2017-11-21 3 views

Ich bin sehr neu in Powershell-Unit-Tests. Ich schrieb meine „Hallo Welt“ Tests unter:VSTS zeigt keine bestandenen NUnit-Tests in den Ergebnissen


Describe MyFailTest{ 
    Assert-Throws { 
     throw "I do nothing interesting." 
    } -MessagePattern "Not that message because I want a failure" 

Describe MyPassTest{ 
    Assert-Throws { 
     throw "I will pass" 
    } -MessagePattern "I will pass" 

Und das sieht aus wie ich erwarten würde, wenn lokal ausgeführt, die erste ausfällt als die Nachrichtenmuster nicht übereinstimmten, und der zweite Test besteht.

Jetzt versuche ich den Test als Teil einer CI/CD-Pipeline auszuführen. Ich benutze die Aufgabe "Pester Test Runner from Black Marble", um meine .tests.ps1-Dateien zu starten. In meiner NUnit-Ausgabe kann ich sehen, dass es meine Tests als bestanden und fehlerhaft wie erwartet gekennzeichnet hat.

So jetzt kommen wir zu dem ungeraden Teil. Ich habe die Task zum Veröffentlichen von Ergebnissen in VSTS verwendet und sehe immer nur fehlgeschlagene Tests. Warum sehe ich auch keine bestandenen Tests? Seltsamerweise meldet es, dass 1/1 Tests fehlgeschlagen sind, wenn ich einen erfolgreichen Testlauf habe. Ich sehe keine Optionen, um das zu ändern. Ich habe versucht, den Outcome-Filter auf der Registerkarte "Tests" auf "Alle" zu setzen. Irgendwelche Ideen?

Einschlägige log Sektionen:

Evaluating condition for step: 'Pester Test Runner' 
Evaluating: succeeded() 
Evaluating succeeded: 
=> (Boolean) True 
Expanded: True 
Result: True 
##[section]Starting: Pester Test Runner 
Task   : Pester Test Runner from Black Marble 
Description : Run Pester tests without the need to install Pester in with the PMModule folder or in the source repo (Using Pester 3.4.3 or 4.0.8) 
Version  : 6.0.9 
Author  : Richard Fennell 
Help   : Version: 6.0.9. [More Information](https://github.com/rfennell/vNextBuild/wiki/Pester-Task/) 
Preparing task execution handler. 
Executing the powershell script: d:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\Pester.ps1 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddCommand(d:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\Pester.ps1) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - Add inputParameters 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(scriptFolder=d:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(resultsFile=d:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(CodeCoverageOutputFile=) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(tag=) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(excludeTag=) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(pesterVersion=4.0.8) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(run32Bit=False) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(moduleFolder=) 
PowerShellHandler.Execute - Invoke 
Running in AMD64 PowerShell 
Loading Pester module from [D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8] 
Loading module from path 'D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\Pester.psd1'. 
Loading module from path 'D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\Pester.psm1'. 
Processed: ##vso[task.setprogress value=-1;] 
Loading module from path 'D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\lib\Gherkin.dll'. 

    namespace Pester 
     using System; 
     using System.Management.Automation; 

     public static class ClosingBraceFinder 
      public static int GetClosingBraceIndex(PSToken[] tokens, int startIndex) 
       int groupLevel = 1; 
       int len = tokens.Length; 

       for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < len; i++) 
        PSTokenType type = tokens[i].Type; 
        if (type == PSTokenType.GroupStart) 
        else if (type == PSTokenType.GroupEnd) 

         if (groupLevel <= 0) { return i; } 

       return -1; 

using System; 

