 
      if (board[rowCount][columnCount] != board[startRow][startColumn]) { 
       opponentPieceFound = true; 
      } else { 
       if (board[rowCount][columnCount] == board[startRow][startColumn] && !opponentPieceFound) { 
       flipStillPossible = false; 
       } else { 
       flipFound = true; 
      rowCount = rowCount + rowDirection; 
      columnCount = columnCount + columnDirection; 
     return flipFound; 

     void flipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(char[][] board, int boardSize, int startRow, int startColumn, int rowDirection, int columnDirection) { 
     int rowCount; 
     int columnCount; 
     boolean flipFound; 
     flipFound = checkIfThereArePiecesToFlip(board, boardSize, startRow, startColumn, rowDirection, columnDirection); 
     if (flipFound) { 
      rowCount = startRow + rowDirection; 
      columnCount = startColumn + columnDirection; 
      while (board[rowCount][columnCount] != ' ' && board[rowCount][columnCount] != board[startRow][startColumn]) { 
      if (board[rowCount][columnCount] == 'H') { 
       board[rowCount][columnCount] = 'C'; 
      } else { 
       board[rowCount][columnCount] = 'H'; 
      rowCount = rowCount + rowDirection; 
      columnCount = columnCount + columnDirection; 

     void makeMove(char[][] board, int boardSize, int move, boolean humanPlayersTurn) { 
     int row; 
     int column; 
     row = move % 10; 
     column = move/10; 
     if (humanPlayersTurn) { 
      board[row][column] = 'H'; 
     } else { 
      board[row][column] = 'C'; 
     flipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(board, boardSize, row, column, 1, 0); 
     flipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(board, boardSize, row, column, -1, 0); 
     flipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(board, boardSize, row, column, 0, 1); 
     flipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(board, boardSize, row, column, 0, -1); 

     void printLine(int boardSize) { 
     console.print(" "); 
     for (int count = 1; count <= boardSize * 2 - 1; count++) { 

     void displayGameBoard(char[][] board, int boardSize) { 
     console.print(" "); 
     for (int column = 1; column <= boardSize; column++) 
      console.print(" "); 
     for (int row = 1; row <= boardSize; row++) { 
      console.print(" "); 
      for (int column = 1; column <= boardSize; column++) { 

     void displayMenu() { 
     console.println("(p)lay game"); 
     console.println("(e)nter name"); 
     console.println("(c)hange board size"); 

     char getMenuChoice(String playerName) { 
     char choice; 
     console.print(playerName + " enter the letter of your chosen option: "); 
     choice = console.readChar(); 
     return choice; 

     void playGame(String playerName, int boardSize) { 
     char[][] board = new char[boardSize + 1][boardSize + 1]; 
     boolean humanPlayersTurn; 
     int move; 
     int humanPlayerScore; 
     int computerPlayerScore; 
     boolean moveIsValid; 
     setUpGameBoard(board, boardSize); 
     humanPlayersTurn = false; 
     int NoOfMoves=0; 
     do { 
      humanPlayersTurn = !humanPlayersTurn; 
      displayGameBoard(board, boardSize); 
      moveIsValid = false; 
      do { 
      if (humanPlayersTurn) { 
       move = getHumanPlayerMove(playerName); 
      } else { 
       move = getComputerPlayerMove(boardSize); 
      moveIsValid = checkIfMoveIsValid(board, move); 
      } while (!moveIsValid); 
      if (!humanPlayersTurn) { 
       console.println("The number of moves completed so far: " +NoOfMoves); 
      console.print("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move"); 

      makeMove(board, boardSize, move, humanPlayersTurn); 
      String answer = console.readLine("Do you want to save the board? (y/n)"); 
      if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ 
      writeBoard(board, boardSize); 
     } while (!gameOver(board, boardSize)); 
     displayGameBoard(board, boardSize); 
     humanPlayerScore = getPlayerScore(board, boardSize, 'H'); 
     computerPlayerScore = getPlayerScore(board, boardSize, 'C'); 
     if (humanPlayerScore > computerPlayerScore) { 
      console.println("Well done, " + playerName + ", you have won the game!"); 
     else { 
      if (humanPlayerScore == computerPlayerScore) { 
      console.println("that was a draw!"); 
      } else { 
      console.println("The computer has won the game!"); 

    void writeBoard(char[][] board, int boardSize) { 
     String filename = "myFile.txt"; 
     String piece = null; 
     for(int row=1; row<=boardSize; row++){ 
      for (int column = 1; column <= boardSize; column++) { 
       piece= Character.toString(board [row][column]); 
     public static void main(String[] args) { 
     new Aaa(); 

Dieser Abschnitt enthält die Fehler:

void writeBoard(char[][] board, int boardSize) { 
     String filename = "myFile.txt"; 
     String piece = null; 
     for(int row=1; row<=boardSize; row++){ 
      for (int column = 1; column <= boardSize; column++) { 
       piece= Character.toString(board [row][column]); 



Der problematische Abschnitt eine Variable enthält namens writeFile, die nicht aufgelöst werden können. Nein, in der Klasse Aaa, die Sie freigegeben haben, wurde weder diese Variable deklariert noch mit einer Instanz ihres Typs initialisiert. So gibt die Methode void writeBoard(char[][] board, int boardSize) Kompilierungsfehler.

aus der Verwendung dieser Variablen ist es klar, dass es zu einer Klasse gehört, die folgenden Instanzmethoden hat:

1) openFile(String filename)

2) writeToTextFile(String piece)

3) closeFile()

Bitte suchen Sie die Klasse, die die oben genannten Methoden hat, und suchen Sie eine Instanz davon als erste Anweisung in der Methode void writeBoard(char[][] board, int boardSize). Ich hoffe es hilft.

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