2010-12-12 4 views

Mein Problem in Zeile Resp:Wie kann ich meine IP-Adresse in diesem Programm verwenden? wenn ich meine Adresse setzen statt der Server nicht

server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); 

in Client-Pfad. Wenn ich stattdessen meine Adresse einstelle, antwortet der Server nicht. Ich brauche den Verkehr in diesem Programm mit wireshark Paket-Sniffer, um zu sehen ...


#define TIME_PORT 27015 
#define NUM_OF_REQUEST 5 
#define SIZE 10 
int getRequestFromUser(); 
float calculateAverage(int* arr); 

void main() 
//allocating memory to get the needed information from user 

    // Initialize Winsock (Windows Sockets). 

WSAData wsaData; 
if (NO_ERROR != WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData)) 
    cout<<"Time Client: Error at WSAStartup()\n"; 

// Client side: 
// Create a socket and connect to an internet address. 

    SOCKET connSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); 
if (INVALID_SOCKET == connSocket) 
     cout<<"Time Client: Error at socket(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

// For a client to communicate on a network, it must connect to a server. 

// Need to assemble the required data for connection in sockaddr structure. 

    // Create a sockaddr_in object called server. 
sockaddr_in server; 
    server.sin_family = AF_INET; 
server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); 
server.sin_port = htons(TIME_PORT); 

    // Send and receive data. 

    int bytesSent = 0; 
    int bytesRecv = 0; 
char sendBuff[255]; 
char recvBuff[255]; 
int requestFromUser = -1; 

while(requestFromUser != 0){ 

// for mmeasure RTT/Delay 
float average=0; 
bool findDelay=false; 
bool findRTT=false; 

//matching between numbers and what they mean: 
switch (requestFromUser) 
case 1: 
case 2: 
case 3: 
case 4: 
case 5: 
case 6: 
    strcpy(sendBuff, "GetDayAndMonth"); 
    ;//don't exist 

// Asks the server what's the currnet time. 
// The send function sends data on a connected socket. 
// The buffer to be sent and its size are needed. 
// The fourth argument is an idicator specifying the way in which the call is made (0 for default). 
// The two last arguments hold the details of the server to communicate with. 
// NOTE: the last argument should always be the actual size of the client's data-structure (i.e. sizeof(sockaddr)). 

if (findDelay) 
    int i; 
    long int arrTimeR[SIZE]; 
    int arrTime[SIZE]; 
    time_t arrTimeSend[SIZE]; 
    //Start sending the request 
    for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++) 

    //sending request 
    bytesSent = sendto(connSocket, sendBuff, (int)strlen(sendBuff), 0, (const sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)); 
    arrTimeSend[i]= time (NULL); 
    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesSent) 
    cout<<"Time Client: Error at sendto(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

    //recieving data 
    bytesRecv = recv(connSocket, recvBuff, 255, 0); 

    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesRecv) 
    cout<<"Time Client: Error at recv(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

    cout<< "The average Delay between Client to Server is "<<average<<" in seconds\n"; 


if (findRTT) 
    int i; 
    time_t timerD; 
    time_t arrTimeSend[SIZE]; 
    int arrTime[SIZE]; 

    for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++) 

    //getting time of sending I'm including all operations for sending the request to the server 

    arrTimeSend[i]=time (NULL); 
    //sending request 
    bytesSent = sendto(connSocket, sendBuff, (int)strlen(sendBuff), 0, (const sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)); 

    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesSent) 
    cout<<"Time Client: Error at sendto(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 
    }//for sending 
    for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++) 
    //recieving data 
    bytesRecv = recv(connSocket, recvBuff, 255, 0); 

    //getting time of recieving 
    timerD = time (NULL); 

    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesRecv) 
    cout<<"Time Client: Error at recv(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

    recvBuff[bytesRecv]='\0';//not needed for calculation , but for future use 
    }//for receving 
    cout<< "The average RTT time is "<<average<<" in seconds\n"; 
if (!findRTT && !findDelay) 
    bytesSent = sendto(connSocket, sendBuff, (int)strlen(sendBuff), 0, (const sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)); 
    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesSent) 
    cout<<"Time Client: Error at sendto(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 
    cout<<"Time Client: Sent: "<<bytesSent<<"/"<<strlen(sendBuff)<<" bytes of \""<<sendBuff<<"\" message.\n"; 

