2017-04-02 2 views

Mit Legacy-SQL versuche ich COUNT(DISTINCT field, n) in Google BigQuery zu verwenden. Aber ich bin folgende Fehlermeldung erhalten:BigQuery-Fehler - UNIQUE_HEAP erfordert ein int32-Argument

UNIQUE_HEAP requires an int32 argument which is greater than 0 (error code: invalidQuery)

Hier meine Frage ist, die ich verwendet habe:

    hits.page.pagePath AS Page, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(fullVisitorId, INTEGER(visitId)), 1e6) AS UniquePageviews, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT fullVisitorId, 1e6) as Users 
    UniquePageviews DESC 

BigQuery ist nicht einmal die Zeilennummer des Fehlers zeigt, also bin ich nicht sicher, welche Linie diesen Fehler verursacht .

What could be possible cause of above error?



Sie 1e6 in Ihrem COUNT(DISTINCT) verwenden. Verwenden Sie stattdessen einen tatsächlichen INTEGER-Wert für den zweiten Parameter 'N' (Standard ist 1000), oder verwenden Sie stattdessen EXACT_COUNT_DISTINCT().

COUNT(DISTINCT) documentation

EXACT_COUNT_DISTINCT() documentation

If you require greater accuracy from COUNT(DISTINCT), you can specify a second parameter, n, which gives the threshold below which exact results are guaranteed. By default, n is 1000, but if you give a larger n, you will get exact results for COUNT(DISTINCT) up to that value of n. However, giving larger values of n will reduce scalability of this operator and may substantially increase query execution time or cause the query to fail.

To compute the exact number of distinct values, use EXACT_COUNT_DISTINCT. Or, for a more scalable approach, consider using GROUP EACH BY on the relevant field(s) and then applying COUNT(*). The GROUP EACH BY approach is more scalable but might incur a slight up-front performance penalty.

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