2017-01-20 3 views

Ich versuche, die die ersten Schritte Anweisungen hier zu folgen:Problem haben, bekommen gesetzt Fabric8 bis auf Mac OS

ich in ein Problem zunächst


lief mit ihm nicht oc in der Lage, herunterladen und ausführen und minishift aber festgelegt, dass mit Hilfe dieser Frage:

gofabric8> Unable to unzip /Users/apple/.fabric8/bin/oc.zip zip: not a valid zip

Jetzt renne ich in sie Probleme Einrichten Sicherheit haben und gerade hängen:

DeploymentConfigs all started so we can deploy fabric8 

Deploying fabric8 to your OpenShift installation at for domain in namespace default 

Loading fabric8 releases from maven repository:https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ 
Creating new Project: default 
Deploying package: platform version: 2.4.19 

SecurityContextConstraints restricted.........................................✘ User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Cannot create SecurityContextConstraints: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Failed to create SecurityContextConstraints {{ } {fabric8  0 {0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC} <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []} 0xc420604360 true [] [] [] [*] true true false false {RunAsAny <nil>} {RunAsAny <nil> <nil> <nil>} { []} { []} false [] [system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:build-controller system:serviceaccount:default:default system:serviceaccount:default:fabric8 system:serviceaccount:default:gerrit system:serviceaccount:default:jenkins system:serviceaccount:default:router system:serviceaccount:default:registry system:serviceaccount:default:gogs system:serviceaccount:default:fluentd] [system:cluster-admins system:nodes]} in namespace default: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
SecurityContextConstraints fabric8............................................✘ User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Cannot create SecurityContextConstraints: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Failed to create SecurityContextConstraints {{ } {fabric8-sa-group  0 {0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC} <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []} <nil> false [] [] [] [gitRepo configMap secret emptyDir] false false false false {RunAsAny <nil>} {RunAsAny <nil> <nil> <nil>} { []} { []} false [] [] [system:serviceaccounts]} in namespace default: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
SecurityContextConstraints fabric8-sa-group...................................✘ User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:fabric8......✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:jenkins......✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:configmapcontroller✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:exposecontroller✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:default:metrics.....✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:default:fluentd.....✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToGroup cluster-reader system:serviceaccounts...................✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addServiceAccount fluentd.....................................................✘ User "admin" cannot create serviceaccounts in project "default" 
addServiceAccount registry....................................................✘ User "admin" cannot create serviceaccounts in project "default" 
addServiceAccount router......................................................✘ User "admin" cannot create serviceaccounts in project "default" 

Jede Hilfe willkommen



Der Benutzername "admin" scheinen sich geändert zu haben "System: admin". Ich habe die Installation komplett manuell durchgeführt:

minishift start 
oc login -u system:admin 
oc project default 
gofabric8 deploy -y