namespace Pester 
    public enum OutputTypes 
     None = 0, 
     Default = 1, 
     Passed = 2, 
     Failed = 4, 
     Pending = 8, 
     Skipped = 16, 
     Inconclusive = 32, 
     Describe = 64, 
     Context = 128, 
     Summary = 256, 
     Header = 512, 
     All = Default | Passed | Failed | Pending | Skipped | Inconclusive | Describe | Context | Summary | Header, 
     Fails = Default | Failed | Pending | Skipped | Inconclusive | Describe | Context | Summary | Header 
Exporting function 'Context'. 
Exporting function 'Describe'. 
Exporting function 'In'. 
Exporting function 'It'. 
Exporting function 'Mock'. 
Exporting function 'Assert-VerifiableMock'. 
Exporting function 'Assert-MockCalled'. 
Exporting function 'Set-TestInconclusive'. 
Exporting function 'Assert-VerifiableMocks'. 
Exporting function 'InModuleScope'. 
Exporting function 'Invoke-Mock'. 
Exporting function 'New-Fixture'. 
Exporting function 'Get-TestDriveItem'. 
Exporting function 'Setup'. 
Exporting function 'Should'. 
Exporting function 'Invoke-Pester'. 
Exporting function 'BeforeEach'. 
Exporting function 'AfterEach'. 
Exporting function 'BeforeAll'. 
Exporting function 'AfterAll'. 
Exporting function 'Set-DynamicParameterVariable'. 
Exporting function 'Get-MockDynamicParameter'. 
Exporting function 'New-PesterOption'. 
Exporting function 'SafeGetCommand'. 
Exporting function 'Invoke-Gherkin'. 
Exporting function 'Find-GherkinStep'. 
Exporting function 'Invoke-GherkinStep'. 
Exporting function 'BeforeEachFeature'. 
Exporting function 'AfterEachFeature'. 
Exporting function 'BeforeEachScenario'. 
Exporting function 'AfterEachScenario'. 
Exporting function 'GherkinStep'. 
Exporting alias 'Given'. 
Exporting alias 'When'. 
Exporting alias 'Then'. 
Exporting alias 'And'. 
Exporting alias 'But'. 
Exporting function 'Add-AssertionOperator'. 
Exporting function 'New-MockObject'. 
Importing function 'Add-AssertionOperator'. 
Importing function 'AfterAll'. 
Importing function 'AfterEach'. 
Importing function 'AfterEachFeature'. 
Importing function 'AfterEachScenario'. 
Importing function 'Assert-MockCalled'. 
Importing function 'Assert-VerifiableMock'. 
Importing function 'Assert-VerifiableMocks'. 
Importing function 'BeforeAll'. 
Importing function 'BeforeEach'. 
Importing function 'BeforeEachFeature'. 
Importing function 'BeforeEachScenario'. 
Importing function 'Context'. 
Importing function 'Describe'. 
Importing function 'Find-GherkinStep'. 
Importing function 'Get-MockDynamicParameter'. 
Importing function 'Get-TestDriveItem'. 
Importing function 'GherkinStep'. 
Importing function 'In'. 
Importing function 'InModuleScope'. 
Importing function 'Invoke-Gherkin'. 
Importing function 'Invoke-GherkinStep'. 
Importing function 'Invoke-Mock'. 
Importing function 'Invoke-Pester'. 
Importing function 'It'. 
Importing function 'Mock'. 
Importing function 'New-Fixture'. 
Importing function 'New-MockObject'. 
Importing function 'New-PesterOption'. 
Importing function 'SafeGetCommand'. 
Importing function 'Set-DynamicParameterVariable'. 
Importing function 'Set-TestInconclusive'. 
Importing function 'Setup'. 
Importing function 'Should'. 
Importing alias 'And'. 
Importing alias 'But'. 
Importing alias 'Given'. 
Importing alias 'Then'. 
Importing alias 'When'. 
Running Pester from [d:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\] output sent to [d:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML] 
Exporting function 'EnterTestGroup'. 
Exporting function 'LeaveTestGroup'. 
Exporting function 'AddTestResult'. 
Exporting function 'AddSetupOrTeardownBlock'. 
Exporting function 'GetTestCaseSetupBlocks'. 
Exporting function 'GetTestCaseTeardownBlocks'. 
Exporting function 'GetCurrentTestGroupSetupBlocks'. 
Exporting function 'GetCurrentTestGroupTeardownBlocks'. 
Exporting function 'EnterTest'. 
Exporting function 'LeaveTest'. 
Exporting variable 'Strict'. 
Exporting variable 'Show'. 
Exporting variable 'TagFilter'. 
Exporting variable 'ExcludeTagFilter'. 
Exporting variable 'TestNameFilter'. 
Exporting variable 'SessionState'. 
Exporting variable 'CommandCoverage'. 
Exporting variable 'InTest'. 
Exporting variable 'TestResult'. 
Exporting variable 'TotalCount'. 
Exporting variable 'Time'. 
Exporting variable 'PassedCount'. 
Exporting variable 'FailedCount'. 
Exporting variable 'SkippedCount'. 
Exporting variable 'PendingCount'. 
Exporting variable 'InconclusiveCount'. 
Exporting variable 'IncludeVSCodeMarker'. 
Exporting variable 'TestSuiteName'. 
Exporting variable 'TestActions'. 
Exporting variable 'TestGroupStack'. 
Executing all tests in 'd:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\' 

Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\L0ValidateDestinationPath.tests.ps1 

Importing module: TestHelpersModule 
Stubbing command: Import-Module 
Setting copyFilesToMachinesPath 
Asserting script block should throw: { 
    Validate-DestinationPath -value "" -environmentName $validEnvironmentName 
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty targetPath ; Message: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty targetPath 
Asserting script block should throw: { 
    Validate-DestinationPath -value $invalidTargetPath -environmentName $validEnvironmentName 
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_RemoteDestinationPathCannotContainEnvironmentVariables $env:abc\123 ; Message: WFC_RemoteDestinationPathCannotContainEnvironmentVariables $env:abc\123 

Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\L0ValidateSourcePath.tests.ps1 

Importing module: TestHelpersModule 
Invoking mock command: Import-Module 
    Arguments: D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\lib/TestHelpersModule -Verbose: False 
    Command is stubbed. 
Stubbing command: Import-Module 
Mocking command: Test-Path 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $invalidSourcePath } 
    Func: { return $false } 
Asserting script block should throw: { 
    Validate-SourcePath -value "" 
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty sourcePath ; Message: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty sourcePath 
Asserting script block should throw: { 
    Validate-SourcePath -value "$invalidSourcePath" 
Invoking mock command: Test-Path 
    Arguments: -LiteralPath Invalid 
    Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $invalidSourcePath } 
    Invoking Func: { return $false } 
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_SourcePathDoesNotExist Invalid ; Message: WFC_SourcePathDoesNotExist Invalid 

Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\L0ValidInputSequentialCopy.tests.ps1 

Importing module: TestHelpersModule 
Invoking mock command: Import-Module 
    Arguments: D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\lib/TestHelpersModule -Verbose: False 
    Command is stubbed. 
Stubbing command: Import-Module 
Setting copyFilesToMachinesPath 
Mocking command: Test-Path 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $validSourcePackage } 
    Func: { return $true } 
Mocking command: Test-Path 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $invalidSourcePath } 
    Func: { return $false } 
Mocking command: Invoke-Command 
    Func: { } 
Mocking command: ConvertTo-SecureString 
    Func: { return $password } 
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "SourcePath" } 
    Func: { return $validSourcePackage } 
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "TargetPath" } 
    Func: { return $validApplicationPath } 
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "CleanTargetBeforeCopy" } 
    Func: { return $true } 
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" } 
    Func: { return "TechWintelDeployService" } 
Mocking command: Get-VstsEndpoint 
    ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" } 
    Func: { return $myVar } 
Entering D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\WindowsMachineFileCopy.ps1. 
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput 
    Arguments: -Name TechWintelDeployService -Require 
    Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" } 
    Invoking Func: { return "TechWintelDeployService" } 
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsEndpoint 
    Arguments: -Name TechWintelDeployService -Require 
    Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" } 
    Invoking Func: { return $myVar } 
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput 
    Arguments: -Name SourcePath -Require 
    Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "SourcePath" } 
    Invoking Func: { return $validSourcePackage } 
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput 
    Arguments: -Name TargetPath -Require 
    Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "TargetPath" } 
    Invoking Func: { return $validApplicationPath } 
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput 
    Arguments: -Name AdditionalArguments 
    Command is stubbed. 
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput 
    Arguments: -Name CleanTargetBeforeCopy 
    Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "CleanTargetBeforeCopy" } 
    Invoking Func: { return $true } 
Importing VSTSLocStrings 
Invoking mock command: Test-Path 
    Arguments: -LiteralPath C:\Windows\Test 
    Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $validSourcePackage } 
    Invoking Func: { return $true } 
Invoking mock command: ConvertTo-SecureString 
    Arguments: Password -AsPlainText -Force 
    Invoking Func: { return $password } 
Invoking mock command: Invoke-Command 
    Arguments: -ScriptBlock 
param (