    // Gets the server's answer using simple recieve (no need to hold the server's address). 
    bytesRecv = recv(connSocket, recvBuff, 255, 0); 
    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesRecv) 
    cout<<"Time Client: Error at recv(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

    recvBuff[bytesRecv]='\0'; //add the null-terminating to make it a string 
    cout<<"Time Client: Recieved: "<<bytesRecv<<" bytes of \""<<recvBuff<<"\" message.\n"; 
}//(!findRTT && !findDelay) 
}//End of while 
    // Closing connections and Winsock. 
    cout<<"Time Client: Closing Connection.\n"; 

    //free the allocating memory 


int getRequestFromUser() 
int num=0; 
//int index=0; 
//char c; 
cout<<"Choose the information that you intrested in:"<<endl; 
cout<<"(1) - Get time"<<endl; 
cout<<"(2) - Get time without Year"<<endl; 
cout<<"(3) - Get time since epoch - meanning since 1.1.1970"<<endl; 
cout<<"(4) - Get dilay time "<<endl; 
cout<<"(5) - measuring RTT - round trip time"<<endl; 
cout<<"(6) - Get day and month"<<endl; 
cout<<"(0) - Exit"<<endl; 


return num; 

float calculateAverage(int* arr) 
int sum=0,i; 
for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++) 

return sum/SIZE; 


#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
#include <winsock2.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include <iomanip> 

#define TIME_PORT 27015 

void main() 
    // Initialize Winsock (Windows Sockets). 
// Create a WSADATA object called wsaData. 
    // The WSADATA structure contains information about the Windows 
// Sockets implementation. 

WSAData wsaData; 

// Call WSAStartup and return its value as an integer and check for errors. 
// The WSAStartup function initiates the use of WS2_32.DLL by a process. 
// First parameter is the version number 2.2. 
// The WSACleanup function destructs the use of WS2_32.DLL by a process. 

if (NO_ERROR != WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData)) 
     cout<<"Time Server: Error at WSAStartup()\n"; 

// Server side: 
// Create and bind a socket to an internet address. 
    // After initialization, a SOCKET object is ready to be instantiated. 
// Create a SOCKET object called m_socket. 
// For this application: use the Internet address family (AF_INET), 
//  datagram sockets (SOCK_DGRAM), 
//  and the UDP/IP protocol (IPPROTO_UDP). 

    SOCKET m_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); 

// Check for errors to ensure that the socket is a valid socket. 
// Error detection is a key part of successful networking code. 
// If the socket call fails, it returns INVALID_SOCKET. 
// The "if" statement is used to catch any errors that 
// may have occurred while creating the socket. WSAGetLastError returns an 
// error number associated with the last error that occurred. 

if (INVALID_SOCKET == m_socket) 
     cout<<"Time Server: Error at socket(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

// For a server to communicate on a network, it must first bind the socket to 
// a network address. 
// Need to assemble the required data for connection in sockaddr structure. 

    // Create a sockaddr_in object called serverService. 

sockaddr_in serverService; 

// Address family (must be AF_INET - Internet address family). 

    serverService.sin_family = AF_INET; 

// IP address. The sin_addr is a union (s_addr is a unsigdned long (4 bytes) data type). 
// INADDR_ANY means to listen on all interfaces. 
// inet_addr (Internet address) is used to convert a string (char *) into unsigned int. 
// inet_ntoa (Internet address) is the reverse function (converts unsigned int to char *) 
// The IP address is the host itself, it's actually a loop-back. 

serverService.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //inet_addr(""); 

// IP Port. The htons (host to network - short) function converts an 
// unsigned short from host to TCP/IP network byte order (which is big-endian). 

serverService.sin_port = htons(TIME_PORT); 

// Bind the socket for client's requests. 
    // The bind function establishes a connection to a specified socket. 
// The function uses the socket handler, the sockaddr structure (which 
// defines properties of the desired connection) and the length of the 
// sockaddr structure (in bytes). 

    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bind(m_socket, (SOCKADDR *) &serverService, sizeof(serverService))) 
    cout<<"Time Server: Error at bind(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

    // Waits for incoming requests from clients. 
    // Send and receive data. 

sockaddr client_addr; 
int client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); 
int bytesSent = 0; 
    int bytesRecv = 0; 
char sendBuff[255]; 
char recvBuff[255]; 

// Get client's requests and answer them. 
// The recvfrom function receives a datagram and stores the source address. 
// The buffer for data to be received and its available size are 
// returned by recvfrom. The fourth argument is an idicator 
// specifying the way in which the call is made (0 for default). 
// The two last arguments are optional and will hold the details of the client for further communication. 
// NOTE: the last argument should always be the actual size of the client's data-structure (i.e. sizeof(sockaddr)). 

