2017-03-21 4 views

Ich verwende derzeit die Yelp API v3 und teste einige ihrer Beispielcode. Ich habe noch nie PHP benutzt, also ist es ziemlich verwirrend, aber ich frage mich nur, wo ich den Begriff und den Ort gleich der Benutzereingabe in diesem Skript einstellen würde? Angenommen, ich habe eine Eingabe für Term und Ort in html, wo in diesem Skript $ term = inputTerm und $ location = inputLocation sind?Wie benutze ich Yelp v3 Search API Beispiel in PHP

* Yelp Fusion API code sample. 
* This program demonstrates the capability of the Yelp Fusion API 
* by using the Business Search API to query for businesses by a 
* search term and location, and the Business API to query additional 
* information about the top result from the search query. 
* Please refer to http://www.yelp.com/developers/v3/documentation 
* for the API documentation. 
* Sample usage of the program: 
* `php sample.php --term="dinner" --location="San Francisco, CA"` 
// OAuth credential placeholders that must be filled in by users. 
// You can find them on 
// https://www.yelp.com/developers/v3/manage_app 
$CLIENT_ID = "abcd"; 
$CLIENT_SECRET = "abcd"; 
// Complain if credentials haven't been filled out. 
assert($CLIENT_ID, "Please supply your client_id."); 
assert($CLIENT_SECRET, "Please supply your client_secret."); 
// API constants, you shouldn't have to change these. 
$API_HOST = "https://api.yelp.com"; 
$SEARCH_PATH = "/v3/businesses/search"; 
$BUSINESS_PATH = "/v3/businesses/"; // Business ID will come after slash. 
$TOKEN_PATH = "/oauth2/token"; 
$GRANT_TYPE = "client_credentials"; 
// Defaults for our simple example. 
$DEFAULT_TERM = "dinner"; 
$DEFAULT_LOCATION = "San Francisco, CA"; 

function getQuery(){ 
echo $_GET['latlon']; 
//echo $_GET['q']; 
$query = $_GET['q']; 
//break the query up into parts 
$first_space= strpos($query, " "); 
$term = substr($query, 0, $first_space); 
echo $term; 

* Given a bearer token, send a GET request to the API. 
* @return OAuth bearer token, obtained using client_id and client_secret. 
function obtain_bearer_token() { 
try { 
    # Using the built-in cURL library for easiest installation. 
    # Extension library HttpRequest would also work here. 
    $curl = curl_init(); 
    if (FALSE === $curl) 
     throw new Exception('Failed to initialize'); 
    $postfields = "client_id=" . $GLOBALS['CLIENT_ID'] . 
     "&client_secret=" . $GLOBALS['CLIENT_SECRET'] . 
     "&grant_type=" . $GLOBALS['GRANT_TYPE']; 
    curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
     CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // Capture response. 
     CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // Accept gzip/deflate/whatever. 
     CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, 
     CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postfields, 
      "cache-control: no-cache", 
      "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 
    $response = curl_exec($curl); 
    if (FALSE === $response) 
     throw new Exception(curl_error($curl), curl_errno($curl)); 
    $http_status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 
    if (200 != $http_status) 
     throw new Exception($response, $http_status); 
} catch(Exception $e) { 
     'Curl failed with error #%d: %s', 
     $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()), 
$body = json_decode($response); 
$bearer_token = $body->access_token; 
return $bearer_token; 
* Makes a request to the Yelp API and returns the response 
* @param $bearer_token API bearer token from obtain_bearer_token 
* @param $host The domain host of the API 
* @param $path The path of the API after the domain. 
* @param $url_params Array of query-string parameters. 
* @return The JSON response from the request  
function request($bearer_token, $host, $path, $url_params = array()) { 
// Send Yelp API Call 
try { 
    $curl = curl_init(); 
    if (FALSE === $curl) 
     throw new Exception('Failed to initialize'); 
    $url = $host . $path . "?" . http_build_query($url_params); 
    curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
     CURLOPT_URL => $url, 
     CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // Capture response. 
     CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // Accept gzip/deflate/whatever. 
     CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, 
      "authorization: Bearer " . $bearer_token, 
      "cache-control: no-cache", 
    $response = curl_exec($curl); 
    if (FALSE === $response) 
     throw new Exception(curl_error($curl), curl_errno($curl)); 
    $http_status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 
    if (200 != $http_status) 
     throw new Exception($response, $http_status); 
} catch(Exception $e) { 
     'Curl failed with error #%d: %s', 
     $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()), 
return $response; 
* Query the Search API by a search term and location 
* @param $bearer_token API bearer token from obtain_bearer_token 
* @param $term  The search term passed to the API 
* @param $location The search location passed to the API 
* @return The JSON response from the request 
function search($bearer_token, $term, $location) { 
$url_params = array(); 

$url_params['term'] = $term; 
$url_params['location'] = $location; 
$url_params['limit'] = $GLOBALS['SEARCH_LIMIT']; 

return request($bearer_token, $GLOBALS['API_HOST'], $GLOBALS['SEARCH_PATH'], $url_params); 
* Query the Business API by business_id 
* @param $bearer_token API bearer token from obtain_bearer_token 
* @param $business_id The ID of the business to query 
* @return The JSON response from the request 
function get_business($bearer_token, $business_id) { 
$business_path = $GLOBALS['BUSINESS_PATH'] . urlencode($business_id); 

return request($bearer_token, $GLOBALS['API_HOST'], $business_path); 
* Queries the API by the input values from the user 
* @param $term  The search term to query 
* @param $location The location of the business to query 
function query_api($term, $location) {  
$bearer_token = obtain_bearer_token(); 
$response = json_decode(search($bearer_token, $term, $location)); 
$business_id = $response->businesses[0]->id; 

print sprintf(
    "%d businesses found, querying business info for the top result \"%s\"\n\n",   

$response = get_business($bearer_token, $business_id); 

print sprintf("Result for business \"%s\" found:\n", $business_id); 
$pretty_response = json_encode(json_decode($response), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); 
print "$pretty_response\n"; 
* User input is handled here 
$longopts = array(

$options = getopt("", $longopts); 
$term = $options['term'] ?: $GLOBALS['DEFAULT_TERM']; 
$location = $options['location'] ?: $GLOBALS['DEFAULT_LOCATION']; 
query_api($term, $location); 



So etwas wird das für Sie tun. In diesem Beispiel wird die Eingabefilterung nicht berücksichtigt. Daher sollten Sie mysql_real_escape zuerst die Eingaben vornehmen.

// Defaults for our simple example. 
$DEFAULT_TERM   = "Dinner"; 
$DEFAULT_LOCATION  = "White House, TN"; 
$REVIEWS    = 0; 

if(isset($_GET['term'])) $DEFAULT_TERM = $_GET['term']; 
if(isset($_GET['loc']) && $_GET['loc'] !='') $DEFAULT_LOCATION = $_GET['loc'] ; 
if(isset($_GET['limit'])) $SEARCH_LIMIT = $_GET['limit']; 
if(isset($_GET['reviews'])) $REVIEWS = $_GET['reviews']; 

Und Ihre Form wie diese

<form action="/" method="get"> 
    <input type="text" name="term" placeholder="search"/> 
    <input type="text" name="loc" placeholder="zipcode"/> 
    Results <select name="limit"> 
     <option value="3">3</option> 
     <option value="5">5</option> 
     <option value="7">7</option> 
     <option value="9">9</option> 
    Show reviews <input type="checkbox" name="reviews" value="1"/> 
    <input type="submit"/> 
aussehen würde