    Import-Module "$scriptRoot\..\ps_modules\VstsTaskSdk" 
    Import-VstsLocStrings -LiteralPath $scriptRoot/Task.json 

    Write-Verbose "Entering script RobocopyJob.ps1" 
    Write-Verbose "fqdn = $fqdn" 
    Write-Verbose "sourcePath = $sourcePath" 
    Write-Verbose "targetPath = $targetPath" 
    Write-Verbose "credential = $credential" 
    Write-Verbose "cleanTargetBeforeCopy = $cleanTargetBeforeCopy" 
    Write-Verbose "additionalArguments = $additionalArguments" 

    $sourcePath = $sourcePath.Trim().TrimEnd('\', '/') 
    $targetPath = $targetPath.Trim().TrimEnd('\', '/')  

    $isFileCopy = Test-Path -Path $sourcePath -PathType Leaf 
    $doCleanUp = $cleanTargetBeforeCopy -eq "true" 

    $sourceDirectory = $sourcePath 
    $filesToCopy = "" 
     $sourceDirectory = Split-Path $sourcePath 
     $filesToCopy = Split-Path $sourcePath -Leaf 

    function ThrowError 

     $failMessage = (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_CopyingFailedForResource" -ArgumentList $fqdn) 
     throw "$failMessage`n$errorMessage" 

    function Validate-Null(
     $value = $value.Trim()  
     if(-not $value) 
      ThrowError -errorMessage (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty" -ArgumentList $variableName) 

    function Validate-Credential(
      Validate-Null $credential.UserName "Username" 
      Validate-Null $credential.Password "Password"       
      ThrowError -errorMessage (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty" -ArgumentList "credential") 

    function Get-DownLevelLogonName(
     if($userName -like '.\*') { 
      $userName = $userName.replace(".\","\") 
      $userName = $fqdn+$userName 
     return $userName 

    function Replace-First(
     $pos = $text.IndexOf($search); 
     if ($pos -le 0) 
      return $text; 

     return $text.Substring(0, $pos) + $replace + $text.Substring($pos + $search.Length); 

    function Get-DestinationNetworkPath(
     if(-not $machineShare) 
      return $targetPath 

     $targetSpecificPath = Replace-First $targetPath ":" '$'  
     return [io.path]::Combine($machineShare, $targetSpecificPath)  

    function Get-RoboCopyParameters(
     $robocopyParameters = "/COPY:DAT" 

     if(-not $fileCopy.IsPresent) 
       $robocopyParameters += " /MIR" 
       $robocopyParameters += " /E" 

     if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($additionalArguments)) 
      $robocopyParameters += " $additionalArguments" 

     return $robocopyParameters.Trim() 

    function Get-MachineShare(
      return $targetPath 
      return [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + $fqdn 

     return "" 

    function Get-NetExeCommand 
     $netExePath = Join-Path -path (get-item env:\windir).value -ChildPath system32\net.exe 
     if(Test-Path $netExePath) 
      Write-Verbose "Found the net exe path $netExePath. Net command will be $netExePath" 
      return $netExePath 

