2017-03-27 1 views

Hier endet mein Script für das Hochladen ...Wie für kein Bild zu überprüfen und Prozess fortsetzen, ohne

//Create Post 
include_once '../../config/database_connection.php'; 
include_once '../module/selectUser.php'; 
    if (isset($_POST['post'])) { 
if(!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { 
    header("Location: ../../login404"); 
//Grab Image Data 
$image_fieldname = "uploadphoto"; 

//Data Request 
$from = $_REQUEST['from']; 
$view = $_REQUEST['view']; 

//Function definations 
function MakeUrls($status) 
    $replace=array('<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>','<a href="'. BASE_URL .'php/module/recordLink.php?link=$1" target="_blank">$1</a>'); 
    return preg_replace($find,$replace,$status); 
//Function testing 
$status = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "<br>", $_REQUEST['status']); 
//Make Url clickable 
$status=preg_replace('/#(\\w+)/','<a href="'. BASE_URL .'php/hash/index?hash=$1">$0</a>',$status); 
//Check for Mentions 
$status=preg_replace('/(@\w+)/','<a href="'. BASE_URL .'php/mention?username=$1">$0</a>',$status); 

//Reg ErrorException 
$status = str_replace('<script>', '',$status); 
$status = str_replace('</script>', '',$status); 
$status = str_replace('<p>', '',$status); 
$status = str_replace('</p>', '',$status); 
$status = str_replace('<style>', '',$status); 
$status = str_replace('</style>', '',$status); 
$likes = 0; 

// Potential PHP upload errors 
$php_errors = array(1 => 'Maximum file size in php.ini exceeded', 
     2 => 'Maximum file size in HTML form exceeded', 
     3 => 'Only part of the file was uploaded', 
     4 => 'No file was selected to upload.'); 

// Make sure we didn't have an error uploading the image 
($_FILES[$image_fieldname]['error'] == 0) 
or handle_error("the server couldn't upload the image you selected.", 

// Is this file the result of a valid upload? 
or handle_error("you were trying to do something naughty. Shame on you!", 
"Uploaded request: file named " . 

// Is this actually an image? 
or handle_error("you selected a file for your picture " . 
"that isn't an image.", 
"{$_FILES[$image_fieldname]['tmp_name']} " . 
"isn't a valid image file."); 

// Name the file uniquely 
$now = time(); 
while (file_exists($upload_filename = $upload_dir . $now . 
'-' . 
$_FILES[$image_fieldname]['name'])) { 

// Insert the image into the images table 
$image = $_FILES[$image_fieldname]; 
$image_filename = "Circlepanda-image" . $image['name']; 
$image_info = getimagesize($image['tmp_name']); 
$image_mime_type = $image_info['mime']; 
$image_size = $image['size']; 
$image_data = file_get_contents($image['tmp_name']); 

//Initial Image Upload Commented Out 
$insert_image_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO post_img " . 
"(filename, mime_type, file_size, image_data, user_id) " . 
"VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s');", 
mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $image_filename), 
mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $image_mime_type), 
mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $image_size), 
mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $image_data), 
mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $user_id)); 
mysqli_query($conn, $insert_image_sql) 
or handle_error("Could'nt upload image to our database" 
, mysql_error($conn)); 

$insert_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO user_post (fullname, view, status, date, likes, user_id, profile_pic_id, image_id) " . 
      "VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d); ", 
      mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $fullname), 
      mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $view), 
      mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $status), 
      mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $date), 
      mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $likes), 
      mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $user_id), 
      mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $profile_pic_id), 

// Insert the Post into the database 
if (mysqli_query($conn, $insert_sql)) { 
    $_SESSION['msg'] = "Your status was successfully updated"; 
    header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); 
} else { 
    $_SESSION['msg'] = "Unsuccessful status update"; 
    header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); 

Kein Zweifel, es funktioniert gut, aber in einer Situation, wo kein Bild, um es hochgeladen wird ein senden Fehlerseite. Aber was ich wirklich will, ist, Bild-Upload-Skript zu überspringen und nur Benutzerstatus hochladen. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das machen soll. :(


Welche Version von PHP haben Sie? Seit PHP 5.3.0 können Sie goto http verwenden : //php.net/manual/en/control-structures.goto.php um zu springen (mit einigen Einschränkungen) –



Ich habe gerade eine Antwort von irgendwo ringsum stack overflow ... Danke Jungs für die Hilfe ... Beantworten Sie unten ... Nochmals vielen Dank.

if ($_FILES['cover_image']['size'] == 0 && $_FILES['cover_image']['error'] == 0) { 
    #cover_image is empty (and not an error) 

Sie können einen Standardwert als null für Ihre image Spalte in der Datenbank festgelegt und dann prüfen, ob Sie eine image für Beispiel haben:

if (you have a image) { 
    // render sql query with image 
} else { 
    // if you don't have render a query without image 
then excute your query 

Bitte beachten Sie, dass ich das Bild anders anfordere, $ image_fieldname = "uploadphoto"; Und wenn ich eine if oder sonst Anweisung verwende, wird es immer wahr sein, weil PHP es als String sehen würde ... Also bitte, ich brauche etwas Besseres als if() {} else {}. Vielen Dank! –

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