cout<<"Time Server: Wait for clients' requests.\n"; 

    bytesRecv = recvfrom(m_socket, recvBuff, 255, 0, &client_addr, &client_addr_len); 
    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesRecv) 
    cout<<"Time Server: Error at recvfrom(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

    recvBuff[bytesRecv]='\0'; //add the null-terminating to make it a string 

    cout<<"Time Server: Recieved: "<<bytesRecv<<" bytes of \""<<recvBuff<<"\" message.\n"; 

    time_t timer; 
    char date [10]; 
    char dayAndMonth [6]; 

    if (strcmp(recvBuff,"GetTime")==0){ 
    strcpy(sendBuff, ctime(&timer)); 
    sendBuff[strlen(sendBuff)-1] = 0; 

    else if (strcmp(recvBuff,"GetTimeWithoutYear")==0){ 
    struct tm * timeinfo = localtime(&timer); 
    strftime (sendBuff,255,"%X",timeinfo); 
    sendBuff[strlen(sendBuff)] = 0; 

    else if (strcmp(recvBuff,"GetTimeSinceEpoch")==0){ 
    timer = time (NULL); 
    itoa(timer,sendBuff,10);//converting from int to srting 
    strcat (sendBuff," seconds."); 
    sendBuff[strlen(sendBuff)] = 0; 
    //6 - GetDayAndMonth 
    else if(strcmp(recvBuff, "GetDayAndMonth")==0) 
    strncpy(dayAndMonth, date, 5); 
    dayAndMonth[5] = '\0'; 
    strcpy(sendBuff, dayAndMonth); 
    sendBuff[strlen(sendBuff)] = 0; 

    // Sends the answer to the client, using the client address gathered 
    // by recvfrom. 
    bytesSent = sendto(m_socket, sendBuff, (int)strlen(sendBuff), 0, (const sockaddr *)&client_addr, client_addr_len); 
    if (SOCKET_ERROR == bytesSent) 
    cout<<"Time Server: Error at sendto(): "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl; 

    cout<<"Time Server: Sent: "<<bytesSent<<"\\"<<strlen(sendBuff)<<" bytes of \""<<sendBuff<<"\" message.\n"; 

// Closing connections and Winsock. 
cout<<"Time Server: Closing Connection.\n"; 

Hallo Oleg, das ist wayyyy zu viele Daten. Sie sollten stattdessen einen Text mit einer Beschreibung Ihres Problems hinzufügen –


es kann sein, weil Ihr Server 'localhost' ('') hört und nicht diese bestimmte Schnittstelle, die Sie versuchen, eine Verbindung herzustellen. Bitte geben Sie den Server-Code an (falls Sie ihn haben) oder stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie wissen, welche Netzwerkschnittstelle er hört. Bitte füge deine Kommentare/Updates nicht als Antwort hinzu. Sie sollten die Frage bearbeiten oder hier einen Kommentar abgeben. Vielen Dank. – khachik


Sorry für Kommentare, es ist das erste Mal, dass ich diese Seite benutze. Wie kann ich (auf Server-Seite) auf bestimmte IP-Adresse hören. Ich möchte diesen Client \ Server auf meinem Computer ausführen und nur meine IP-Adresse verwenden. – Oleg



Sie können einige ping Ihr_Server Befehl erste oder herauszufinden, mit Ausnahmebehandlung durchzuführen, kann der Server sein, ist nicht verfügbar .


Ich glaube, du meintest 'telnet', als du' ping' geschrieben hast. – khachik


Ja. Tut mir leid, mein Fehler) – sultan


Mein Problem in der Zeile: server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (""); im Clientpfad. Wenn ich stattdessen meine Adresse einstelle, antwortet der Server nicht. Ich muss den Verkehr in diesem Programm mit Wireshark Packet Sniffer sehen ...


Wenn ich richtig verstehe, müssen Sie die Loopback-Adresse ( verwenden, um mit Ihrem Server zu kommunizieren, und das Problem ist, dass Wenn Sie dies tun, können Sie den Verkehr in Wireshark nicht sehen.

Es ist richtig, und vorausgesetzt, dass (wie Ihr Code suggeriert), dass Sie auf Windows sind, habe ich Angst, dass Sie kein Glück haben. Siehe hierzu: http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/Loopback

Können Sie den Server ändern, damit er auf einer anderen Adresse abhört?

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