     Write-Verbose "Unable to get the path for net.exe. Net command will be 'net'" 
     return 'net' 

    $machineShare = Get-MachineShare -fqdn $fqdn -targetPath $targetPath  
    $destinationNetworkPath = Get-DestinationNetworkPath -targetPath $targetPath -machineShare $machineShare 

    Validate-Credential $credential 
    $userName = Get-DownLevelLogonName -fqdn $fqdn -userName $($credential.UserName) 
    $password = $($credential.Password) 

    $netExeCommand = Get-NetExeCommand 

     $command = "$netExeCommand use `"$machineShare`"" 
      $command += " /user:`'$userName`' `'$($password -replace "['`]", '$&$&')`'" 
     $command += " 2>&1" 

     $dtl_mapOut = iex $command 
     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) 
      $errorMessage = (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_FailedToConnectToPathWithUser" -ArgumentList $machineShare, $($credential.UserName)) + $dtl_mapOut 
      ThrowError -errorMessage $errorMessage -fqdn $fqdn 

     if($isFileCopy -and $doCleanUp -and (Test-Path -path $destinationNetworkPath -pathtype container)) 
      Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationNetworkPath -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -recurse; 
      $output = Remove-Item -path $destinationNetworkPath -force -recurse 2>&1 
      $err = $output | ?{$_.gettype().Name -eq "ErrorRecord"} 
       Write-Verbose -Verbose "Error occurred while deleting the destination folder: $err" 

     $robocopyParameters = Get-RoboCopyParameters -additionalArguments $additionalArguments -fileCopy:$isFileCopy -clean:$doCleanUp 

     $command = "robocopy `"$sourceDirectory`" `"$destinationNetworkPath`" `"$filesToCopy`" $robocopyParameters"     
     Invoke-Expression $command   

     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ge 8) 
      $errorMessage = Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_CopyingFailedConsultRobocopyLogsForMoreDetails"    
      ThrowError -errorMessage $errorMessage -fqdn $fqdn    
      $message = (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_CopyingRecurivelyFrom0to1MachineSucceed" -ArgumentList $sourcePath, $targetPath, $fqdn) 
      Write-Output $message    
      $dtl_deleteMap = iex "$netExeCommand use `"$machineShare`" /D /Y"; 
-ArgumentList System.Object[] 
    Invoking Func: { } 
Leaving D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\WindowsMachineFileCopy.ps1. 
Asserting was-called: Invoke-Command 
    Expected times: 1 
    Actual times: 1 

Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\MyFailTest.tests.ps1 

    Describing MyFailTest 

Invoking mock command: Test-Path 
    Arguments: TestDrive:\ 
    Command is stubbed. 
Asserting script block should throw: { 
     throw "I do nothing interesting." 
    [-] Error occurred in Describe block 

     RuntimeException: Actual exception message does not match expected pattern. Expected: Not that message because I want a failure ; Actual: I do nothing interesting. 

     at Assert-Throws, D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\lib\TestHelpersModule\PublicFunctions.ps1: line 67 

     at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\MyFailTest.tests.ps1: line 5 

     at DescribeImpl, D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\Functions\Describe.ps1: line 161 

    Describing MyPassTest 

Invoking mock command: Test-Path 
    Arguments: TestDrive:\ 
    Command is stubbed. 
Asserting script block should throw: { 
     throw "I will pass" 
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: I will pass ; Message: I will pass 
Tests completed in 778ms 

Tests Passed: 0, 
Failed: 1, 
Skipped: 0, 
Pending: 0, 
Inconclusive: 0 

Perform operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' with following parameters, ''namespaceName' = root\cimv2,'className' = Win32_OperatingSystem'. 
Operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' complete. 
##[error]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Pester returned errors 
Processed: ##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Pester returned errors 
##[error]PowerShell script completed with 1 errors. 
##[section]Finishing: Pester Test Runner 

Evaluating condition for step: 'Publish Test Results Test-Pester.XML' 
Evaluating: succeededOrFailed() 
Evaluating succeededOrFailed: 
=> (Boolean) True 
Expanded: True 
Result: True 
##[section]Starting: Publish Test Results Test-Pester.XML 
Task   : Publish Test Results 
Description : Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS 
Version  : 2.0.1 
Author  : Microsoft Corporation 
Help   : [More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742) 
loading inputs and endpoints 
loaded 8 
testRunner: NUnit 
testResultsFiles: Test-Pester.XML 
mergeResults: true 
platform: null 
config: null 
testRunTitle: null 
publishRunAttachments: true 
defaultRoot: 'd:\a\1\s' 
findOptions.followSpecifiedSymbolicLink: 'true' 
findOptions.followSymbolicLinks: 'true' 
matchOptions.debug: 'false' 
matchOptions.nobrace: 'true' 
matchOptions.noglobstar: 'false' 
matchOptions.dot: 'true' 
matchOptions.noext: 'false' 
matchOptions.nocase: 'true' 
matchOptions.nonull: 'false' 
matchOptions.matchBase: 'false' 
matchOptions.nocomment: 'false' 
matchOptions.nonegate: 'false' 
matchOptions.flipNegate: 'false' 
pattern: 'Test-Pester.XML' 
findPath: 'd:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML' 
statOnly: 'true' 
found 1 paths 
applying include pattern 
adjustedPattern: 'd:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML' 
1 matches 
1 final results 
Reading test results from file 'd:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML' 
Processed: ##vso[results.publish type=NUnit;mergeResults=true;publishRunAttachments=true;resultFiles=d:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML;] 
task result: Succeeded 
Processed: ##vso[task.complete result=Succeeded;] 
##[section]Async Command Start: Publish test results 
Publishing test results to test run '17948' 
Test results remaining: 1. Test run id: 17948 
Published Test Run : https://XXXX.visualstudio.com/DevOps/_TestManagement/Runs#runId=17948&_a=runCharts 
##[section]Async Command End: Publish test results 
##[section]Finishing: Publish Test Results Test-Pester.XML 

Können Sie die gesamten Protokolle anzeigen, indem Sie system.debug als wahr in VSTS festlegen? Und ist die Helloworld das vollständige Skript der .test.ps1-Datei, wenn nicht, können Sie das gesamte Skript in der Datei .test.ps1 anzeigen? –


@ MarinaLiu-MSFT Ich habe so viel Protokollierung hinzugefügt, wie das 30k Char-Limit zulassen würde. Ich habe auch das vollständige Skript hinzugefügt. Alles, was in meinem ursprünglichen Beitrag fehlte, war die Cmdlet-Bindung und die Param-Zeilen oben. –


Aber basierend auf dem Pest-Test-Läufer-Protokoll ist das Testergebnis 1 bestanden und 1 fehlgeschlagen. Das Testergebnis zeigt also nur 1 fehlgeschlagenen Test an. Und es Block ist wirklich sollte Block beschreiben, und Sie können es in allen Tests finden.ps1 Beispiele als https://github.com/pester/Pester/wiki/Pester und http://wahlennetwork.com/2016/11/28/building-powershell-unit-tests-pester-using-mock-befehle /. –



Auf Anregung eines Mitarbeiters habe ich versucht, "It" Blöcke um meine Tests hinzufügen. Das schien zu funktionieren. Ich werde dies noch nicht als die Antwort bezeichnen, da ich es in dem Beispiel, von dem ich arbeitete, nicht blockierte. Mein Code sieht jetzt wie folgt aus:


Describe MyFailTest{ 
    It "This will fail, the patterns don't match"{ 
     Assert-Throws { 
      throw "I do nothing interesting." 
     } -MessagePattern "Not that message because I want a failure" 

Describe MyPassTest{ 
    It "This will pass, the patterns do match"{ 
     Assert-Throws { 
      throw "I will pass" 
     } -MessagePattern "I will pass" 
Verwandte Themen